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What price a little girl's life? One million say family, too much says dog owner


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3 hours ago, anterian said:

All the comments I have read are based on western cultural values. If one is a firm believer in both reincarnation and also dharma, then this will lead to a different attitude towards death.  

You forgot karma. Yes, Thai people think differently to most westerners.

However, I remember residents of a town in the US, who were devout believers in something forgiving the killer in a mass shooting, going to their funeral and even giving money to the killer's family.

The act of forgiveness and compassion is stressed in every religion but well above myself.

However, I try to stay away from writing similar things some have here. 

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It will not be 1 million. I think the family have just taken advantage of it making the news to ask for a price that will hopefully be backed up by the masses forcing the neighbour into a corner.

In reality it will be less than 100,000. We are not too far away, a boy of a similar age was run down by a truck. The driver drove off. Finally showed himself to the family, said he didn't have much money (no mass media) so 30,000 was agreed on. 

Unbelievable, how cheap life is in LOS.
If he’d drove over my kid, he wouldn’t have the time to pull out the 30K,
because I’d have shot him before...
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Lt Col Thongsuk Ratsiwon said that this was the first compensation meeting between the two sides.


He said that this was separate to the ongoing criminal offense matter though the court might use its discretion to give a lesser sentence if the two sides can agree on compensation



Whether she has paid money or not, she is still culpable for what happened.

Edited by Bluespunk
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4 hours ago, MROLL320 said:

Near my house a thai neighbour told me her dog will bite and to keep my son away... The dog roams free? But apparently should it bite us now its our fault, because she's told us? 


Tell her if it bites your son you’ll put a knife in it ... her choice if she lets it roam around.

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8 minutes ago, siamcrut said:


Unbelievable, how cheap life is in LOS.
If he’d drove over my kid, he wouldn’t have the time to pull out the 30K,
because I’d have shot him before...


Yeah cos you a stone cold killer right...?

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12 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

First to put the dogs down, they will do it again. Sad but must. Dog is MADE by his owner, there is the problem.

A price , there isnt, in any way.

Owner in jail 


Good luck trying to find a vet willing to do it, the dog is a killer and nobodies best 'friend'. Essential it is killed as soon as possible. Dogs are not made by the owners stupidity or neglect, all larger dogs are potential killers given the chance.

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17 minutes ago, starky said:

Wow all the hard core <deleted> are in this thread

You might just be surprised when it comes to some people and their kids, note the "some", the others mightn't care about others, just their own little insulated world. 

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28 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:


Good luck trying to find a vet willing to do it, the dog is a killer and nobodies best 'friend'. Essential it is killed as soon as possible. Dogs are not made by the owners stupidity or neglect, all larger dogs are potential killers given the chance.

Sorry dont agree. If you dont know how to handle dogs, you go wrong. If you know how to handle dogs, they can kill, find people in snow, can sniff drugs, money, cancer and many more. Its about handling the dog. 

Ever occured to you, almost the same with humans? If you dont treat them right, they can kill as well and sometimes they are even trained to do so. Dogs ARE made by the actions or non actions of humans. 

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The owner has a responsibility to keep her dogs under control

Even if there were laws regulating keeping dogs in Thailand, I am inclined to think that the police are as interested in enforcing them as the average Thai is in keeping his/her dog under control - "mai pen rai".

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4 hours ago, MrJerome said:

Have a 6 year old myself and been fighting these monsters daily in our area , just to keep my girl safe...Are we in a savanna in Africa????? A crying shame ..It's all about the mentality of many Thai towards their animals and towards their fellow human beings...a sheit mentality at times, i can say without regret...many just don't care, only about their own.......

And what the hell is that about, that they always want to fix a problem rather then prevent it..Been living here 11 years and still get super annoyed by this ignorance..

Not bashing at all.. generally i love the country and it's people., that's why i'm here over a decade already and have no intention of leaving.....

.It's just a nasty side of reality here...A side that could use a little adjustment and learning of mistakes.....and there's the problem right  there...gddmn......4 years old....so sad. I cried when i read it....can feel the pain of the parents.......:(

The most intelligent, logical, realistic reply so far.

You echo my sentiments to the word.

Well written 

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4 hours ago, MrJerome said:

Have a 6 year old myself and been fighting these monsters daily in our area , just to keep my girl safe...Are we in a savanna in Africa????? A crying shame ..It's all about the mentality of many Thai towards their animals and towards their fellow human beings...a sheit mentality at times, i can say without regret...many just don't care, only about their own.......

And what the hell is that about, that they always want to fix a problem rather then prevent it..Been living here 11 years and still get super annoyed by this ignorance..

Not bashing at all.. generally i love the country and it's people., that's why i'm here over a decade already and have no intention of leaving.....

.It's just a nasty side of reality here...A side that could use a little adjustment and learning of mistakes.....and there's the problem right  there...gddmn......4 years old....so sad. I cried when i read it....can feel the pain of the parents.......:(


Exactly my same thoughts, and I too have been here 11 years. I also cried for that poor little girl enjoying herself on her bike to come to such a horrible end. I have also been thinking about what I would do if that happened to my 5 year old Thai granddaughter. 


I do hope the dogs get put down, if not then I would hope that somebody would give them a lovely meal laced with rat poison.

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The ugly truth here is that an actuarials’ service would be wise.


IF the goal truly is to determine what is the economic loss here, then to me, that’s an actuarial type question.. just like life insurers use when setting premium rates.


Now that said, there IS another part... that’s the emotional loss and even punitive losses if you will.... but to me, that’s a different matter than the original question here of what’s the girl life worth.


Without the benefit of the data tables and such, Id hazard a guess that it’s far in excess of 1MM... but a lot of that  depends on the data tables and what do they say for a female born in ax year and with an expected life span of Y years - less the costs incurred (which now would not be invited) to sustain said life.

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The Moo Baan, we do live in has two access roads. One is gravel, the other one is paved. On the paved one there lives a thai with two very aggressive dogs, running free on his property (and the public road). Even local motorbike taxi drivers choose to take the gravel road because they were scared to get bitten.
When my son was ~ 2 years old,
I have installed a baby seat on our Honda wave, so we could go on a little ride around the block outside our Moo Baan in the afternoon, so Mrs. Crut could relax for a while.
One time on our way home with the bike I chose the paved road and completely forgot about these dogs. As soon as we came close, they attacked!
I stopped the bike right away and managed to take the dogs attention towards me. As always, I do wear proper shoes when riding a bike, and I kicked them a few times badly until the owner came running out and shouting to his dogs.
Finally they retreated.
My son was crying and my blood was boiling! He didn’t apologize but I told the thai owner if that ever happens again his dogs are dead!
Now these days, I use the car to send my son to kindergarten. But once in a while we still go by bike and these dogs don’t even look at us when passing.
The Thai and I still nod each other when passing but that’s it.
Moral of this story, up to you.
For me: My family comes first!

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5 hours ago, BestB said:

In fairness the owner of the dogs never said those words, it’s editors interpretation.


she said she did not have this kind of money.


what I find more pathetic is the mother not only putting a value on her kids life and asking for money but value daughters life that cheap .



the hard reality in the society is often the younger daughter works and pays for the education of older siblings and contributes to the parents. through the asinine negligence of the neighbor the dogs were not restrained. my heart aches also for the little girl but the negligent party is liable for lost income. even in developed countries the civil liability is calculated upon the earning capacity and number of years cut short. 

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Just now, atyclb said:



the hard reality in the society is often the younger daughter works and pays for the education of older siblings and contributes to the parents. through the asinine negligence of the neighbor the dogs were not restrained. my heart aches also for the little girl but the negligent party is liable for lost income. even in developed countries the civil liability is calculated upon the earning capacity and number of years cut short. 

In that case, 1 million is nowhere near what her earning potential could have been even if she was to be just a low wage worker.


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5 hours ago, anterian said:

All the comments I have read are based on western cultural values. If one is a firm believer in both reincarnation and also dharma, then this will lead to a different attitude towards death.  

Oh, of course.

That's it.


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Just now, BestB said:

In that case, 1 million is nowhere near what her earning potential could have been even if she was to be just a low wage worker.


This is not just about the poor deceased girls earning potential if she had lived and been in employment

Its fair to assume that at some stage in her life, she would probably have gotten married, and the family have now missed out on the Sinsod ( Dowry ) upon her marriage.

Everything in Thailand revolves around money.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:



Whether she has paid money or not, she is still culpable for what happened.

The officer said it was separate.


If compensation has been agreed by both parties, the judge will take it into account. This is the way it works, like it, or not.


Edited by Neeranam
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