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Jolted by ex-allies' criminal cases, Trump faces election and legal risks


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While the DoJ might have guidelines about a President not being subject to criminal indictments while in office, State Attorneys General and City/local District Attorneys are not so encumbered. tRUmp supposedly has a lot of dirt on Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr. so who knows how far this will go?


Manhattan prosecutors reportedly considering criminal charges against Trump Organization


The Manhattan district attorney's office is looking into possible criminal charges against the Trump Organization in relation to Michael Cohen's payment to an adult film actress in exchange for her silence during the presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Thursday.


The district attorney's office is considering starting a state investigation to look into how the company accounted for that reimbursement and whether business records were falsified, the report said. Such actions could be charged as a low-level felony or misdemeanor, but would become a felony if it's done to commit or conceal another crime, it added.





Edited by mtls2005
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15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

While the DoJ might have guidelines about a President not being subject to criminal indictments while in office, State Attorneys General and City/local District Attorneys are not so encumbered. tRUmp supposedly has a lot of dirt on Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr. so who knows how far this will go?


Manhattan prosecutors reportedly considering criminal charges against Trump Organization


The Manhattan district attorney's office is looking into possible criminal charges against the Trump Organization in relation to Michael Cohen's payment to an adult film actress in exchange for her silence during the presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Thursday.


The district attorney's office is considering starting a state investigation to look into how the company accounted for that reimbursement and whether business records were falsified, the report said. Such actions could be charged as a low-level felony or misdemeanor, but would become a felony if it's done to commit or conceal another crime, it added.






There's a lot of stuff bubbling at the New York local and state levels right now... against the Trump Foundation, against the Trump Organization, potentially against Cohen, etc etc.


It's at least heartening that Trump, no matter how much he may want to, can't use his federal pardon authority to do anything about state or local criminal cases and convictions.


But now today there's talk again about Trump potentially wanting to fire Sessions again and name a new acting AG, who in theory would have the ability to interfere with and/or shut down the Mueller investigation. And a couple of senior Republican senators, Grassley and Graham, were in the news with reversal public statements in which they said they'd be willing to consider confirmation hearings for a potential future Trump AG nomination, whereas in the past they'd supported Sessions and warned against his firing.


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the a.m report is missing out on....1. manafort and cohen both cases have nothing to do with mr. trump not the sligthest thing bout russian collusion . 2 cohens lawyer peddled already back on his statement about cohen knowing substantial things about trump in respect of russia 

3. sara carter exposed today a key person in the fbi russian probe, who gave evidence that the whole case was a set up, this bombshell will drop on democrats feet .....good for the midterm election. 


nafta success ....trumpy boys politics is working out to the demise of obsessed liberals 5555.




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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

the a.m report is missing out on....1. manafort and cohen both cases have nothing to do with mr. trump not the sligthest thing bout russian collusion . 2 cohens lawyer peddled already back on his statement about cohen knowing substantial things about trump in respect of russia 

3. sara carter exposed today a key person in the fbi russian probe, who gave evidence that the whole case was a set up, this bombshell will drop on democrats feet .....good for the midterm election. 


nafta success ....trumpy boys politics is working out to the demise of obsessed liberals 5555.




The only person bringing up Russian collusion in this thread is you. Even if there is no Russian collusion there’s plenty of illegal activities going on - don’t you junk they should be prosecuted?

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On 8/22/2018 at 4:28 AM, BuaBS said:

Typical . If you're associated with Trump , they go after you for petty things . When you're Hillary or associated with her , charges fade away.

Since the MSM is on the left , negative news on "their" people is suppressed .


Indeed.  When Hillary's husband was president a WH aid gave him a bj, and it was never mentioned in the press.



Members of the same wolf pack that went after Bill Clinton, full of self-righteousness and moral outrage, are now shrugging off DT's marital indiscretions and hush-money payoffs.  Same with the evangelical congregation who were utterly disgusted by the words "semen-stained dress" appearing in the newspapers.

"Mommy, what's a 'porn star'?"


DT related issues that will be coming up soon:  tax returns (and revelations of undeclared income), his health problems (he obviously has something to hide there), and, of course, more women and hush money, maybe even a love child or 3.



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On 8/22/2018 at 5:19 AM, Denim said:

Is it me, or is all the news eminating from America these days just Trump this Trump that , ladies underwear Trump bla bla bla.


It's not new, it's been going on since June 2015. 

If you're in the US and you want to know about anything else going on in the world you must get news from foreign sources.  Even reporters and journalists complain they don't have the airtime for other stories.  E.g., DT sold out Syria to the Russians soon after his inauguration, but was never mentioned in US media (that I saw); I suspect the US military didn't appreciate this but still found a few ways to knock the Russians back regardless. 

Which brings up the (lack of) relationship with Agent Orange's WH and the armed forces -- how much can the military possibly respect a draft dodger who says "I know more about the military than any general"?  I understand this can't be said because of the damage to the country's morale.  Just my own craziness here, but could there possibly be something on the level of a military coup, with General Kelly already present to take his place?


Proof of "collusion"?  A one-word answer:  Helsinki.



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On 8/22/2018 at 11:30 PM, ncc1701d said:

Trump/Russia investigation:
-16 months (so far)
-35 indictments
-5 convictions


Don't forget guilty pleas and negotiations for plea deals -- innocent people don't seek to cop a plea.  It came out yesterday that in rejecting Manafort's plea offering Mueller said something about building a RICO case, which is what they use to go after organized crime.  Things are getting hot in the White House, and not the kind of heat that can be helped by air conditioning.




When the boss accuses someone of being a rat, it means the boss has something to hide. 



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On 8/23/2018 at 1:30 PM, ncc1701d said:

Clinton email investigations:
-2 yrs
-0 indictments
-0 convictions


Clinton Benghazi investigations:
-4 yrs
-0 indictments
-0 convictions


Trump/Russia investigation:
-16 months (so far)
-35 indictments
-5 convictions


They "fade away" for a reason - there's nothing there. But in the Trump universe - there's plenty

and where does mr. trump relates to with the so called russian collusion or russion election meddling none at all 0 !!! instead mind sick and obsessed liberals dont want to impeach mr. trump any longer but to annul his presidency , want kind of liberal idiocy is that ??? they claimed that on tv. now more demise for sick liberal obsessed minds canada will agree to nafta..trumpinomics works again for americans and thats what counts for the midterm election




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8 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

and where does mr. trump relates to with the so called russian collusion or russion election meddling none at all 0 !!! instead mind sick and obsessed liberals dont want to impeach mr. trump any longer but to annul his presidency , want kind of liberal idiocy is that ??? they claimed that on tv. now more demise for sick liberal obsessed minds canada will agree to nafta..trumpinomics works again for americans and thats what counts for the midterm election




The investigation isn't finished.  Be patient, and be ready to let the chips fall where they may.  I really don't understand why Trumpies are so desperate to stop something that could (and if we are to believe him and his fans will) clear his name.  

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

and where does mr. trump relates to with the so called russian collusion or russion election meddling none at all 0 !!!

We'll see when Mueller's final report is published, won't we.


PS. If you just learned some basic grammar your posts would be much easier to read.

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6 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

and where does mr. trump relates to with the so called russian collusion or russion election meddling none at all 0 !!! instead mind sick and obsessed liberals dont want to impeach mr. trump any longer but to annul his presidency , want kind of liberal idiocy is that ??? they claimed that on tv. now more demise for sick liberal obsessed minds canada will agree to nafta..trumpinomics works again for americans and thats what counts for the midterm election


You should purchase a better Russian-English translation program.


I honestly can't understand your "points"?


Although it is a tad more concise than the usual tRUmp cray-cray defenders.





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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


You should purchase a better Russian-English translation program.


I honestly can't understand your "points"?


Although it is a tad more concise than the usual tRUmp cray-cray defenders.





in fact im jewish any more questions.




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10 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

and where does mr. trump relates to with the so called russian collusion or russion election meddling none at all 0 !!! instead mind sick and obsessed liberals dont want to impeach mr. trump any longer but to annul his presidency , want kind of liberal idiocy is that ??? they claimed that on tv. now more demise for sick liberal obsessed minds canada will agree to nafta..trumpinomics works again for americans and thats what counts for the midterm election




my post was in relation to the saddest TV member crying every time something is said about Trump regardless of how factual it is. 


As for your post, Mueller and those teams surrounding his investigation are finding many criminal activities - don't you want them to be found and prosecuted? Why wouldn't you want criminals found and convicted?

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14 minutes ago, bendejo said:


No collusion!  No collusion!  At some point someone is going to do a count of how many times DT typed in this phrase or said it aloud.  Probably more times than he's had hot meals in the past 30 years.  That tells you something right there.

Obsessively trying to discredit the investigation(s), insulting the Justice Dept, firing people associated with it.  Coming up with lame-o reasons for why the accusations just have to be false.  The lying, and then doubling back on the lies and explaining his "good reasons" for lying and for doing what he originally lied about.


Pretty obvious he's as guilty as hell.  How can anybody with an IQ above 80 not see that?



Yeah, it's a real nothing burger.

That's the ticket!



Edited by Jingthing
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15 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

in fact im jewish any more questions.


Hmmm, perhaps you can comment on Trump's incredible groveling to Saudi Arabia....


[But nothing in the 70 plus-year history of U.S.-Saudi ties comes close to the cosmic groveling that now defines President Donald Trump’s relationship with Saudi Arabia and his slavish obeisance to its dangerous and irresponsible policies.]



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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Hmmm, perhaps you can comment on Trump's incredible groveling to Saudi Arabia....


Yeah, when they make them do the Sword Dance you know they're playing them as fools.  They did it with W also. 



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This thread has become absolutely disgusting. A death-wish on the 1st page, attacking someone's nationality because they may not be a native speaker and dare to disagree with the haters, slanderous after slanderous posts.

The OP is about 2 people, 1 of whom was charged with 18 counts and only found guilty of 8, ALL of which happened years before the election campaign and the other opting to take a plea deal to keep his wife out of prison after his lawyer spread false news about information he didn't have to help get him that deal.

The OP doesn't cover it but IF ANY of you Trump-hating, losing party members could kindly post the link listing all the charges that President Trump has been charged with, I'd like to see it. This is NOT a request for the false news rushed headlong into and spewed by the leftist MSM that has already been disproven but never redacted. 

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8 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

This thread has become absolutely disgusting. A death-wish on the 1st page, attacking someone's nationality because they may not be a native speaker and dare to disagree with the haters, slanderous after slanderous posts.

The OP is about 2 people, 1 of whom was charged with 18 counts and only found guilty of 8, ALL of which happened years before the election campaign and the other opting to take a plea deal to keep his wife out of prison after his lawyer spread false news about information he didn't have to help get him that deal.

The OP doesn't cover it but IF ANY of you Trump-hating, losing party members could kindly post the link listing all the charges that President Trump has been charged with, I'd like to see it. This is NOT a request for the false news rushed headlong into and spewed by the leftist MSM that has already been disproven but never redacted. 

After Mr. Mueller completes his investigation, you will be able to see for yourself what Trump "could be" charged with.  In the mean time, feel free to keep supporting that lying, cowardly, corrupt, racist, treasonous scumbag.  How you can sleep nights is beyond me. 

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