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Thailand is too noisy - and the Thais themselves are fed up with it!


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I'm hearing impaired (a bit deaf) courtesý of a virus I contracted a couple of years ago (thank you Thailand). Every cloud has a silver lining. I just turn the hearing aid down, works wonders with the SO, especially at the end of the month when all the bills come in. Ha! What I've noticed, where I live, is the silence, whereas years ago you'd have an absolute symphony of frogs' mating calls, nowadays it's an isolated one or two giving a virtuoso rendition. Who reaches them first, the snake or the longed for mate, is a moot point, and something I contemplate on, in my more meditative moments.

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2 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

My own pet hates regarding noise here.


Those damn advertising pickups.

Speaker clusters on long poles.

Music bass coming from a mile away.

Motorbikes that don't appear to have a silencer.

People who shout in hotel corridors after 10pm.

People who shout.

Those godawful whistle people.

Those 1 kiloton fireworks that randomly go off in the afternoon.

Exploding electricity junction boxes.

People learning to play guitar, or much worse, the ukulele.



No animal noise here has ever bothered me, and I have a loft full of nesting squirrels, and probably 50 tukgaers, [large lizards that hunt at night.]


I heard the sell plots on the moon if you want to avoid humanity in general, ????????

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I wear ear plugs like these at all times when outside my abode:





I have these available to me at all times when outside or inside and use them often and while wearing the above ear plugs. Particularly useful in noisy restaurants and to make a silent statement about the high noise levels - particularly emitted from people's mouths. My only lament is that I cannot put them on quickly enough for the ridiculously loud motorcycles and ambulances. I think I'll work on that deficiency:




I'm not joking.


Edited by MaxYakov
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3 hours ago, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?


Come to Spain, we have that siht here too!

In Almeria last year the town hall created a new ordnance with a list of prohibited items and a range of fines up to 1,500 Euros.

Now not allowed to leave dogs on your terrace after dark, can't drop empty bottles in the bottle bank after dark etc etc.


In Thailand, we live in the middle of nowhere and it's quiet apart from dogs barking all night.....

Daytime we do get the occasional speaker vans and festivals at the temples.

Wedding celebrations don't last long and it seems OK to gate crash usually.


You win some and lose some.



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9 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

I wear ear plugs like these at all times when outside my abode:





I have these available to me at all times when outside or inside and use them often and while wearing the above ear plugs. Particularly useful in noisy restaurants and to make a silent statement about the high noise levels - particularly emitted from people's mouths. My only lament is that I cannot put them on quickly enough for the ridiculously loud motorcycles and ambulances. I think I'll work on that deficiency:




I'm not joking.



Maybe look into these?










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11 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

I wear ear plugs like these at all times when outside my abode:





I have these available to me at all times when outside or inside and use them often and while wearing the above ear plugs. Particularly useful in noisy restaurants and to make a silent statement about the high noise levels - particularly emitted from people's mouths. My only lament is that I cannot put them on quickly enough for the ridiculously loud motorcycles and ambulances. I think I'll work on that deficiency:




I'm not joking.


When i'm in a shop or mall and they start yelling through the speakers i just stick my fingers in me ears so everyone can see that i'm annoyed by it. It's absolutely insane to yell that loud to your own customers.


I also hate crying kids in airplanes...or restaurants..

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7/11 entrance and exit ding dong! ding dong! ding dong! ding dong!
but i feel really bad for Family Mart employees who have to listen to the computer voice announcing "HELLO WELCOME!" every time anyone gets near the entrance. "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!"

Seven has begun the same hello/welcome loop in some stores I’ve been in the northeast recently.
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3 hours ago, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?

doont they do that where you come from of u dont like leave 

amaising this asian culture have been in and out asia 50 years and was always like this 


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I wonder how many Thais have suffered hearing loss due to the high noise levels. My sister could not even talk on the telephone after years of on-the-job noise that was not addressed and it was not even a particularly noisy environment. I believe it was the type of noise that caused the damage. I've taken serious steps to avoid the same - Ref. HERE.


At least one person on this thread indicated that my hearing protection effort was humorous. Go figure.

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29 minutes ago, laislica said:

Can you recommend something specifically?


In addition to the two ear plugs on a connecting string (HomePro safety goods - string minimizes losses of a single earplug), I carry a more stealthy pair of silicone ear inserts (FoodLand) for those situations where I don't want to appear totally like an over-the-top dork (which I actually am ????).

Edited by MaxYakov
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3 hours ago, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?

They are supposed to get written approval from the local plod.  I wonder how many do!


3 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Ban modified bike exhausts. These man boys love to gun it when going under a bts station where sound is amplified x 5

They are banned but you have to wait for the annual 24 hour 'crackdown'.


Add TV advertising being very much louder that the program you're watching.


Noise limit in Thailand is 90 dbs by law!


Noise kills! Plenty of evidence of this and noise pollution is second only to air pollution.


As usual, this is a man made problem that is quite easily solvable. 

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31 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Can you recommend something specifically?


In addition to the two ear plugs on a connecting string (HomePro safety goods - string minimizes losses of a single earplug), I carry a more stealthy pair of silicone ear inserts (FoodLand) for those situations where I don't want to appear totally like an over-the-top dork (which I actually am ????).

I don't mind to look like a dork...i can't understand why the Thai accept those volume levels while shopping...to me it's very low class to yell to me like that and even expecting that i'll buy something. I can't understand that the Thai accept it.

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3 yrs ago in nakhon pathom on nee years eve i complained about noise this was ay 2 am already and thr noise so loud i had a headache. Tje police went out and did nothing. The person making the noise the nakhon pathom governor or whatever they are called here. So because of that he got away with illegal norise levels. I had to go find a hotel for the night. Cost me around 2k because had nothing cheaper availble in the area. Was so mad about it. By the way we are talking about the music so loud that i can't sleep and have headache from it and they were on the next street over. So you couldn't even see the house from where i was living at. 1 thing i miss about america. No free rides even if that position. Police will arrest regardless. 

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A short distance from where I live in a largely residential area is a so-called restaurant... which actually operates as a club.

It opens at 19:00 for service, at 21:00 every night the live band strikes up until around 02:00

The food is hardly restaurant style, it only serves snacks at best all served with lashings of beer, after 23:00 food is not served available at all but the music continues !

And I mean you can hear the music for a huge distance all around.... then at kicking out time you get the riders and drivers all screeching away in either direction.

Sometimes the police are called in, they have a walk around, talk to the manager and all is well for about a week, then the process starts again.. I've lost count of the number of times this has happened... no warnings, no final operating letters just a fine and carry on again !!


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It's roughly 5.30 PM, I can hear, a tug-boat on the river plodding upstream and pretty well nothing else.


The local early warning system (soi and pet dogs) may go off in the night if they spot someone up to no good.


Any boy-racers who come our way must be lost, you can tell when they arrive, revvy engines followed by silence (sometimes a screech of tyres if they actually spot the 90o bend) maybe an emergency vehicle, more often a recovery truck (at about 8AM) to untangle the wreckage from the local bus-stop.


All's right with the world ????


But don't mention the sales girls screeching into the microphones with the amp on 11, if you need to shop you need to put up and shut up.


My big issue for tomorrow, locating the source of the "dead rat" aroma that wafts in on the breeze from somewhere in the garden.

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8 hours ago, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?

Best post of the week! Add in the ******* boom-boom trucks! Oh for a personal emp machine!

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hey y'all!Feral animals in the night, cats dogs  but worst of all the damn chickens! never ending squawk. then there i the Mother in Law! ha ha, she is sweet, if she calls I will always  answer.

Noise is Not the No. 1 Thailand Problem. PLASTIC GARBAGE is destroying LOL!

Plastic and more plastic in the road, they throw in to my yard in front of my house. they desecrate our homes. all over over this Nation, in the rivers in the sea. the Turtles are dying. the cattle are dying from plastic ingestion. Thailand is the most obscene plastic polluter in all the world. go to market..for sure you will come home with 20-30 non bio degradable plastic bags, Even now, formerly the worst country...India, has now outlawed plastic bags;\

 so much for ASEAN advanced foresight.  too sad!

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