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Accuser of U.S. high-court nominee Kavanaugh goes public


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Accuser of U.S. high-court nominee Kavanaugh goes public

By Richard Cowan



FILE PHOTO: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies during the third day of his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 6, 2018. REUTERS/Alex Wroblewski/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman who had anonymously accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s went public on Sunday, but Republicans said they were moving ahead with plans to hold a committee vote this week.


In an interview with the Washington Post, Christine Blasey Ford said that as a high school student in suburban Maryland just outside of Washington, a "stumbling drunk" Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to remove her clothing.


Last week, Kavanaugh, Republican President Donald Trump's second nominee for a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court, said he "categorically and unequivocally" denies the allegations.


The White House did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Sunday.


A spokesman for the Senate's Republican majority leader, Mitch McConnell, said he had no new scheduling announcements.


Because Trump's fellow Republicans control a slim 51-49 majority in the Senate, Democrats cannot stop Kavanaugh's appointment unless some Republicans make a rare decision to break with their party and vote against Trump.


Two moderate Republican female senators who support abortion rights, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, have been under particular pressure not to back Kavanaugh, who is seen as a social conservative.


Responding to the latest developments in the Kavanaugh nomination, a spokesman for the panel's Republican chairman, Senator Chuck Grassley, said, "It’s disturbing that these uncorroborated allegations from more than 35 years ago, during high school, would surface on the eve of a committee vote."


Senator Lindsey Graham, a senior Republican committee member, said he "would gladly" hear from Ford if she wanted to appear before the panel, but it would have to be done quickly.


"If the committee is to hear from Ms. Ford, it should be done immediately so the process can continue as scheduled," Graham said in a statement.




Democrats sought to put pressure on Republicans to delay the process.


Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said the Judiciary Committee "must postpone the vote until, at a very minimum, these serious and credible allegations are thoroughly investigated."


Senator Diane Feinstein, the top Judiciary Committee Democrat, issued a statement calling for a delay.


"I support Mrs. Ford’s decision to share her story and now that she has, it is in the hands of the FBI to conduct an investigation. This should happen before the Senate moves forward on this nominee," Feinstein said.


In the Washington Post interview, Ford said that when she tried to scream, Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth. "I thought he might inadvertently kill me," Ford told the newspaper, adding, "He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing."


McConnell has said he would like to have Kavanaugh confirmed by Oct. 1, the start of the Supreme Court's new term.


That timetable would have Kavanaugh sitting on the Supreme Court - if he is confirmed - before Election Day on Nov. 6, when one-third of the 100 Senate seats are up for grabs.


Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in California, told the Washington Post that in July she sent a letter to Democratic Representative Anna Eshoo about the incident but requested confidentiality at the time.


The existence of the letter and some details of its contents became public in recent days, however.


Ford did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.


The Senate Judiciary Committee has completed its hearings on Kavanaugh and planned to vote this week on his nomination. A positive vote would set up a debate by the full Senate.


(Reporting By Richard Cowan, Joel Schechtman and Patricia Zengerle; writing by Richard Cowan and Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Mary Milliken, Nick Zieminski and Jonathan Oatis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-17
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Senator Lindsey Graham, a senior Republican committee member, said he "would gladly" hear from Ford if she wanted to appear before the panel, but it would have to be done quickly.


...but it would have to be done quickly so that Graham can go ahead and vote for Kavanaugh anyway.

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Nothing more than a sleezy political hit job. Her story isn't believable in the least 

Just an Anita Hill part 2 which failed as well 

Prior to Anita Hill coming forward, Clarence Thomas was assured Senate confirmation, with an estimated 90 votes in support.  Following Hill's testimony, his final confirmation vote was 52-48, the slimmest margin for any SCOTUS appointment in the last 100 years.


I don't put much credence in Ford's allegations due to the lack of a police report and the fact that this allegation wasn't raised in Kavanaugh's appellate confirmation hearing.


However, I think the rush to get a confirmation vote this week is both unnecessary and unwise.  There are serious issues about Kavanaugh's honesty and forthrightness in responding to legal queries.  Some more time for further testimony, and to release the remainder of the documents which he has withheld, would not harm SCOTUS.  They don't need a 9th justice sitting on the Court on October 1, and the composition of the Senate will not change until after the Christmas recess.  

Edited by zaphod reborn
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2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I remember staying up and watching almost in its entirety Anita Hill's testimony during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, and being stunned when he was confirmed despite her totally credible testimony.


This time is going to be a little different. The accuser is a suburban white woman. If she is a credible witness, a hell of a lot of white independent suburban swing voters are going to be able to relate to her and likely find her testimony compelling. The judiciary committee is not going to be able to hold late night hearings (like they did with Anita Hill) and sweep this under the rug.


If they do, the results for the Republican party in the upcoming midterms are only going to be even more catastrophic for their party.

and 35 female high school classmates  wrote letters saying it didn't happen and she is lying.

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2 hours ago, Silurian said:

Looks like the Republican party has an affinity for sexual predators. First the White House and now for Supreme Court (including Clarence Thomas).


Woman Who Accused Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault Comes Forward to Tell Her Story



Oh, and Christine Blasey Ford passed a polygraph test as well!


since when?

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35 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

and 35 female high school classmates  wrote letters saying it didn't happen and she is lying.


Strange that Kavanaugh went to an "all-boys" high school and yet had 35 female high school classmates. Hmmm....


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14 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Strange that Kavanaugh went to an "all-boys" high school and yet had 35 female high school classmates. Hmmm....


So he made a slight error, it does not change the fact that 65 Women that know Kavanagh wrote a letter saying in the combined hundreds of years they have known him he has treated them with nothing but respect.

These are past and present work collegues and those that knew him way back when the accusations supposedly took place.


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21 minutes ago, attrayant said:


No, it's not.  You know what's trash?  This:



Praying for somebody's death.  That's utter trash.


but to be fair I do have the lives of hundreds of millions I have to consider and she is like 90 years old so its reasonable to expect and hope she pegs it within the next 5 years.

Its not like she can stay awake when in court anyway now is it ?

Edited by Hogs
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15 minutes ago, attrayant said:


No, it's not.  You know what's trash?  This:



Praying for somebody's death.  That's utter trash.

Yep. So how do you feel about the Democrats fighting Kav because they are afraid he may vote limit the so called right to rip viable fetuses (feti?)...ok..babies from the womb and kill them.

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