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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. I was considering to write about these new rip-offs springing up like mushrooms. Simple rule: if you can't read rates clearly displayed from the footpath/road stay away. They have the rates on a small letter size sheet. If you step close they will nearly drag you into the booth BTW I saw a new (to me) exchange in Soi Post called Damini Exchange. If you hunt for the last few satangs go there (0.05 to 0.06 better then TT). 3rd of July in the evening: TT shortly after:
  2. All I can say is that they clearly state it at some ATMs. And I once tried 50k with my Kasikorn card and that worked. Maybe they have an arbitrarily limit for foreign cards like AEON (20k). Who knows?
  3. Hungry Panda & The Grill, Soi Lengkee During one of the deepest lock-down times I was there and got excellent Australian sirloin for 295 Baht! Medium rare as ordered which rarely works with the cheap places (always done to death). These times are over, same now closer to 500. (seen last week) Prices of March 7, 2021, NOT now
  4. Sharp eye But I hope it's just lax "wording" ($$). Otherwise can someone delete all my answers
  5. What is so good with AEON these days? Yes they have a fee of 150 as far as I remember. But they limit withdraw to 20k even though the big ATMs could spend 100 notes. That's 0.75%. If you can withdraw 30k at another bank where is the difference? 220/30000 = 0.73%. And there are ATMs that spend 50k (many or most Kasikorn). Has someone tried ones luck? (I have no need for foreign card withdrawal since long)
  6. Worth a try though I am surprised they took it that easy.
  7. Fully agree. Why try such a complicated transfer for a bike of 10k estimated value? You can drive, pay tax, do inspection. The transfer would make sense only if you want to sell it again? I have doubts about some of the above "easy/peasy" tips. In Thailand seller and buyer either have to sign the transfer/sale document at DLT in person or otherwise the signature of the absent person has to be "notarized" at the district office (amphoe). I would be concerned if some signature and ID photocopies in an ordinary letter are enough to transfer ownership.
  8. My credit card also has no fees for transactions (payments) overseas. That makes it attractive for cashless payment compared to withdrawing money to pay cash. Don't know whether there are still merchants who are frightened by foreign credit cards as they loose fees for the credit card company (just a shift from you to the merchant). Offering you some discount on cash payment only?
  9. There is no way around the 220 Baht which is simply added to the withdrawal amount. E.g. instead of 20000 the Thai bank charges 20220 to your card. Reimbursement is the key word. For my German bank they have stopped reimbursement for Thailand long ago. That simply means that "your" bank does not charge a transaction fee in your currency. Indeed applies to many banks/cards but no way to avoid the 220 Baht. Rates is a separate topic. Most cards will either be VISA or Mastercard which have their own exchange tables. Not too bad but of course below the currency market rates.
  10. Dollar rising. Saw a headline "Euro on 20 year low against the Dollar, near parity". Having Euro pension I feel no euphoria about a Baht slide. Was happy to catch 37.29 for my last transfer. Now dropped below 37 again.
  11. Just looked up some prices to Germany in September. Seen some acceptable connection for like 670 Euro (~25000 Baht). I think the general rule applies: book for low season September/October. Might help to know where in Europe you prefer to go. Portugal or Poland, Sweden or Greece. Quite a difference. Right now? Don't! What a mess at many airports. Understaffed, chaotic. Summer holiday season. I wouldn't go for free.
  12. Many positive reports about AIS fiber on the forum here. They offer mesh WiFi up here in the village. The mobile network still has best coverage (I have an AIS and a DTAC SIM and DTAC rarely comes close). No reason to assume that the quality will go down after merging with 3BB. Prices/competition is a different matter.
  13. But living unharmed in Australia? Ever thought that a former criminal has served his sentence/verdict? Is he blacklisted by Thailand? There are so many active gangsters and short fused guys in Pattaya. I can abstain from laughing at some ugly tattoos of a steroid muscle man.
  14. As above "Cashless" society, internet banking takes away a lot of traditional branch business. Compare: Deutsche Bank has no more cash at most of their branches. I was somewhat puzzled to read this.
  15. Obviously a major shrinking is on the way with some Thai banks (maybe more to follow). Kasikorn has already reduced branches and ATM locations here and elsewhere.
  16. There is no difference in money received and unlikely differences in timing. I always used Bangkok Bank and money arrived as expected. With the current problems with online banking at Bangkok Bank you might consider Kasikorn.
  17. From what I read about other Indian venues I would need serious noise protection or become deaf.
  18. Just noticed that I can open the site using DTAC mobile internet BUT trying to connect from a hotel Wifi (no details in public) gives nothing but a 403. Other sites work.
  19. 6:57 AM after numerous attempts first successful. Quickly moved a 6 digit sum to Kasikorn.
  20. It's 6:30 on a Saturday morning and nothing works for me at Bangkok Bank online! App login fails silent after some spinning wheel. That's more than a payday overload. The only thing that works is the quick balance function. Got 2000 Baht transferred from Kasikorn and it's added. Seems the "core" works. Will there be a rush to the branches? Empty ATMs? Kasikorn and SCB were OK.
  21. A recommended company is Nakhonchai. https://www2.nakhonchaiair.com/view/busroute-กรุงเทพฯ-1-ขอนแก่น https://goo.gl/maps/a5iLaVahSfRwFMxcA
  22. Bangkok Bank app and website just worked. Seems the situation comes back to normal.
  23. No. Plain DTAC. BTW: I could login via the desktop website for once. Using desktop website on the mobile is not fun. But too lazy to get out the notebook (not at home currently).
  24. No idea why it works for some. Bangkok Bank, 12:25 in Pattaya. DTAC mobile.
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