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Trump invites Putin to Washington despite U.S. uproar on Helsinki summit


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Trump invites Putin to Washington despite U.S. uproar on Helsinki summit

By Steve Holland and Doina Chiacu



U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin shake hands during a joint news conference after their meeting in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington this autumn, the White House said on Thursday, four days after a summit that led to an uproar in the United States over Trump's failure to publicly confront Putin for Moscow's meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.


White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a Twitter post that Trump had directed national security adviser John Bolton to issue the invitation, even though U.S. lawmakers and top officials in Trump's administration have not been briefed on what Trump and Putin discussed in Monday's summit with only interpreters present.


Even Trump's director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, said he did not know what happened in Helsinki. "Well, you're right, I don't know what happened at that meeting," Coats said in response to a question at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.


The coveted invitation to Washington was sure to be seen as a victory by Putin, whose last official visit to the United States was in July 2007, when he spent two days at the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine.


Both Trump and Putin earlier on Thursday praised their first meeting as a success and blamed forces in the United States for trying to belittle its achievements. Despite the week's furore, Trump also said he was looking forward to his second meeting with the Russian leader.


Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer immediately criticized the planned invitation. "Until we know what happened at that two hour meeting in Helsinki, the president should have no more one-on-one interactions with Putin. In the United States, in Russia, or anywhere else," he said in a statement.


The last official visit by a Russian president to the United States was in June 2010, when Dmitri Medvedev, now Russian prime minister, visited the United States.



The White House, with Trump under fierce criticism in the United States, did on Thursday reject Putin's proposal that Russian authorities be present for the questioning of Americans it accuses of "illegal activities," including a former U.S. ambassador to Moscow.


It was the latest about-face from the White House as it struggled to quiet the post-Helsinki summit uproar. Critics complained that Trump was given ample opportunity at a joint news conference on Monday to scold Putin over Russian interference in the U.S. election but instead accepted Putin's denials over the word of American intelligence agencies.


Trump on Tuesday said he misspoke during the news conference. On Wednesday, Trump answered "no" to a reporter's question on whether Russia was still targeting the United States, only to have Sanders say later he was saying "no" to answering any questions - not to the question itself.


Republican and Democratic U.S. lawmakers grappled with Trump's conflicting statements about the summit and what they did not know: exactly what the two leaders discussed and what agreements, if any, were reached.


In a rebuke to the president, the Senate - controlled by Trump's fellow Republicans - unanimously approved a resolution expressing congressional opposition to any U.S. officials being questioned with Russian officials.


At Monday's news conference, Putin described the proposal when he was asked about the possible extradition of 12 Russian intelligence officers indicted in the United States on charges of meddling in the 2016 election by carrying out cyber attacks on Democratic Party networks.


Putin indicated he would permit American law enforcement officials to observe questioning by Russian officials of the indicted Russians and vice versa for Russian investigations. He mentioned London-based financier Bill Browder, a onetime investor in Russia who said he exposed corruption there. Standing alongside Putin, Trump called the idea "an incredible offer."


"It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it," Sanders said on Thursday, a day after saying the proposal was going to be discussed by Trump's team. "Hopefully President Putin will have the 12 identified Russians come to the United States to prove their innocence or guilt."


On Wednesday, the Russian Prosecutor General's office listed Americans it wanted to question for "illegal activities," including Michael McFaul, who was U.S. ambassador to Russia under Democratic former President Barack Obama.


"That's not going to happen," U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CBN News on Thursday.


In Twitter posts on Thursday morning, Trump accused the news media of distorting comments in which he gave credence to Putin's denials of election interference.


"The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media," Trump wrote.


"I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed," Trump said, citing terrorism, Israel's security, nuclear proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace and North Korea.


In Moscow, Putin said the summit " was successful overall and led to some useful agreements" without elaborating on the agreements.


(Reporting by Steve Holland, Doina Chiacu, Richard Cowan, Lisa Lambert, Susan Heavey in Washington and Andrew Osborn and Olesya Astakhova in Moscow; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Will Dunham and Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-20
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I vote for 10  November.  He could be Honorary Grand Marshal for Trump's 12 million dollar parade, and help us celebrate Veteran's Day and the Marine Corps Birthday!  If he invites Kim also they could make it a threesome!

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27 minutes ago, wayned said:

I vote for 10  November.  He could be Honorary Grand Marshal for Trump's 12 million dollar parade, and help us celebrate Veteran's Day and the Marine Corps Birthday!  If he invites Kim also they could make it a threesome!

and a visit to the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Up until the 90's we lived in the cold war with a coming nuclear war and the end of the world a near certainty, and the hippies would sing give peace a chance. Now they are giving peace a chance and the hippies are so angry.

The problem with this current situation is that Trump being under Putin, has managed to anger the middle class people. As long as Trump is in power, the USA - Russia relationships are likely going to be just fine, as long as Putin remembers to say sweet words to Trump, while he continues his own agendas.


The real problem arrives when Trump is either kicked off the office or when he finishes his term. That's when the hell breaks loose. The people of USA has already brewed an anger towards Russia. Russia is going to be even further isolated from the rest of the world. The division which is now seen in the USA is going to spread world wide.


That will be dangerous time for the world peace. 



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2 hours ago, wayned said:

I  really don't think that Trump gives a damn about tapes of a Golden Shower.  I think that what he is really worried about is financial arrangements and bailouts by Russia and Deutsche Bank and money laundering.  How many times have we seen Donald Jr. stating that "we really got a lot of money from Russia" back in the 2009 time frame!  I would be surprised if Mueller doesn't already have all of the incriminating information.


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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Up until the 90's we lived in the cold war with a coming nuclear war and the end of the world a near certainty, and the hippies would sing give peace a chance. Now they are giving peace a chance and the hippies are so angry.

Tell that to Iran.

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38 minutes ago, oilinki said:

The people of USA has already brewed an anger towards Russia. 



The people of the USA couldn't care less!


This is from Gallup which is not owned by Russia...yet...

(To find how much American people care about Russia, look directly at the bottom of the spreadsheet, below the 1% level)


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"Even Trump's director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, said he did not know what happened in Helsinki. "Well, you're right, I don't know what happened at that meeting," Coats said in response to a question at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.'


Trump's own people don't know what Trump is talking about because Trump is meeting secretly, in violation of US law, the Presidential Records Act. 


Here's a radical idea; how about Trump have future meetings with people present to keep an official record?  You, legal meeting.


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4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Up until the 90's we lived in the cold war with a coming nuclear war and the end of the world a near certainty, and the hippies would sing give peace a chance. Now they are giving peace a chance and the hippies are so angry.

How do you know they're giving peace a chance.  Trump insists on illegally meeting with no official record taken.

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16 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

When the "intelligence" agencies have hard evidence, as they had before 9/11, they don't use it because they need more, or maybe because they didn't fabricate it themselves...


But when they don't have any hard evidence, as was the case with Irak, or these days with all these "Dr Evil" countries hell bent on destroying the land of the free, they insist on using whatever bits and pieces they can find (or place?) and try to make hold together, no matter how unstable and unreliable the result!


Intelligence indeed...

The intelligence agencies didn't fail in Iraq.  The politicians failed to interpret available intelligence correctly and instead used if for political purposes.  Just as Trump is doing with intelligence showing Russian election interference.

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An invite for Putin just prior to the mid-term elections.  What could go wrong?  I suspect this is a setup so Trump can get his fellow traitors(Republicans) re-elected.


It will be interesting to see how he pulls this one out?

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed again. Please stop using bold font when posting.
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On 7/20/2018 at 12:15 PM, mlmcleod said:

An invite for Putin just prior to the mid-term elections.  What could go wrong?  I suspect this is a setup so Trump can get his fellow traitors(Republicans) re-elected.


It will be interesting to see how he pulls this one out?

That should have Republicans scared.

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9 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

So much negative press about President Trump meeting his  Russian counterpart.


You'd think he'd just sold off 20% of the US's uranium production capacity to the Russians.....

Yes. But it didn't sell uranium to the Russians. And the US kept strict control of where that uranium could be shipped to. So what's the problem?

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12 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

So much negative press about President Trump meeting his  Russian counterpart.


You'd think he'd just sold off 20% of the US's uranium production capacity to the Russians.....

No he Did not sell 20% of the US Uranium production to Russians , He only sold the country down the river to Putin. 

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