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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. When spraying yes, as you need to get the viscosity down, or it just won't work. I've sprayed houses & cars, and takes talent. One I haven't mastered. Sprayed a POS car (no loss), in very cool weather, and pro car sprayer next door warned me not to. But it was only getting colder, so had to. Yea ... had a couple runs, though he was impressed it turned out as good, or not so bad as he thought.
  2. More new member wind ups ... the trend continues ... All relative to; ... cheap (define) ... location dependent ... what will or won't be there ... and of course ... "Supply & Demand" If you have to ask ... then NO
  3. Personally I'd avoid the most famous, unless you enjoy crowds & over pricing. Google for list of, Gmap to cross reference reviews & opening times, or start w/Gmaps. YouTube for real life experiences. I'd recommend this YT'er ... "Mickey Stotch"
  4. Not really, and you could simply state "anything less", and or has pedals. Simple enough. Hey ... UP2U ... but I certainly wouldn't cruise by PoPo in a tourist area without being registered/tagged/inspected/insured. That's what that windshield/faring placard is for, to tell them who's legal or not. Now you've entered 'say anything' to justify your thoughts, 100's,,, really. Have a nice day.
  5. That only states what is mandatory to be registered, not the exception to be allowed to operate. All vehicles must be registered to operate on public roads. What other countries allow is irrelevant. Believe what you want, but when PoPo decides to cite you, I wouldn't argue with them. Luckily, with few exceptions, and apparently at tourist destination, the law is ignored for those vehicles that don't look like motorcycles. Those blue things at Patts, certainly do, and hard to ignore. They don't even have pedals. UP2U ... but certainly invites getting cited. As I stated, my ebike (DIY Schwinn conversion) has 1000w motor and will easily do 40 kph, but I keep it around 25 kph, as don't want the attention, especially since I don't wear a helmet. Beside brakes & suspension not made for higher speeds. Before you chime in, I always wear a helmet when riding my E-MC.
  6. For me, this was the ultimate challenge, as I'm petrified of heights, sort of; ... I can't look straight down from a balcony over about 5 stories high, I actually get dizzy and have to back up. Looking out, no problem. ... I can position myself out side a plane's door, and look down 1000's of meters, holding a rail, with 1 foot on the wheel, and thought that was the coolest thing, before jumping off a perfectly good plane ... white rapids, no prob ... swim with 100+ sharks, no cage, no prob ... jump of a ledge tied to a rubber band, and yea, made the mistake of looking down before I did it. Had to force myself to keep eyes open all the way down, then back up, then down, then up, then down again. It is a rubber band ... laughing my A$$ of the whole time. ... for reference, I was a chimney sweep, and going from ladder to roof was scary as hell. Once on the rood, I could walk to around, any part of it, no prob. None of it makes sense.
  7. You might be surprised ... that closet is pretty darn large. Come out ... and you'll find friends you never suspected ...
  8. Both come in quite handy ... ... Yellow to avoid CoR when required (if accepted) ... Pink to avoid everyone paging through your PP; accepted at most hotels if they even want ID from me, which is rare (wife checks in, not me) ... Pink for having address on it, avoids more questions, confusion & mistakes YMMV with usage & acceptance, so carry your PP with you also, it is the law...IMHO IMHO, stated as I know others have a different opinion, and I tire of that discussion
  9. Nation news-blip is nothing more than an op-ed, as no source provided.
  10. You guys are really reaching, and still way off topic. One of the only threads I enjoy coming on AN to read, and really is ruined by you trolls. ICE vs EV ... COULD YOU PLEASE START USING IT, or back to the ignore list with you all.
  11. I read that as the minimums to be registered, and anything else is illegal. And not legal, simply because it's smaller, as anything with 2 or 3 wheels that is motorized IS a motorcycle/mb. And must be registered. This blip simply states the minimums to be registered. Not registered, not allowed to operate on public roads. edit: just saw Smoking Joe's link, a better translation and verifies what I thought, and nothing resembles the nation new-blip. Matter of fact, it did add the term bicycle to be included as a MC/MB ... ... "“Motorcycle” means a vehicle driven by motor or electric power with not more than two wheels, or not more than an additional wheel in a sidecar, and shall include a bicycle equipped with motor driven devices"
  12. Why post something you obviously don't understand at all. As pointed out already, they are not the same.
  13. In the past, used Trend, though now it would be a waste of money, as Windows Security (defender ?) works fine.
  14. Buying or renting ? Always liked the Delaware Water Gap (PA) area. Rent $500 & up Buy $50k & up So $5000 a month would be easy.
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if Grab has an added service fee for airport runs, though probably still better than any flat fees the taxis would charge, that they aren't suppose to. Contract probably cost them a few baht ... and there's no free lunch
  16. If young & intelligent, why would they want the job. By the time intelligent people are 35+, they probably make more than the president's salary, without the headache.
  17. How is my low living monthly living expenses sad. I think most would love to not have all the monthly bills that they have. Who wouldn't want no mortgage/rent, car payment, PEA/MEA bill, and petrol bill for the vehicles. That adds up to quite a bit saved. We have water bill, internet / phone, and small connection fee from PEA (27 baht), unless using, which is rare. Food and any meds if needed.
  18. AoT is a private company, and can award contracts to who ever they please. Control the 10 international airport in Thailand. Finally some competition from taxis allowed. It's a good thing people.
  19. I find it strange that people trust new 'service', thinking it's private or secure from prying eyes. It may have even been set up be the very people they are trying to avoid. Same with VPNs. Remember decades ago, my CC were having high balance, which were always paid on time and never a minimum payment, as used them mainly for investing. Then came adverts, for "in trouble, let us help" companies that sprung up. Hook for me was, "we negotiate your principle and save you money" Thinking, hmm, OK, I'll give it try, nothing to lose. All they did (for free / red flag), was add up you minimum payment, and request a check for that amount, and they paid you debt for you. Thought strange as I never paid minimum payments, as hated interest, and always paid off ASAP. One payment cycle, and all my CC were being cancelled. Say what .. ring them up, and they have no reason to cancel, and can't give me one, as if not paying off before interest charged, I'd pay them after selling or refinancing what I used them for. I realized what it was, a company set up by the CC companies to give them a heads up, for people in financial trouble, that only made their minimum payments and were in CC hell. Not me or how I used them. From my payments, they should have realized that. Worked out great for me, as I have just bought a house using them (cash advance) and had a high balance. Called each one, and none reinstated my CC, but demanded payment in full ASAP. I told them all to F'off, as they breached the contract to provide credit if I paid. Restore my CC and I'll pay, as I please, within the contract. Strangely all denied, as I guess they thought I was going to tap out the credit lines and not pay. And strangely, when pointed out, they breached the contract, not me, they never tried to collect the balance. Best thing that ever happened. As at that point, I no longer need CC anyway, as one of the last houses I bought. After that, I realized not to trust any company, and their BS. Want privacy, use us ... yea right.
  20. To the title ... I thought the only 4 yrs of Trump was refreshing, and a nice change from the tyranny imposed by all the other administrations (except Carter) that people had to deal with.
  21. Unfortunately it will never happen. As MSM is controlled by people who want everyone distracted, and labels are the best way to keep everyone divisive. They create special interest groups, who supposedly push for equality, but do the complete opposite, and endorse segregation and identities. Everyone has to have a label, even the non cis, has how many letters. So many I just refer to them as the alphabet folks. For humor, and I can't keep track, and don't care to. All these special interest groups cry about not being accepted, but want special notice; pride month, black's month, woman's month. Actually a good thing in a way, as actually shows who the true bigots are. I try to avoid people that use label, for anything, as don't wan to be around bigots. People are the same worldwide, as I found little to now difference, even they some push 'their culture'. All a bit silly. We're all human, only difference, is some are male, some female. The rest is label, and one people probably should stop using, if ever wanting peace in the world. On topic ... all have always interested me when I'm singe, being pansexual, I like having sex with anyone & everyone PARTY ON
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