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Trump says his son sought information on Clinton from Russians in 2016


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Trump has used his name to brand some real flops over the years; Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos... the list goes on, but if there's one retarded product he really regrets giving his name to then it's Donald Trump Junior.

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7 hours ago, BobBKK said:


That's absurd. There is NO war with Russia, a fellow Security Council member, there is NO law to say one cannot converse with Russians. They didn't hide it it was at the Tower. Treason?  don't make me laugh please.

legal Definition of treason. : the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance.

I wouldn't mention the Tower in connection with treason if I were you.

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No clue why these Hilary and Putin cartoons/memes are allowed here? What-aboutism appears to be the last stand of the tRUmp-ites?


Amazing how so many "new members" show up on these threads?


Pin-head of a son.






Edited by mtls2005
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silly trumps!  amateurs!


if ya wanna get dirt on your opponent, you hire a hack to make up a dodgy golden showers dossier and shop it around to your favorite pet "news" sites.


if they won't print it, you get some treasonous fbi agent to brief the president, and leak that so then it becomes "news and gets printed.


but wait, there's more!  you can use it as the basis to spy on your opponent's campaign.


and y'all thought putin was meddling!

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11 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

Truths!... ?

The Uranuim One conspiracy theory was even debunked by FoxNews!...

You are being conned and brainwashed by the Hannity’s you watch...



Absolutely excellent and well done for highlighting what we all knew all along. It is probably the only way to part way convince your average Trump supporter (lets admit there is little hope for some of them) when you have one fox person Hannity (who by the way does opinion pieces NOT news) against the another Fox person, Smith (who does do news).

Hannity is such a Trump groupie it's embarrassing but because he is so prominent, many Trump acolytes believe he actually tells the news when all he does is peddle half truths, opinion pieces and conspiracy theories. You might as well get your news from Alex Jones or Breitbart.

Fox gains some credit by at least having Smith try and right the wrongs of many of his co-presenters who wouldn't know a bit of news if it bent down, unzipped their trousers and started sucking them off. He also came out (no pun intended) and called it for what it was when Trump threw his own intelligence service under the bus so you have to at least give the guy credit for trying to stick to the facts and be a proper journalists.

Anyway. I really enjoyed that so thank you for showing what really needs to be seen in such an obvious but highly effective way.


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1 hour ago, rgraham said:

And the Trump bashing continues, fact of the matter is he is the president. He was not peddling influence prior to being elected as his opponent was.

I think you are literally missing this whole article and debate. He was. His son was. His campaign adviser was. His lawyers was. Christ probably his maid was.

Everyone around him was and all that needs to be proven now is that he knew about it all. Just a mattter of time.

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59 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

silly trumps!  amateurs!


if ya wanna get dirt on your opponent, you hire a hack to make up a dodgy golden showers dossier and shop it around to your favorite pet "news" sites.


if they won't print it, you get some treasonous fbi agent to brief the president, and leak that so then it becomes "news and gets printed.


but wait, there's more!  you can use it as the basis to spy on your opponent's campaign.


and y'all thought putin was meddling!

Seems a bit of a waste of effort given that hiring a Greek sounding guy with a habit of running his mouth off to foreign diplomats about what your campaign is up to can do the same thing more effectively.

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7 hours ago, Spidey said:

Muller being a wily old fox, I wouldn't be surprised if you smelt the napalm a couple of weeks before the mid terms.

My thoughts exactly.

When that happens, I can just imagine how the Trump groupies will disappear; on TVF and in America.

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Let me get this straight.  If someone on a campaign staff meets with someone to dig up dirt on a political opponent and some consider it collusion,  or whatever, then there should be a lot of people in trouble. It just hasn't worked that way over the years as this is what campaigns do. It really doesn't bother me in the least as that's just politics like it or not.  Now if people are upset that it was because it was a meeting some Russian lawyer and they also consider that treason, then the same people should be just as upset that the Hillary campaign and DNC actually paid someone for opposition research to dig up dirt on Trump from information obtained through Russian sources in the Steele dossier. I guess it is okay if you hire it to be done through a third party.  It really is time to move on. Collusion as used in this matter is not a crime anyway. The Dems should be more incensed by the fact that the DNC colluded with Hillary to keep Bernie at bay.  It's all so hypocritical that it's laughable. 

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

One can only hope this entire crime family is locked up in a federal pen, before this is all over. They have worked their entire lives for this fate. Not an honest bone in any body within this family. Not one. The number of laws that have been broken here are innumerable. Let us hope Mueller has enough to get some convictions. The tangerine tornado is continuing to disgrace himself daily. The recent statements he made about Lebron James are making him look even more ignorant than usual, and that is a very hard thing to accomplish. James has been made to look dignified, very smart, and cunning, with his lack of replies, and his restraint and elegance. James is a much loved figure, and even Melania came out to defend him against the racist, hate mongering brute bully super freak. 


Best post and picture of this thread ! Bar none.


But he also dissed Don Lemon of CNN. Don is a highly respected journalist of colour. Trump called him something like the dumbest news person on TV.

Any wonder why CNN exposes this buffoon Trump for what he really is ?

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14 hours ago, Tug said:

He just can’t help himself lol what a dumb ass lol btw Donald it’s not collusion it’s conspiring with a hostile power to rigg our election but don’t worry plenty of room for you and the whole family at Leavenworth 

The only thing dumber than that are his supporters who say there is nothing wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Trouble said:

Let me get this straight.  If someone on a campaign staff meets with someone to dig up dirt on a political opponent and some consider it collusion,  or whatever, then there should be a lot of people in trouble. It just hasn't worked that way over the years as this is what campaigns do. It really doesn't bother me in the least as that's just politics like it or not.  Now if people are upset that it was because it was a meeting some Russian lawyer and they also consider that treason, then the same people should be just as upset that the Hillary campaign and DNC actually paid someone for opposition research to dig up dirt on Trump from information obtained through Russian sources in the Steele dossier. I guess it is okay if you hire it to be done through a third party.  It really is time to move on. Collusion as used in this matter is not a crime anyway. The Dems should be more incensed by the fact that the DNC colluded with Hillary to keep Bernie at bay.  It's all so hypocritical that it's laughable. 

How hard is it to understand that talking to Russian spies and trying to arrange a secret communication channel with the Russians while you are still a private citizen isn't allowed?

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14 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Attention Janitor Guiliani, clean up on aisles 3,5,9, Bedminster and at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Bring the new SUPER MOP.



Janitor Rudy should have quit while he was ahead (after 911). Now he is sharing the disgrace of the buffoon brigade.

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1 hour ago, neeray said:

Best post and picture of this thread ! Bar none.


But he also dissed Don Lemon of CNN. Don is a highly respected journalist of colour. Trump called him something like the dumbest news person on TV.

Any wonder why CNN exposes this buffoon Trump for what he really is ?

Don is a talentless double-token.

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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

How hard is it to understand that talking to Russian spies and trying to arrange a secret communication channel with the Russians while you are still a private citizen isn't allowed?

But talking to British spies is OK?

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Explaining the big difference in legality between the Steele Dossier thing and the "trump" tower meeting. Enjoy!




Why the Trump Tower meeting may have violated the law — and the Steele dossier likely didn’t


Trump is incorrect. There is no reason to think that Clinton’s campaign is culpable for any illegal act related to the employment of Steele and good reason to think that the law was broken around the meeting at Trump Tower — and that members of the Trump team might face legal consequences.

At issue is a federal statute stipulating that foreign nationals cannot contribute to political campaigns. That law, though, doesn’t just bar cash donations.




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His followers don't care, nor do they care about his lies to cover this up nor would they once it becomes clear he knew in advance.


We can only hope enough decent Americans do care and prevent a second term.

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7 hours ago, Trouble said:

Let me get this straight.  If someone on a campaign staff meets with someone to dig up dirt on a political opponent and some consider it collusion,  or whatever, then there should be a lot of people in trouble. It just hasn't worked that way over the years as this is what campaigns do. It really doesn't bother me in the least as that's just politics like it or not.  Now if people are upset that it was because it was a meeting some Russian lawyer and they also consider that treason, then the same people should be just as upset that the Hillary campaign and DNC actually paid someone for opposition research to dig up dirt on Trump from information obtained through Russian sources in the Steele dossier. I guess it is okay if you hire it to be done through a third party.  It really is time to move on. Collusion as used in this matter is not a crime anyway. The Dems should be more incensed by the fact that the DNC colluded with Hillary to keep Bernie at bay.  It's all so hypocritical that it's laughable. 


This post really sums up the problem with Mueller's investigation.  What Trump and his minions seem to have done is technically illegal, but would be a perfectly logical thing to do for a business.  Most Trump supporters will see this as a "nothingburger".  To use an old political phrase, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", so getting help from the Russians against Hillary is, to them, a logical thing to do. 


I predict that Mueller will indict some people close to Trump and maybe Trump himself, but it will have little effect on his popularity or lack thereof.  The state of the economy will have a much bigger impact on Trump's 2020 election chances.

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