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Premier’s US itinerary confirmed amid human-rights concerns affecting Thailand


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Premier’s US itinerary confirmed amid human-rights concerns affecting Thailand





PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s visit to the United States from next Monday to Wednesday will be carried out to accomplish bilateral goals amid high tension in the Korean peninsula as well as concerns among human rights activists that the visit will indicate US support for Thailand’s undemocratic junta regime.


Prayut was invited by US President Donald Trump during a phone call in April. 


The schedule was confirmed by both the Thai government and the White House yesterday following speculation that the visit, originally proposed for July, had been postponed.


Trump looks forward to reaffirming the relationship between the United States and a “key partner and longstanding ally in Asia”, according to a White House statement. Prayut and Trump would discuss strengthening and broadening bilateral relations and enhancing cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, the statement said.


Prayut will lead a large Thai delegation to Washington for talks on security, the economy, trade and investment, as well as regional issues, deputy government spokesperson Lt-General Werachon Sukondhapatipak said yesterday.


Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak and the ministers of foreign affairs, interior, commerce and defence would accompany Prayut, he said.


The meeting comes ahead of next year’s commemorations of the 200th anniversary of Thai-US relations.


The Trump administration has been keen to bolster bilateral ties in East and Southeast Asia amid rising tensions over North Korea’s development of nuclear and missile arsenals.


Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch (HRW) slammed the visit, saying it showed that Trump took little account of human rights.


“Doubtless Trump fails to realise that this propaganda victory for Prayut and the junta will come at the expense of the people of Thailand, who will pay for it in the form of intensified repression and human rights abuses when the general gets home,” said HRW Asia director Brad Adams.


Trump will be the second top US official Prayut has met after he shook hands with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in August. The meeting will also take place a month before leaders of Asean countries and their partner nations attend a summit in the Philippines.


The acting US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Susan Thornton has said the US wanted Thailand to crack down on North Korean companies in the Kingdom as well as put pressure on its diplomatic mission.


While the United Nation General Assembly appears to have done little to alleviate Korean peninsula tensions, Prayut said yesterday that he was not afraid that Thailand would be seen as leaning too much towards the US.


 “Thailand will adhere to [international] resolutions,” Prayut said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30327774

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-09-27
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2 hours ago, tracker1 said:

No doubt there will be a lot of General conversation on General subjects as General PM Prayut will lead a large Thai delegation of "who thought I was going to write Generals" to Washington !

I'm sure the Thai delegation will be enormous.  The deputy P.M took a delegation of 50 to Hawai 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

The acting US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Susan Thornton has said the US wanted Thailand to crack down on North Korean companies in the Kingdom as well as put pressure on its diplomatic mission.

They will pressure the good general to do more to stifle North Korean business in Thailand.  If he does not agree, the US will threaten trade sanctions.  The problem with being the all powerful leader is that Trump can ask him to do things knowing the Prayut needs not to worry about a parliament or the Thai opinion.  His desperation for recognition will be used against him.   He is going to get worked over. 

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US now cannot comment much on Thai politics, except improve free speech, or human rights or even demanding faster elections etc. Thailand will keep promising this for many years doing nothing.


Also US cannot impose any sanction on Thailand, as elder brother Chinese is cashing on anti-American sentiments in Asia.


See how Philippines suddenly turned the table towards China when Duterte took the power, the earlier government were very critical of China and even almost had a war for South China Sea disputes.


Now it is China who have the influence in Asia and grooming dictators around them. Chinese never wanted a elected government as their investments not safe. They prefer dictators, so that easy to talk through one window, even though the house is completely dark. You take any example of China's friends, all ruled by dictators including North Korea.


Thailand will be the same, and going to be another all weather friend for China except doing business with rest of the world for economic benefits.

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Sanctions are nearly as good as warfare. The only people who suffer are the poor. Who get less than the little they already have. These people, heads of state, that is, need to get together to discuss how they keep the status quo, even if the style of government is different. Take a look around South East Asia and their systems of government. They vary on the surface only. All regimes, supposedly democratic or not are backed by close ties to the military. If the shit hits the fan, out will come the big guns. 

Lets not kid ourselves, with raving lunatics like Kim Jong-il around, almost any reasonable relationship with anybody else is a good thing. 

So the diplomatic thing to do in interpersonal relationships, as well as politics, is to talk. I strongly disagree with the Human Rights Watch wishing that Trump would indignantly stamp his foot and say I'm not talking to you. Its ridiculous and immature. 

Whatever these so called leaders do has to become more transparent with time. As long as we keep up the pressure on them.

For my experience the Thai people have an above average understanding of politics. Far better for instance than my native Australians and British. 

This is profoundly frustrating because in my countries, we have laws enabling power to the people. Through Magna Carta we can even change laws. Do people know that? Bloody right they don't. 


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3 hours ago, JLCrab said:

The US and Thailand have held continuous diplomatic relations since 1818 (then Siam) and they should continue despite the two leaders currently in charge.

"continuous diplomatic relations"... notwithstanding a declaration of war on 25th January 1942 and subsequent aerial bombing by USA up to 1945.

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He had Najib Razak the most corrupt PM in Asia at the Whitehouse last week, gave him a slap on the back for his good work. Trump is not only F  up his own country he's having a go at F up the rest of the world 


Worth Joining Twitter if you want to have a good laugh at the responses Trump gets for his Twitter tirades and you can add a few yourself

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut will lead a large Thai delegation to Washington for talks on security, the economy, trade and investment, as well as regional issues, deputy government spokesperson Lt-General Werachon Sukondhapatipak said yesterday.

Whilst wanting the US and Thailand to improve their long-standing relationship - that has recently come under pressure from the Junta's N Korean leanings and human rights failings - wouldn't it be better for everyone concerned - the world audience, especially - if these talks could be carried out behind closed doors, with no smiley handshakes and mealy-mouthed platitudes coming from the big guys' big mouths? I do cringe, even at the mental picture of these two, shaking hands. If it happens, for real, it'll be the last time I send him a card. Trump, that is . . . Prayut will always be on my list. I daren't name the list, other than it including 'cution'. Elocution? . . . no, but you're getting warm. 

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5 hours ago, JLCrab said:

The US and Thailand have held continuous diplomatic relations since 1818 (then Siam) and they should continue despite the two leaders currently in charge.

Better if the 'work' was done behind closed doors, by the many ministers involved. Prayut could and should stay at home, during Thailand's month of mourning.

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2 minutes ago, Ossy said:

Better if the 'work' was done behind closed doors, by the many ministers involved. Prayut could and should stay at home, during Thailand's month of mourning.

Yup, but he really wants to 'big note' himself, much face saving back home! :post-4641-1156693976:

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

I thought trump was going to the virgina islands next tuesday

You're bang on the money, there. One news outlet reported


President Donald Trump says he'll visit hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico next Tuesday.


But, as we now know, Trump, like Prayut, has the power to do pretty well anything he chooses.

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3 hours ago, mikebell said:

How much will this junket cost Thailand?  You could get another hot-air balloon for the same price and both would be equally unproductive.

I especially like the 'hot-air' bit. That would make 'Sun' headline, for sure.

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