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Foreign dad visits former Miss Teen Thailand daughter on drugs charge


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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

I wouldn't bring a bulky envelope... I'd just say to her, you're old enough to get into trouble, you're old enough to get yourself out of it !!!

If you can't get out of it I'll see you when you're released... in a few years time when you might have had time to mature & reflect on your actions.

She was brought up and educated enough to know better, so why waste more cash... save it for his own retirement.

I always say "if you can't do the time don't do the crime"... that applies to all others & my own kids !!

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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

If it was my Daughter and she dealt drugs i would be ashamed of her and NOT help her.


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38 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

I wouldn't bring a bulky envelope... I'd just say to her, you're old enough to get into trouble, you're old enough to get yourself out of it !!!

If you can't get out of it I'll see you when you're released... in a few years time when you might have had time to mature & reflect on your actions.

She was brought up and educated enough to know better, so why waste more cash... save it for his own retirement.

I always say "if you can't do the time don't do the crime"... that applies to all others & my own kids !!

My Sentiments exactly.

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3 hours ago, Songlaw said:



I agree with you. I can remember a time in the distant past when pre-emptive type interventions could and did fairly reliably happen, at least in my experience due to a generally benign attitude that surrounded small-town policing. Though city experiences were often less forgiving. The problem here is that this is not then, nor are we in anything close to any of those places. Everyone sees to forget that things have a tendency to get out of hand at an alarming

rate here and usually do.


As for the holier-than-though crowd? I'd be dead before they (or any of you nitwits) would have any chance in hell to subjecting my daughter to this draconian clusterf*ck of a justice system, unimpeded. There's always a way out when it comes to your kids. Some of you know what I mean. You must operate under this principle if you are to father a child in this part of the world. If you are not genetically driven and pre-programmed to do this, return to whatever swill-fest you called home, raise your already deprived litter, and leave the men to do what we must for our progeny here.


The sensible among us should hope against hope that daddy-dearest has sufficient emotional investment and financial wherewithal to go the distance for his daughter. He will need to be a powerful enough force to 'will' her into an improved situation and way of looking at things once this is dispensed with, but for the moment he needs to focus on preventing what we all know is nearly-inevitable. With the a**swipes on this site already taking shots at her as a 'privileged luk krung' what chance would she possibly stand among the Thai, "in-house?" Sometimes this site turns even my lead-lined stomach. A**holes.


So that's a least 2 pro- corruption posters so far and I've still got a few pages to go! Perhaps that why they live in Thailand? Fit right in.


I hope my kids will never get into this sort of trouble.

But I invested my time, money and energy when they were young so it would not happen. Better to do it then than have to do it later when they fall foul of the law.


In case nobody has pointed it out to Lannaguy - go read the article again. They admitted buying 100g for 40,000 baht and selling it for 800 baht per gram. Clearly dealing by their own admission.

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3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

So that's a least 2 pro- corruption posters so far and I've still got a few pages to go! Perhaps that why they live in Thailand? Fit right in.


I hope my kids will never get into this sort of trouble.

But I invested my time, money and energy when they were young so it would not happen. Better to do it then than have to do it later when they fall foul of the law.


In case nobody has pointed it out to Lannaguy - go read the article again. They admitted buying 100g for 40,000 baht and selling it for 800 baht per gram. Clearly dealing by their own admission.

Your presumptuousness is only exceeded by your inability to grasp anything beyond the superficial (and nauseatingly idyllic) 'reality' in which you exist. How's this for some unsolicited advice: Don't have kids and consider keeping your myopia under wraps. 

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3 hours ago, Loaded said:

The kid did a stupid thing.


Hands up who didn't do stupid things when they had less experience of life.


In fact, I see dumb western men, who should know better, every day doing stupid things in Thailand - marrying Issan bar girls, riding motorbikes while drunk, wearing socks in sandals...

First up let's stop this 'kid' nonsense. She is a grown up adult woman of 28 years.


Yes I did stupid things when I was younger - still do some now - but nothing that will have me looking at being locked up for 30 or more years.


Anyone (particularly native people) should be aware of the laws and penalties in the country they live.

It is unlikely these two will get the death sentences. In other SEA countries it could be a distinct possibility.


They didn't get busted with a half smoked joint or a bong. They got busted for dealing, by their own admission, in what some posters term Class A drugs.


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7 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

Your presumptuousness is only exceeded by your inability to grasp anything beyond the superficial (and nauseatingly idyllic) 'reality' in which you exist. How's this for some unsolicited advice: Don't have kids and consider keeping your myopia under wraps. 

Listen old son.....the reality I live in is called the real world not some fantasy land of your imagination where , it seems, anyone can do anything without consequences.

I have two great kids (both now in their 30's) of whom I am extremely proud and I make no apologies for raising them to my standards of expectation.

I certainly won't be apologising to an internet troll.

And I certainly won't be taking any advice from one either. 

How many of your kids have been jailed?

None of mine have.

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3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Listen old son.....the reality I live in is called the real world not some fantasy land of your imagination where , it seems, anyone can do anything without consequences.

I have two great kids (both now in their 30's) of whom I am extremely proud and I make no apologies for raising them to my standards of expectation.

I certainly won't be apologising to an internet troll.

And I certainly won't be taking any advice from one either. 

How many of your kids have been jailed?

None of mine have.

One last bit of unsolicited advice: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. It just gets worse for you with each shovelful/keystroke. But by all means, babble on.

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Just now, Songlaw said:

One last bit of unsolicited advice: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. It just gets worse for you with each shovelful/keystroke. But by all means, babble on.

You need to seek professional help.

Your disjointed waffling makes little sense.

Drugs affecting your cognitive processes?


Please no more advice from you. You are doing enough babbling for the both of us.



Sorry, I forgot you seem to be one with little regard for laws and seemingly TVF rules.

Hopefully a mod will point out the error of your ways.

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19 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

First up let's stop this 'kid' nonsense. She is a grown up adult woman of 28 years.


Yes I did stupid things when I was younger - still do some now - but nothing that will have me looking at being locked up for 30 or more years.


Anyone (particularly native people) should be aware of the laws and penalties in the country they live.

It is unlikely these two will get the death sentences. In other SEA countries it could be a distinct possibility.


They didn't get busted with a half smoked joint or a bong. They got busted for dealing, by their own admission, in what some posters term Class A drugs.


known as class1 in Thailand....

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Both side of the argument have valid points.  I do not like the use of drugs such as cocaine; heroin or other highly addictive substances. Even cigarettes are addictive.  IMHO, the way to stop everything that surrounds the use of drugs is to decriminalize them and take mild substances like marijuana and make it legal.


At the same time, there needs to be a massive public relations campaign explaining why the use of any addictive substance is bad for a person and a very directed campaign to help the addicted kick the habit.  Marijuana should be able to be purchased at a pharmacy as well as other  'addictive' substances with a doctor's prescription.  Once we get the criminality out of the picture- there will be no pushers nor drug cartels or mafia. At the same time anyone in prison for the use or sale of drugs should be paroled.  the simple fact is that law enforcement; courts; judges and prisons have an interest in keeping the law as it is-  and it is financial .  The monies saved from having less enforcement; less courts; less prisons can be put into prevention  and rehab programs for addicts.


Drug usage should be treated the same as alcohol. If you use while driving you suffer the same fate as drink driving; if you come to the job stoned- yo're fired or sent to rehab. The only difference I would make versus drugs and alcohol is that all drug consumption would be in private, one's home and never in a public setting.


The current laws and system are not working. Even when drug addicts are killed by the government- others take their place. Unfortunately the actress and her boyfriend well know that selling drugs in Thailand at present is a major crime. They acted foolishly and have to pay some price. At least a  suspended sentence and  community service-possibly at a rural drug rehab center.

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10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

He should have used his initiative, and brought an exceedingly bulky envelope instead !

" exceedingly bulky envelope ?  This is just adding to the already inherent corruption that exists in Thailand and most of South East Asia and Should not be condoned or even  considered  Drugs are a curse and anyone dealing in them should be prepared to face the consequences.

Edited by UglyBug
Missed some words
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18 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

You need to seek professional help.

Your disjointed waffling makes little sense.

Drugs affecting your cognitive processes?


Please no more advice from you. You are doing enough babbling for the both of us.



Sorry, I forgot you seem to be one with little regard for laws and seemingly TVF rules.

Hopefully a mod will point out the error of your ways.


Too bad I'm not allowed more advice. I might have suggested a dictionary. In seriousness, you use words as if they have no meaning whatsoever. For example, with a dictionary, one could conceivably learn that trolling is not a synonym for responding, and that flaming, as far as I know, is generally considered a slur against gay people. It's been fun.

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46 minutes ago, UglyBug said:

" exceedingly bulky envelope ?  This is just adding to the already inherent corruption that exists in Thailand and most of South East Asia and Should not be condoned or even  considered  Drugs are a curse and anyone dealing in them should be prepared to face the consequences.

Once she gets bail she can flee thailand.

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22 minutes ago, thhMan said:

I wonder how many lives where destroyed by this wretched girl?

I hope the parents of those she sold her "drugs" to are there and sitting right beside her dad when in court!

They will be destroyed, When they find out their connection is in jail. And they cant score.

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It doesn't look good for Amy.  Her boyfriend was informed on by a customer who got busted and police caught the pair of them red handed with the drugs in the house.  It seems that she has already admitted that she was involved in the dealing with her boyfriend and didn't just insist on her right to remain silent and only testify in court.  That is going to make it a tough job for a lawyer to reduce her charge to drug use only and restrict the dealing charge to the boyfriend.  It sounds as if the boyfriend was the main player in the dealing and that she got involved just to have free drugs, although this wouldn't make her less culpable of dealing.


It shows how dangerous life in the fast lane is in Thailand. A lot of the people who take and deal in drugs are untouchable and are left alone by the police.  That may give others in the fast set the impression they can do the same but these two are not untouchables.  I feel sorry for the farang dad.  Having your look krung daughter win a beauty competition and become a starlet, based purely on mixed race looks but not brains or talent, is a mixed blessing.  He must be thinking he should have persuaded her to train for a sensible career in his home country instead of pursuing fool's stardust in Thailand.      

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3 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

In other words, you think the law doesn't apply to you or your family?  Typical attitude of the elites.

Then when we hear about school teachers involved in all kinds of vice and wonder how they slipped through the checks and end up working with children....now we know.

By no means am I an elite, but when it comes to me and mine I am a bear. There are laws and then there are laws and corruption flows both ways even in the  creation of laws. IMO The drug laws in many countries are more politically motivated than ethically. It is the responsibility of any parent to protect his/hers child from unethical laws by any means available.

. Those who say otherwise either don't have a children or love the law more than their children.

3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

I wouldn't bring a bulky envelope... I'd just say to her, you're old enough to get into trouble, you're old enough to get yourself out of it !!!

If you can't get out of it I'll see you when you're released... in a few years time when you might have had time to mature & reflect on your actions.

She was brought up and educated enough to know better, so why waste more cash... save it for his own retirement.

I always say "if you can't do the time don't do the crime"... that applies to all others & my own kids !!

My friend IMO you would give up on your child way to easily.

but from the tone of your reply I am willing to bet that you dont have ny children, but if I was to lose that bet I would feel worst for your children than for me losing that bet.

2 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

If it was my Daughter and she dealt drugs i would be ashamed of her and NOT help her.


I guess it all depend on the relationship you have with your daughter

My daughter never dealt drugs, but even if she did I would not give up on her that easily.

I don't know the particulars of the OP story, at this point all the charges are alleged, otherwise why waste all these time and money on a judicial system.I admire her Dad for doing the right thing and coming to Thailand to support his Daughter, I would do the same.


Edited by sirineou
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38 minutes ago, sirineou said:

By no means am I an elite, but when it comes to me and mine I am a bear. There are laws and then there are laws and corruption flows both ways even in the  creation of laws. IMO The drug laws in many countries are more politically motivated than ethically. It is the responsibility of any parent to protect his/hers child from unethical laws by any means available.

. Those who say otherwise either don't have a children or love the law more than their children.

My friend IMO you would give up on your child way to easily.

but from the tone of your reply I am willing to bet that you dont have ny children, but if I was to lose that bet I would feel worst for your children than for me losing that bet.

I guess it all depend on the relationship you have with your daughter

My daughter never dealt drugs, but even if she did I would not give up on her that easily.

I don't know the particulars of the OP story, at this point all the charges are alleged, otherwise why waste all these time and money on a judicial system.I admire her Dad for doing the right thing and coming to Thailand to support his Daughter, I would do the same.


Bingo, sirineou. In my original response, I intimated that it will be the father's responsibility, once he has gotten her out of harm's way (dispensing with the SO would be key in any sort of long-term success), to make sure this nonsensical chapter ends, and by whatever means he deems necessary to do so. It ain't ever easy, and it differs from kid to kid, but you have to either find a way or pretty much die trying. Maybe you don't go nearly so far for a son, but certainly with a daughter, and especially so with one who is facing a Bang Kwang-based, foreseeable future. For someone who has never had a daughter, or is perhaps incapable of relating to a daughter, I guess our contributions to this thread will appear as gibberish. A pity, that, but you *can't put sense where none lies. 

Edited by Songlaw
word omission
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12 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

me too. id probably be willing to kill for my daughter.

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8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Right, but this dad is living abroad and appears to be one of those deadbeat father`s who has let his daughter make her own way in life. How long does he intend to remain in Thailand to support his daughter? If she does go to jail will he still remain in Thailand or only visit her if he has time to come over and visit?

where do you get that, the woman is 28? Deadbeat?

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6 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Which part of  : Amelia "Amy" Jacobs, 28, was arrested Tuesday with her 40 year old boyfriend Punyawat with a stash of "ice" or crystal meth and ecstasy tablets


is confusing YOU?   and where does "dealing in heavy drugs"  come in?   beside your imagination?  and what is a 'stash'?  1g?  10g?  1 kilo?    do you know Sherlock


Police seized 70 grams of crystal methamphetamine (ya ice), 16 ecstasy pills, a scale and drug use paraphernalia, reported the Bangkok Post.

I would think that was pretty clear, wouldn't you?


Personally i very much enjoy ecstacy, but 70g of meth 2+ ounces and a scale are suggestive of more than recreation use.

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12 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


Police seized 70 grams of crystal methamphetamine (ya ice), 16 ecstasy pills, a scale and drug use paraphernalia, reported the Bangkok Post.

I would think that was pretty clear, wouldn't you?


Personally i very much enjoy ecstacy, but 70g of meth 2+ ounces and a scale are suggestive of more than recreation use.


Me too, but not on school nights.







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I knew this gogo girl. She was found with 1 gram of Ya Ice. Evidently if you are found with 1gram or more you are regarded as being a dealer. Her bail was set at 500,000 baht for a 24 year old gogo girl. By pleading guilty her normal 4 year sentence was reduced to 2 years. She has now been in Pattaya Remand Prison in Nong Palai for over 1 year. it was thought she would get out after I year but no.


It will be interesting to see what sentence the girl will get.

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