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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. So you formed your opinion without any research at all 👍
  2. https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-568986 trying to tell us you don't have gogoduck or whatever, or any search app in CH ?
  3. Did you ever hear of Google as I found it before I posted the Megan Kelly vid, to ensure it's accuracy.
  4. Not if you want to burn fat for energy.
  5. And yet he signs and executive order, for children to have gender therapy, even alignment surgery, with or without parents consent. Not the wishes of the citizens, and not passed or approved by state representatives.
  6. There's no proof of that. You want to trust your govt, that's your right. I don't believe anything they say, and Nam was 1 big lie,, from beginning to end. Along with pretty much everything else they tell their citizens. Going to Nam wasn't serving your country, it was serving defense contractors. Same as Iraq same as every conflict since WW2.
  7. 2005, so not probable that they were given a short notice, although, doesn't mean he couldn't leave if so, depending what his contract stated. Haven't followed the thread, so couldn't say if he lied or not. Honorable discharge, so what ever happened, it was allowed. Smart man, as only an idiot volunteers for Nam.
  8. US Army gives you 3 months notice for deployment. Before you ask, I enlisted in 1976. And NO, I'm posting a copy of my DD214. So guessing, he dropped out after notification, which, I certainly wouldn't hold against him. Again, who wants to serve in an illegal war, for defense contractor profits.
  9. Electrolytes No Sugar @ LAZ Other vendors ... link maybe Did not peek at any of the products/ingredients. If it has artificial sweeteners, stick with 'aspartame'. Other ones (saccharin, sucralose), you want to avoid.
  10. Key take away, the New York Times .... "may have" ... So no basis for their assumption The Atlantic (source) What Trump’s Draft Deferments Reveal Trump’s story is surprisingly typical of his generation—and that’s the real scandal. By Amy J. Rutenberg President Donald Trump’s Vietnam-era draft deferments made headlines again last week when The New York Times reported that, as a favor to Trump’s father, a Queens podiatrist may have written the letter that led to Trump’s I-Y medical deferment. That the story dropped on the same day as Trump made his first visit as commander in chief to American military forces in a conflict zone certainly makes for some interesting optics. But Trump is hardly unique. By the time Trump received his deferment, young men from privileged backgrounds had come to expect they would be able to avoid active-duty military service. His story says less about the president as an individual than about the choices America has made as a society about who should bear the burden of military service. More than 15 million men of Trump’s generation sought to avoid active-duty military service, including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle. Up to 60 percent of men in the Vietnam generation took active measures to qualify for a deferment from the draft, while up to 90 percent of enlistments in the National Guard were draft-motivated by 1970. ___________________________________________________________ My thoughts ... anyone wanting to avoid that illegal war, more power to them, and they have my deepest respect. You'd have to be an idiot, to go to a foreign land, not by choice, for no reason, to die for the profits of defense contractors.
  11. Link again ... enlighten yourself
  12. Electoral College votes since JFK, and only Trump being the non Dem, in the last 8 elections. (source)
  13. Gender is NOT your sex. You are male or female. Imaginary genders apparently can be anything now. Call yourself whatever you want. But you are male or female, XY or XX. There's a reason there is only 2 colors/choices at a baby's sex/gender reveal party ...
  14. Damn, and I thought I was a CC at times. Curious, so had wife call āļŋ1700 inc. brekkie If curious .. no pets.
  15. Don't think so, never heard of it of the singer. Watch on YT. And y'all said 'Political Science' - Randy Newman was not popular enough Not bad, got a Phil Ochs vibe 👍
  16. For others curious about a natural source ... source As an aside, I started taking a Magnesium (citrate) supplement, as figured I was deficient, as most folks are. It has made a big difference, in my sleep pattern, and always a good thing. Get 6 hours straight with no problem now, and not even needing the prostate P every 2-3 hours. Pretty sure I get a good supply of the rest on the list.
  17. That's my tourist look ... and next time, you're buying the beers 😎
  18. Some folks can't take a hint ... ... and return again and again
  19. ... "suggesting that future disclosures may be forthcoming" I'm on the edge of seat, tell us more I think everyone knows, knew a long time ago, it's one horrible family, with dark roots. Good luck with the book & media sales 👍
  20. Not that anyone is ... ... but, if you ask me, then
  21. They ... may have accepted it in 2017, but I never will. Not what I was taught, and to me, you sound like an idiot if using. It really is too damn confusing in print, in conversation, it's just silly. "assigned female at birth" "in relationship with 'Emma'" - wiki ... so simply gay. Keep it simple, BUT, that wouldn't make a headlines, or get you noticed (hopefully) for those big $$$$ endorsements. Good luck with that, and best wishes for some medals.
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