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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Do you refer to filenames or date/time from the EXIF data in the files? I always do automatic renaming after copying pictures based on EXIF data. Of course if the time/date setting in the camera/phone was wrong this won't help (maybe in your case)
  2. Why should immigration not know their own rule? Just make sure that it is 45 days incl day of arrival and departure. And as ubonjoe writes: be more concerned about unknowing airline. Reference for airlines is IATA Timatic database. This site seems to allow query for passengers: https://skyteam.traveldoc.aero/ I just did an example: London - Bangkok, UK passport, no visa Depart Oct 7th, arrive Oct 8th Depart Nov 20th (21st would be the maximum if arrival date is considered). "You are clear to board this flight". (click on picture for full size)
  3. Just seen on TV news. Terrible. Firing tear gas in a football stadium! Latest number of victims 129.
  4. Ordinary tourist >visa< allowed 60 days.
  5. Pictures taken July 3rd 2022, at 18:34 and 18:38. 0.05 to 0.06 difference. That's 60 Baht for 1000 Dollars.
  6. Well, if you call 0.03 to 0.05 per USD/EUR/GBP "way better" then yes. I would call it a tidbit better. Worth the walk if it's about significant amounts. Otherwise a small bottle of water for the walk will eat up the difference. But indeed on last visit no exchange beat Damini in Soi Post (13/2). I read that they are open 24/7. Didn't notice that.
  7. To my knowledge there is no 60 days permission for any national arriving visa exempt.
  8. Even 90 days although "oblomov" does not sound Latin American or South Korean
  9. I know. Just wanted to point out that father/family must be financially sound. She doesn't speak Thai. Sounds like there are no plans to stay indefinitely.
  10. Which in a way sounds more plausible and alarming! How many would be affected by 28k USD and the like? They seem to have serious deficits with their web editing. The anonymous website showed the 28k foreign currency warning this morning. NOW CORRECTED Quick and dirty, English only where it was German before.
  11. Tried hard but no clue. Quite proper with nice pool, modern windows on the balcony. "Beijing" time clock and "Golden" classy kitsch at the reception. Some love it. Girl at international school. Not a low cost long stay to my opinion.
  12. You haven't heard German health minister. Mr. Panic himself.
  13. Same limit for: GBP. USD, EUR. CHF... Maybe more?
  14. Strange similarity to the other thread about 28000 GBP.
  15. Correct and obvious after reading equivalent text in German. Just enough for my monthly expenses ,,????
  16. At Lazada in May. From this shop: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i977508811-s10371293227.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1 30 Mbps is 1690. But there are many offers for all providers on Lazada. Quite confusing. I managed to register the SIM online without visiting DTAC shop. But it was a bit teduious, repeated attempts to scan QR and passport upload... If all fails visit DTAC shop with passport.
  17. Just notice how old this thread is and how deranged ????
  18. A good move if enforced. It's annoying to approach this wannabee pharmacies in malls and just see the blinds with the pharmaceuticals down. Better close them totally as usual drugstore stuff is available everywhere.
  19. They might be fooled by the fact that data is actually coming through WiFi at certain places like big shopping malls. Learned that from a shop owner at Tukcom when my friend purchased a 15 Mbit/s card and test showed some 50 Mbit/s. Also throttling may be lifted temporarily depending on total load/time of day etc. Not at DTAC, never experienced.
  20. I have a DTAC SIM, 15 Mbit/s, one year, 1390 Baht or so. testmynet will usually test against some "real world" server outside of Thailand/overseas and the result is not surprising to me. The provider will guarantee the rate only testing against their own domestic servers. And thats what my SIM supplies (15 Mbit). It's good for my purpose when "on the road" (listening to radio, reading/browsing news, mail, text/video chat). It even does reasonable video streaming from the big players (youtube and the like). BUT: be aware that the UPLOAD speed can be very bad depending on the signal strength/distance of your phone to cellular station. Bad upload on the cell phone usually spoils video chat experience. If you use the phone mostly in city/populate areas this might not be a problem. But countrywide the DTAC coverage is still behind AIS e.g. Calls to all networks are free, limited to 60 min/month with my card. Next year I will look at AIS for the better coverage.
  21. Looks like this on my phone (in German but should be obvious). Red circle around WiFi (on) and mobile data (off). That is the method to stop it by phone setting.
  22. Obviously lost in translation. "home network" sounds like WiFi. Turn >ON< of course (if you have). On a Samsung phone you find the functions in the "swipe down" menu. Swiping down from the upper display edge.
  23. Exactly that. Blocks mobile internet on the provider (AIS) side independent of any phone settings. 300 Baht: AIS always eats up to 10 Baht. Then sends an SMS message about it (she should see that!). And then continues with a very low data rate for the rest of 24h.
  24. Ok. So now a more complicated check. Plastic notes are off limits for spending now ????
  25. Interesting how they point and name the printing company which is very unlikely responsible for the mess. A Thai company would not be named due to the defamation laws. DLR should try a defamation charge ????
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