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Thaivisa exclusive: Aussie bound biker stranded in Thailand talks to Thaivisa after being dumped off plane in Bangkok


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2 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


Yep Chris, as we know, these type of topics always get the haters out.

Haters gotta hate.

None of them actually know any proper bikers/bikies, they just believe all of the guff the mainstream media and Feds endlessly put out.

And they love commenting on stuff that they actually know nothing about.


All 7 seasons of Sons Of Anarchy pal...

That makes me almost a Sergeant @ Arms :)

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26 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


Yep Chris, as we know, these type of topics always get the haters out.

Haters gotta hate.

None of them actually know any proper bikers/bikies, they just believe all of the guff the mainstream media and Feds endlessly put out.

And they love commenting on stuff that they actually know nothing about.

The convictions for murder, assault, drug trafficking etc by members of OMCGs is a figment of the imagination? 


OMCGs continue to pose a significant threat to the Australian community.





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20 hours ago, Kerryd said:

From the sounds of the story, he doesn't have the cash to meet the requirements for a 1 year visa (which the whole world now knows as well). Not to mention the whole "seasoning" thing (at least 2 months as noted above when applying for the Visa, and then 3 months when applying for an Extension of Stay).


You can't get a "visa" in Thailand, only extend a visa obtained out of Thailand, and it's 2 months seasoning for the first extension of a non O and 3 for subsequent years.

There is a process by which other visas can be converted to a non O, but far as I know you have to have a valid visa of some sort before one can do that.

There was no requirement for me to prove how much money I had when I applied for a non O in my country, and it's only just before that one expires that one needs to extend it, when the money becomes an issue. 

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18 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The convictions for murder, assault, drug trafficking etc by members of OMCGs is a figment of the imagination? 


OMCGs continue to pose a significant threat to the Australian community.






Back patch 1% motorcycle clubs are just an easy target for the lazy cops and Feds. Not exactly  difficult to spot are they?

Don't see the sensationalist press grabbing headlines with "gang of men in suits and ties arrested". Just doesn't quite ring the same.

Or sell as many papers...

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14 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:


And the same to you too.

I'm sure you have (not) met any personally, and have (never) held a decent conversation with one.

I knew few personally, Los Bravos central Canada bike club(what a joke) criminal gang, drugs, prostitution extortion etc, had a 54 panhead and FLX myself: and I  am 100% sure what they are: criminals !

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36 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


Back patch 1% motorcycle clubs are just an easy target for the lazy cops and Feds. Not exactly  difficult to spot are they?

Don't see the sensationalist press grabbing headlines with "gang of men in suits and ties arrested". Just doesn't quite ring the same.

Or sell as many papers...

OK you don't care, but you're sounding like poor little victimised me and my mates. Plenty of 'suits' get arrested for crimes.

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46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He can go to the British embassy and obtain temporary papers to enter Britain, providing he can prove he is British.

He should already will be in possession of a British passport (that will contain an Australian permanent residence sticker /stamp - now revoked) that enabled him to travel to Thailand hence Thaivisa interviewed a British man.

He will still have the right of abode in the U.K. and in all likelihood will be his next destination.

I feel sorry for the innocents it adversely affects in these situations (partners, children, parents) since Australia took their hardline.

1023 have been sent back to NZ since 2015 with a vast number having no ties whatsoever here.

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15 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

So it would be fine if he wore a long sleeved shirt? Then you could not see them, and he would have a "very high mentality"....


Believe me, the safest neighborhoods in any city in any country are the ones that have a back patch mc clubhouse there.

Ask any normal 9-5 family who lives near a mc clubhouse in an inner city area - no street crime - happy neighbors.

I never got that level. Enjoy 

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4 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

He should already will be in possession of a British passport (that will contain an Australian permanent residence sticker /stamp - now revoked) that enabled him to travel to Thailand hence Thaivisa interviewed a British man.

He will still have the right of abode in the U.K. and in all likelihood will be his next destination.

I feel sorry for the innocents it adversely affects in these situations (partners, children, parents) since Australia took their hardline.

1023 have been sent back to NZ since 2015 with a vast number having no ties whatsoever here.

He will have a UK National Insurance number.....

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14 hours ago, Media1 said:

Bla bla eibbiah rubbish crap talk. I feel.sorry for you lol

For me?

no no no, please don’t.,,, i hardly need sympathy for demonstrating a more rounded view and understanding of our international obligations.

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

He is British which gives him more than just a right of abode!  He may have a NI number already.  I remember being handed one at school when I was 16 or so.

I thought at birth but was wrong...Yes, at 16...

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15 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

Yep. Fascists and Nazis run Oz these days. Guilty by association. Absolutely scary and ridiculous.


Mmm. Fascinating. Thanx ever so much for that insight.

There are motorcycle gangs (those with criminal connections) and those that are just motorcycle clubs (those that don't).  Not knowing Australia I have to rely on wikipedia -- which indicates that it has criminal connections (i.e. gang).   So yes, he would (and should) be persona-non-grata because of gang affiliations.  In Canada when you apply for a visa -- you can be rejected because of your associations (high ranking member of a military accused of human rights atrocities).  You can be rejected if it you are known to be a member of a mafia organization, or gang.  He has two significant previous criminal convictions and affiliation with a criminal organization -- he should have never been allowed to reside for so long.  Many western countries have become soft in applying any standards for those who reside in the country but are not citizens (citizens get treated differently only because they have rights to reside because of it).  BTW, many mafia connected individuals who have criminal records have them early in their "career" and none in their later "career" -- just because as they moved up the ranks they got smarter and were able to isolate themselves from having to do the grunt work which is more exposed to being in danger of being arrested.  And yes, if someone were a member of a Nazi or other organization -- I would make them persona-non-grata as well. 

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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If this guy is indeed a medium level member, I'd guess he's in for some tough choices: gang, or family.

I suspect, suits with briefcases and badges will soon come calling and probably offer him the possibility of return to Australia in exchange for information and testimony; not the healthiest position to be in.

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52 minutes ago, transam said:

I have never heard of a MC "club" calling themselves a gang, think that is a media thingy...

You are right, in public they would all be just motorcycle clubs who are there only as motorcycle enthusiasts... just like everyone in prison tells you how they were wrongfully convicted and are innocent :shock1:

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1 hour ago, transam said:

I have never heard of a MC "club" calling themselves a gang, think that is a media thingy...

I think I understand what you saying - there seems to be a general usage, probably (as you say) by news media, that any any 'group' of motorcyclists is referred to as a gang. Just sensationalism by the media! "Gang" normally infers some sort of criminal activity or association. Therefore, ipso facto, a 'motorcycle club' would not be a group of 'criminal minded persons', but a 'gang' would be. 


It seems to me that those who are claiming that the gangs (or members) are not necessarily 'criminal', are just trying to hide or minimise this criminal association. :smile:

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To those that claim that all motorbike clubs are involved with crime, I say to you that you do not know what you are talking about. There is one club that I know of that is not involved in crime and that is The Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club.

The bloke is a liar because he is one of the top pins in one of the biggest criminal motorbike gangs in Australia that is involved in all types of criminal activity.

If as he claims he was retiring from the club and having all his tattoo's removed, then why did he travel to Thailand with all the other leaders of the club, with the 2 top members of the club being refused entry to Thailand because of their criminal records.

I would like to know how he intends to remove all his tattoo's, the only way that I know is by having skin grafts, and he would not have enough skin without any tattoo's on his body that could be used in skin grafts because for him would involve nearly all his body having new skin and if anyone has seen what a skin graft scare looks like, it is not very nice so I would say that him having his tattoo's removed would be more lies. Plus the cost of the medical procedures would be unreal for a man that has a family and a mortgage and there is no way it would be done and completed within 5 years because of the large area that has to be done. No doctor would take on a job like that to be done in a short period of time.

He has had 50 years to get his Australian citizenship and he has not done so. He could have applied for it before his 2 assault convictions, he had over 20 years to apply before his convictions, no excuse for not applying now he only has his UK passport and UK citizenship to fall on.

To those that say living in the area where a criminal motorcycle club is, is the safest place to live, you seem to forget about the drive by shootings and other attacks that happen at the clubs.

He is out of Australia now and he will never get back in.

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On 17/02/2018 at 2:49 PM, darksidedog said:

Sounds a little odd. Unless a genuine mistake has been made, I suspect there is more to this story than we are being told. I lived in Oz for 7 years and never heard of Permanent residence being cancelled unless you were convicted of something fairly serious.

Australian immigration must have reasonable grounds to cancel his visa, as their decision has to stand up to scrutiny in an appeals hearing. 

Obviously he is not telling the truth interms of his good standing in the community and past or current convictions. 

Motorcycle gangs are just that “gangs” and the rebel’s are up their when it comes to illegal activities in Australia and overseas including Thailand. 

I say good luck to him in Thailand and good riddons From Australia 

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On 2/17/2018 at 9:08 PM, possum1931 said:

but every part of his body that you can see is covered with them. To do that to your body, you have to have a very low mentalty,

NO. You need to grow your own "low mentality'! Tattoos are common among pacific islanders - it is  part of their culture.


Try expanding your knowledge horizons. Could be a new experience for you? :post-4641-1156693976:


P.S. And no, I do not have tattoos.

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12 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

NO. You need to grow your own "low mentality'! Tattoos are common among pacific islanders - it is  part of their culture.


Try expanding your knowledge horizons. Could be a new experience for you? :post-4641-1156693976:


P.S. And no, I do not have tattoos.

But the tattoo's that he has are not cultural and he is saying that he is going to have them removed. What a load of b******t.

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