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US soldiers fined for fighting with Thai men who allegedly tried to aggressively sell them watches at Pattaya bar


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1 hour ago, connda said:

You're not allowed to defend yourself in Thailand if someone assaults you.  If you defend yourself, you're sanctioned.

If someone picks up a deadly weapon and assaults you, and you pick up something to defend your life, and happen to succeed, then you'll be jailed, taken to court, and very possibly imprisoned - for defending your life.

It's an incredibly screwed up legal system, one that allows victims to be victimized, and should the victim fight back successfully, then charges them with a crime.  :sleep:

So for anyone considering coming to Thailand on holiday or to live, do understand that you have no rights to defend yourself against grievous bodily harm.

But if a thief comes into your house you're allowed to kick the fit out of him...

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20 hours ago, nev said:

A fine to the farang and the Thai perpetrators walk off scot free?, At least get them to give him a free watch ?

Do you actually read articles before commenting?


The Thais were fined 5000 each, the soldiers B1000 (although they will likely face further discipline charges for bringing the army into disrepute).


The US takes a dim view of actions such as this.

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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

What is excessive in this case Sherlock? Or should I say judge Judy.

 Americans out  numbered and Thai's keep coming. What should be not excessive lay down let them kick you to death?

I was talking about generally and not this case in particular .

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2 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

Well just wonderful... Again hate shows its head...fine the damned foreigners. Who cares about them.... If all round had been fined..ok but to turn loose two thieves and fine the visitors??? Now that will make international news and cast a bad light on Thailand.

Yes, just wonderful that you can't read.

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7 hours ago, Air Smiles said:

6 US soldiers vs 2 Thai watch sellers and some of the soldiers ran away?






So what. Plenty of people believe in a non-violent world, and they have every right to take that stance.


Sometime the non-violent stance is the effect from previously seeing unbelievable and unnecessary death and massive injuries in a war or similar scenario.  This I know. 



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8 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

What is excessive in this case Sherlock? Or should I say judge Judy.

 Americans out  numbered and Thai's keep coming. What should be not excessive lay down let them kick you to death?

The Americans were charged for being involved in the scuffle .

The Judge must have considered that the Americans actions of throwing the watches on the floor contributed to the scuffle .

Fair enough

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17 minutes ago, Thian said:

So what punishment did they get for this?


The WHOLE WORLD knows that fake Rolex watches are sold in Pattaya giving thailand a bad name...


They are sold all over Asia.  Ever go to Hong Kong much much worse for this and many other fake goods.

I have never heard one person say:  Pattaya and Thailand is a bad place because they sell fake watches....

There is a actually a market for those watches believe it or not.

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The Americans were charged for being involved in the scuffle .

The Judge must have considered that the Americans actions of throwing the watches on the floor contributed to the scuffle .

Fair enough

I'd have spilled me beer over them pieces... a squelchy 'accident'

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1 hour ago, Xaos said:

Thais sells illegal goods.
Thai throw punches first then others jumps in.
Farangs defend themself.

Farangs got fined.

Thais never mentioned again.

Way to go emoji1242.png

"Thais never mentioned again".

...unless you bother to actually read the report.


Way to go.

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Good post and you are pretty much right on.

People need to understand the Thailand results of their actions or involvement.

A good thought is to remember you will be blamed for most incidents.  Traffic accidents or whatever.

Why?  Because you are here.  If you were not here it would have never happened.  Seems odd but that is their thinking in many cases.


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1 hour ago, connda said:

You're not allowed to defend yourself in Thailand if someone assaults you.  If you defend yourself, you're sanctioned.
If someone picks up a deadly weapon and assaults you, and you pick up something to defend your life, and happen to succeed, then you'll be jailed, taken to court, and very possibly imprisoned - for defending your life.
It's an incredibly screwed up legal system, one that allows victims to be victimized, and should the victim fight back successfully, then charges them with a crime.  :sleep:
So for anyone considering coming to Thailand on holiday or to live, do understand that you have no rights to defend yourself against grievous bodily harm.

I have seen numerous incidents of foreigners causing problems , instigating fights , and Thais getting more severe punishment than the felangs .

   Thais would have more right to say the above, than felangs .

Thais could say that felangs can be rude, aggressive, confrontational and when they defend themselves , they got in more trouble than the felangs  

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8 hours ago, observer90210 said:

It's going to end up to doomsday in Thailand,  if "honest retail businessmen"  start to attack tourists  on the streets !!....


What a disastrous image really !!! ..


The authorities should make an example and round up a few of these crooks and let them simmer a bit in jail....if not,  it's really going to hurt tourism,  if these hawker gangs are left unattended !!!!!

We have no idea what the soldiers said to the watch sellers. A group of soldier mates getting drunk. I'd say they weren't too pleasant.

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19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The Americans were charged for being involved in the scuffle .

The Judge must have considered that the Americans actions of throwing the watches on the floor contributed to the scuffle .

Fair enough

Judge? Where does it say there was a judge, or even formal charges? The way I read it the police decided who was going to give them money, and how much, with no indication the money went into any official accounts.


The fake watches have become evidence. I assume that means the police will be hanging onto them, even after fines are paid, and will dispose of them properly (for example by selling them to a watch store that pays regular tea money).

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8 hours ago, Air Smiles said:

6 US soldiers vs 2 Thai watch sellers and some of the soldiers ran away?


Probably because they didn't want to be caught by the military police for brawling.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

We have no idea what the soldiers said to the watch sellers. A group of soldier mates getting drunk. I'd say they weren't too pleasant.

You were there...The dodgy goods sellers understood USA English....?


Come on.....:stoner:

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10 minutes ago, jerry921 said:

Judge? Where does it say there was a judge, or even formal charges? The way I read it the police decided who was going to give them money, and how much, with no indication the money went into any official accounts.

The fake watches have become evidence. I assume that means the police will be hanging onto them, even after fines are paid, and will dispose of them properly (for example by selling them to a watch store that pays regular tea money).

Bribes, corruption , back handers ,brown envelopes , dishonestly, selling evidence , not fair blah blah blah , some old same old

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14 minutes ago, tropo said:

We have no idea what the soldiers said to the watch sellers. A group of soldier mates getting drunk. I'd say they weren't too pleasant.

They must have been rather stupid to think that they were buying real Rolex watches from a street vendor in a bar in Pattaya for 10 $.

  "Hey man, this is a fake" Doh

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46 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:


They are sold all over Asia.  Ever go to Hong Kong much much worse for this and many other fake goods.

I have never heard one person say:  Pattaya and Thailand is a bad place because they sell fake watches....

There is a actually a market for those watches believe it or not.

And were the Thais charged for selling fakes?

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2 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

And were the Thais charged for selling fakes?

Seems so, but probably back out on the streets doing there illegal stuff in full view of the BiB...All OK if you take farang dosh..:sad:...

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51 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The Americans were charged for being involved in the scuffle .

The Judge must have considered that the Americans actions of throwing the watches on the floor contributed to the scuffle .

Fair enough


33 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

How?  By throwing the watches on the floor?

I scares me the two of you believe that. For a thai, its called a "face saving lie". Notice how their faces are covered. Are the two of you fresh off the boat?


Next time the watch sellers approach you look at how many of them have red eyes.


To those posting about the fine, everyone must pay it involved in a fight. No judge asses it only the police taking the report who then sends everyone to fine window. The same window that everyone pays traffic tickets at.



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21 hours ago, missoura said:

...The Thai men were fined THB5,000 each because they started the fight, while the soldiers had to pay THB1,000 each. All of them were released....

Thank goodness their watches were genuine and not counterfeit or the fines would have been much higher.:smile:

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