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Please help: Scared of wife reaction


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Hi everyone,


I recently got married with my Thai girlfriend and ever since then, we have been fighting the majority of the time. She expects a lot of attention and I don't seem to be fitting the bill. Things got physical yesterday and her outbursts are out of control. She started hitting the table and then she said she feels like dying on the way that I treated her. I replied, yes me too so then she went to the drawer and took a knife and some scissors and said choose. I was obviously frightened so spoke softly and she eventually left these back in the drawer. I am wondering on what I need to do. I am scared of how she will react so I am wondering what I can do? If i confront her and she gets really threatening again, is there a number I can call? 


I really appreciate the help.



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11 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

See if Dr. Somchai is still at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.  Get your wife a psyche evaluation.  Not kidding.

He is in Bangkok, not Pattaya. After reading what he says, I doubt whether he would be able to get her to a hospital.

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1 hour ago, tekashicanada said:

I am wondering on what I need to do.

It's like dealing with a naughty angry child.

No confrontation, no arguing, I found going out for the evening alone always helped.

Mine was always glad to see me when I came home, even if it was late and I was a bit drunk.

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 We need some more background information. It would help us to understand whats going on. 


Have you ever been angry at her, and why? Long time misunderstanding and confusion can lead to dramatic scenes, where one is in power of the situation, and the other suffer in silence until it bursts. 


More information is needed if you want som juicy well ment advices. 


My first thought is why you spend time here, and not packing your bags. 

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52 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

^ Just leave.  Pack your bags and grab your passport when she isn't around and jump on a plane home.


Later, when things have calmed down, you can negotiate a divorce. 


A person who behaves like her will never change and never improve.  Trying to help her would just be banging your head against a wall.

From above: "A person who behaves like her will never change and never improve.  Trying to help her would just be banging your head against a wall.''


True, please realize that her: attitudes, demeanor, behaviors etc will never change. And why should you try to put up with it? There is no reason at all. 


So you have just one choice, get out. Make a quick list of the essentials you need to take with you and flee, also block her from posting on your facebook, twitter etc., accounts, cancel your current e-mail address and your phone number (tell close friends).


Move on quickly and yes it will be bumpy for a while but start the move on process today.


You will need some emotional support, go to very close friends who you can trust and ask for a bit of support but be careful your not making problems for them. 


Good luck

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1 hour ago, tekashicanada said:

Can I please get some sensible answers? 


I'm pretty traumatized.



To get a sensible answer, you need to be little more truthful about the circumstances.


You said, after you got married she turned into a nutcase planning to kill you, what promises did you make prior to getting married? ie financially


Did you promise to give her family or her some money ? or increase her allowance? 


Did you decrease her allowance after the wedding?


They do not just turn into nuts for no reason and comments like "not fitting the bill" would imply something to do with money

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