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'Disaster looms,' says head of UK's anti-Brexit party


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'Disaster looms,' says head of UK's anti-Brexit party

By William James



Vince Cable, the leader of Britain's Liberal Democrat Party, appears on the BBC's Marr Show in London, September 17, 2017. Jeff Overs/BBC handout via REUTERS


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Liberal Democrats are to set out on Tuesday their plan to stop Brexit, with party leader Vince Cable appealing to opponents in all parties to put aside "tribal differences" and fight a divorce from the European Union.


The fourth largest party with 12 representatives in the 650-seat parliament, the Liberal Democrats are hoping to become the lightning rod for any rise in anti-Brexit sentiment as Prime Minister Theresa May's government edges closer to leaving the EU in March 2019.


Cable, who held one of the most senior roles in the 2010 to 2015 Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government, has redoubled his party's criticism of the decision to leave the EU since becoming party leader in July.


"A disaster looms: Brexit," Cable will say in his address to the party's autumn conference.


"In the real world, we have yet to experience the full impact of leaving Europe. But we have a taste of what is to come in the fall of the value of the pound," advance extracts of Cable's speech said.


A former business minister, Cable will urge a new referendum be held and argue that a fall in sterling shows the damage leaving the EU will do.


Sterling <GBP=D3> fell by as much as 20 percent against the dollar in the months following last June's EU referendum. It has recovered around half those losses, in part thanks to increasing expectations of an interest rate hike to ease inflation, but the pound is still 9 percent down on pre-Brexit levels.  


"Foreign exchange dealers are not point scoring politicians. Their cold, hard, unsentimental judgment has been, quite simply, that Brexit Britain will be poorer and weaker after Brexit than if we had decided to stay in Europe," Cable will say.




Opposition to Brexit - Britain's most far-reaching policy decision in decades - has been emboldened after May failed to win a clear mandate for her exit strategy at a snap election in June. She lost her majority in parliament but kept power thanks to a deal with a small Northern Irish party.


Cable will say Britons have a democratic right to a second referendum once the final terms of the Brexit deal become clear.


"We believe the public have a right to change their mind," he will say.


Cable, whose centrist party went from junior coalition partners to near extinction in a 2015 election, made only small political gains in the June election having set their stall out as the most pro-EU party in British politics.


But, Cable has previously said he expects dissatisfaction with Brexit to grow as the negotiations develop, and will on Tuesday call for opponents from all parties to come together to oppose the divorce.


"We have to put aside tribal differences and work alongside like-minded people to keep the Single Market and Customs Union, essential for trade and jobs," he will say.


(Reporting by William James; Editing by Richard Balmforth)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-19
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when will the remain camp, get over it and move on, now get the best deal possible or no deal and no divorce money, the MP's are like a bunch of  children. Stop worrying about the 1 million in Europe, and  the 3 million in the UK, they will have to make the best of it.

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Once the details of Brexit are known and if the pound does not recover, won't a second referendum show all this was a big waste of time and money?

I would think it's almost inevitable that a 2nd referendum will have to be held on the outcome of any Brexit deal, and hopefully the British people will see sense this time!
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15 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I would think it's almost inevitable that a 2nd referendum will have to be held on the outcome of any Brexit deal, and hopefully the British people will see sense this time!

Vote til they get it right, right?

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11 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I would think it's almost inevitable that a 2nd referendum will have to be held on the outcome of any Brexit deal, and hopefully the British people will see sense this time!

We did see sense, that's why we are giving the evil European dictatorship the heave-ho ! There will be no 2nd referendum. About time the remoaners just shut up and accepted they lost. 

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1 minute ago, inThailand said:

Voting for Brexit was like voting for Trump.

Reality is setting in and you don't like what your seeing!

It is the remoaners who don't like what they are seeing. 


Both the result of the American election and the UK referendum were democratic. If you don't like democracy, i am sure you can find a country that is not democratic to go live in, good luck.

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Another point of view.

Why are the Brexeteers so afraid of a second voting :whistling: ? It's not a voting about a soccer club. It's too important for UK's future.


If they win again, it's confirmed by the majority of the voters. All okay.


But if they lose - what they are afraid of - it is confirmed that they have been deceived by some blockheads,  as Johnson for example. It would be a correction by the MAJORITY, who now  know more about the real problems and  about the former propaganda for Brexit. The last election already showed this tendency.


Edited by puck2
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13 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Another point of view.

Why are the Brexeteers so afraid of a second voting :whistling: ? It's not a voting about a soccer club. It's too important for UK's future.


If they win again, it's confirmed by the majority of the voters. All okay.


But if they lose - what they are afraid of - it is confirmed that they have been deceived by some blockheads,  as Johnson for example. It would be a correction by the MAJORITY, who now  know more about the real problems and  about the former propaganda for Brexit. The last election already showed this tendency.


Are you from the UK? we don't have soccer clubs it's called football.

We want out of the EU it's called OUT... I can sit down with you and give loads of reasons why I voted out IF you would listen...

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5 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Another point of view.

Why are the Brexeteers so afraid of a second voting :whistling: ? It's not a voting about a soccer club. It's too important for UK's future.


If they win again, it's confirmed by the majority of the voters. All okay.


But if they lose - what they are afraid of - it is confirmed that they have been deceived by some blockheads,  as Johnson for example. It would be a correction by the MAJORITY, who now  know more about the real problems and not about the former propaganda for Brexit. .


There was propaganda from both sides before the last referendum, and if there is a second one (or a third, or a fourth...), it will be no different. There will still be lies and mistruths propagated aplenty from both sides. There will never be this magical propaganda-free referendum with only the pure facts spoken, that you seem to believe in. It will always be up to the public to sift through all the nonsense and come to their own decision. It's what you did i presume? Why do you think that people who voted out weren't capable of doing that too? It's a touch arrogant don't you think? Have you ever considered for a moment that maybe it was you who was duped into voting the wrong way?


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2 minutes ago, Kenegg said:

Are you from the UK? we don't have soccer clubs it's called football.

We want out of the EU it's called OUT... I can sit down with you and give loads of reasons why I voted out IF you would listen...

Would you like to repeat Johnson's bla-bla, re. partly alternative facts?

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1 hour ago, Kenegg said:

Or vote til you get the answer you want.. we voted out because  we have had enough of stupid EU decision making and the EU gravy train when will YOU see sense!

That's what my post meant. What is wrong with YOU?

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42 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Another point of view.

Why are the Brexeteers so afraid of a second voting :whistling: ? It's not a voting about a soccer club. It's too important for UK's future.


If they win again, it's confirmed by the majority of the voters. All okay.


But if they lose - what they are afraid of - it is confirmed that they have been deceived by some blockheads,  as Johnson for example. It would be a correction by the MAJORITY, who now  know more about the real problems and  about the former propaganda for Brexit. The last election already showed this tendency.


OK once again for those who either blind, deaf or just can't accept what the man said who called for an EU referendum. Watch again or you could be considered something different than what I put. It begins with St and ends in upid.



He said it more times but I don't want to fill up the page. I hope you don't say that you didn't know what you voted for. If you didn't maybe you don't deserve a vote. I knew exactly as everyone else did. It has been done to death on these forums. It is desperadoes like Vince Cable and others who  arte embarrassing themselves. Accept the decision, stop talking rubbish about another referendum in one of the Worlds oldest and best democracies IMHO and move on. If not move country.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
The Grammar Police might get me.
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38 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Another point of view.

Why are the Brexeteers so afraid of a second voting :whistling: ? It's not a voting about a soccer club. It's too important for UK's future.


If they win again, it's confirmed by the majority of the voters. All okay.


But if they lose - what they are afraid of - it is confirmed that they have been deceived by some blockheads,  as Johnson for example. It would be a correction by the MAJORITY, who now  know more about the real problems and  about the former propaganda for Brexit. The last election already showed this tendency.


Who's afraid. Just wanting to democracy in action. Vote and follow the decision, easy! The rest is twaddle, transition period being the worst. That is what article 50 was for,  to give time to deal with it.

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21 minutes ago, Kenegg said:

Are you from the UK? we don't have soccer clubs it's called football.

We want out of the EU it's called OUT... I can sit down with you and give loads of reasons why I voted out IF you would listen...

I wouldn't waste your breath. Anyone who calls it soccer isn't worth reasoning with.:passifier:

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