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SURVEY: Was Trump disrespectful to the British Monarch?


SURVEY: Was Trump disrespectful toward the British Monarch?  

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38 minutes ago, sungod said:

Yet another flawed survey by TV, where was the option; 'It was an outrage and he should have been taken to the tower'?

Exactly, the monarchy is just not what it used to be.  No Tudor would have put up with that, he should have been tarred and feathered.

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1 hour ago, RT555 said:

Could be a security issue that he was late. There are forest and skyscrapers where he was... Anybody could have picked him off from 1+ miles. 

"ROGER" - He will be walking up the path at 1400 hours.... Jus saying. 


Yeah, where is the Lee Harvey Oswald clone when you need him!

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3 hours ago, taffeylad said:

Why all the fuss, the ariticrosy have been abusing and insulting the common person for centuries. Where did they get their fortunes from the poor people of the country. No person is any better than anyone else. A polite handshake is sufficient, the bow, curtsy and calling someone my lord should have been abolished decades ago. 

Why do  I detect a slight  trace of jealousy taff , amongst the hysteria ?

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4 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

Arriving late??? He does not have a lot of say in the matter as he is hauled around by a huge mass Of security and ,crowds paparazzi etc. It's not like he said stuff it i want to stop for a leak.


"...he is hauled around by a huge mass Of security..."   These guys are tasked with monitoring every on-going details and with enormous sophisticated resources to get it right, every time, That's their job.


All the more reason why he should have been on time.



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1) As President AND government leader of the mightiest state of the world, he is at last equal to the Queen of the U.K., who is even not a government leader.

2) He is NOT an U.K citizen.

So, why bow, etc for the head of state of a much smaller country ?

3) That being a chevalier /gentleman would give him the excuse to give respect to an even 20 years older woman, who is also much longer as he will ever reach the head of state… is another story.

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5 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Plus keeping the Queen waiting as he was late.... and then there was lack of a courteous bow and courtesy by Melania. Was there no protocol briefing?

I'm sure that there was a briefing, but by turning up late and not bowing he was showing his ignorance and his belief that he's the most important person on the planet. I hope that the day when he's finally brought down to earth is not far off.

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1 hour ago, phetpeter said:

Does it matter The British Royals are just show, very rich, but, never give advice, ideals or look towards helping the common folk. They stay silent and live special lives, and are only commercial property of the Government. Respect has to been earned and they give nothing. There are few Royal families in the world now who prove the respectthey deserve. Alas UK Royals have become nobodies, when was the last time they spoke to the people from the heart and put forward demands to the government for the needs of the people. What would happen if the Queen when on TV and ordered the government to increase cash to the NHS, or even offered to supplement NHS with the small change from their own vast piggy bank?

Maybe she would if she had the power.  She does not have that power.

Google 'Constitutional Monarchy' and learn.  Thailand is also a Constitutional Monarchy where the monarch has no power to interfere in politics.

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5 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Everyone is just looking for gaffes and it might have been a small mistake but what's the problem?  someone get killed?  small protocol problems are common when you come from a republic to a monarchy 

Obama had quite the gaff with the Queen, Scots Guard and the national anthem. 


He bowed to the Saudi King like an apologetic Japanese politician, that was really weird.


Bush couldn't find his way out of a room, barfed in Japan, and nearly choked to death on a pretzel. 


S**t happens. 

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2 hours ago, zydeco said:

We only have one country.  And the people going off the deep end here are people like you and other British. Personally, my criticism is that Trump bothered to go to the UK at all. There are many, many more places that are more important for Americans to spend their time with.

Many,many places more important than the UK?

Good grief, the UK is absolutely one of the US's most important allies.

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6 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Good grief, the UK is absolutely one of the US's most important allies.

Not only that, but one of the few countries it has a trading surplus with!!

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8 minutes ago, phkauf said:

Sorry but 242 years ago we told the Brits to F' Off. This just continues that fine tradition. 

Good on Trump - Making America Great Again. The years of Obama apologizing for all of America's "past malfeasances" are over. 

And for the Brits upset about this, you'd be speaking German if not for the USA!

Oh that old Horse sh*te.

The US sold weapons and equipment to both sides during both wars and then jumped in at the last possible minute to declare victory. The Allies did need American help to win the wars, but to suggest Americans won it single handed is

just a load of crap. The Russians would have prevailed in the long run.


Edited by duanebigsby
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3 minutes ago, phkauf said:

Sorry but 242 years ago we told the Brits to F' Off. This just continues that fine tradition. 

Good on Trump - Making America Great Again. The years of Obama apologizing for all of America's "past malfeasances" are over. 

And for the Brits upset about this, you'd be speaking German if not for the USA!

MAGA really means MAWA.

Again when?

No thank you.



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I'm wondering if the current president got the due respect from the start as being voted in as the president. I bet he's thinking stuff 'em. Respect is a two way street.  I don't agree with everything trump does but I do respect him. Enough bashing. Let him have his term and support respect of a voted president. I wonder if a new monarch could be voted for?  Trump for King of the United States of America.

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The US broke ties with the British monarchy in 1776 and opted for a Republic instead during the Revolution.  Americans have no allegiance to the British Monarchy, the House of Windsor, or their 'protocols.' 
However, during the video Beth II did signaled for Trump to go ahead of her which he did - one 'Head of State' conversing with another 'Head of State' - not a 'British Monarch' signaling to her 'Loyal American Subject' to obey her commands..  Huge difference.
Being head and shoulders above her, he stopped, waited for her to come along side of him, and continued the 'inspection of the troops'. I see that as 'equals' as in two Heads of State walking together. Heads of State are equals.  I've noticed that has been conveniently edited out of some of the MSM video and then used as cannon fodder by the media and critics to create some rather creative narratives. 



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3 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I'm wondering if the current president got the due respect from the start as being voted in as the president. I bet he's thinking stuff 'em. Respect is a two way street.  I don't agree with everything trump does but I do respect him. Enough bashing. Let him have his term and support respect of a voted president. I wonder if a new monarch could be voted for?  Trump for King of the United States of America.


I have trouble mustering any respect for Donald Trump but I certainly have respect for the office of POTUS.


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3 minutes ago, connda said:

Americans are not British subjects nor subservient to the House of Windsor or the British Monarchy.  A handshake would have been proper 'protocol'.  Let's throw this into reverse.  If the British queen comes to America, shouldn't she bow to the President and the First Lady? 
The answer is that the POTUS, the First Lady, and the Queen of England have no obligation to bow to each other regardless of their location on the globe. 


I may be mistaken but I have no recollection of bowing being any part of greeting protocol for  the POTUS or his wife.

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