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Big Joke arrests corrupt Thai immigration officers issuing fake stamps to foreigners


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14 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

OK. I am probably one of the most critical people on this forum of Thais and Thailand. But, FINALLY, I am going to say that I am pleasantly surprised. 


This is the type of determination that is largely missing from Thai culture: the will to go after your own clan when it breaks the rules. 


I very much respect this action if it is indeed accurate. Very impressive, and I hope he remains safe and free from the inevitable shouts of 


"Are you Thai?! You fight against Thai people?!" 


Thais like to invoke nationalism whenever they are backed into a corner like this. 

Excuse me di you not see the rank of the people he arrested all low hanging fruit. Give me a real oficer then we can talk real progress

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17 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

Hi GT. Just curious about your comment below. If the baht is gaining in value wouldn't it make sense to deposit money in a Thai account as the value is growing due to exchange appreciation. Maybe I misunderstood your point. Thanks!


"The depreciation of the £ to the Baht has made it not a wise idea at the moment to bring cash over and put it in the bank"

Basically, 2 years  ago (or a little bit longer, but not much) the £ was trading at 56 Baht to £ now we have a situation where the £ is only worth at the moment maybe 41.5, why would I transfer cash from the UK to my Thai bank account at that ridiculous rate ? 


When I first visited these shores the exchange rate was close to 80, yes I know things change, I'm not complaining, just stating a fact, maybe my phraseology was not correct, hopefully you now get my drift ????


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6 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Basically, 2 years  ago (or a little bit longer, but not much) the £ was trading at 56 Baht to £ now we have a situation where the £ is only worth at the moment maybe 41.5, why would I transfer cash from the UK to my Thai bank account at that ridiculous rate ? 


When I first visited these shores the exchange rate was close to 80, yes I know things change, I'm not complaining, just stating a fact, maybe my phraseology was not correct, hopefully you now get my drift ????


I see. I was thinking more along the line of a person moving money to a Thai Bank in the past. I see where you are coming from now. Thanks!  

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

For the 1st time in over 7 years of being above board and legal I used an agent for 2 reasons, reason 1: The time before when I did my own with cash in the bank and all legal some tart in civvies in Jomtien immigration gave me a real hard time, at that point I said "No more" I am using an agent from here on in.


Reason 2: The depreciation of the £ to the Baht has made it not a wise idea at the moment to bring cash over and put it in the bank, it would cost more than I am prepared to pay, and I am sure that a lot of guys are in this boat.


So before all you bloody goody 2 shoes start piping up, think about other peoples finances and don't spout off about how nasty the people using agents are, there are other reasons than poverty I can assure you, plus no one should keep all their eggs in one basket eh ?? 


PS: Not a dig at Pattaya46, just confirming the last couple of sentences of his post ????

I’ve used agents for the last decade and pay for short cuts anywhere and everywhere I can. Why? My time is valuable and I’m not going to spend it dealing with idiots at immigration or with anyone else in this country who has the potential to slow me down or get in my way. 







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3 minutes ago, dcnx said:

I’ve used agents for the last decade and pay for short cuts anywhere and everywhere I can. Why? My time is valuable and I’m not going to spend it dealing with idiots at immigration or with anyone else in this country who has the potential to slow me down or get in my way. 







These types of statements are most likely why TI is clamping down on folks. "Idiots at immigration"? Maybe they look at you as "Idiot from "X" country that doesn't respect our laws". 


How anyone can move to another country and constantly call the people that live there idiots is beyond me. Why would you stay if you think they are all idiots? Wouldn't that make you an idiot? Respect the country you are in and abide by the laws. It'll be better for everyone but mostly yourself.

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I’ve used agents for the last decade and pay for short cuts anywhere and everywhere I can. Why? My time is valuable and I’m not going to spend it dealing with idiots at immigration or with anyone else in this country who has the potential to slow me down or get in my way. 
What nonsense. Immigration are hardly idiots. Never had a drama, have your paper work in order and your done. Have encountered way more farang idiot than immigration idiots and with your big bwana attitude its no wonder your forced down the road of corrupt agents.

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17 hours ago, JLCrab said:

Farang #1: So what does this all mean?


Farang #2: I don't know. I'll ask my agent.

What happened at the airport is not the same thing , they issued fake stamps to Nigerians.


The agents in Chonburi offer genuine stamps in collaboration with the bank and immigration. 


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17 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

OK. I am probably one of the most critical people on this forum of Thais and Thailand. But, FINALLY, I am going to say that I am pleasantly surprised. 


This is the type of determination that is largely missing from Thai culture: the will to go after your own clan when it breaks the rules. 


I very much respect this action if it is indeed accurate. Very impressive, and I hope he remains safe and free from the inevitable shouts of 


"Are you Thai?! You fight against Thai people?!" 


Thais like to invoke nationalism whenever they are backed into a corner like this. 

showboating  election time,  show  me  them  behind  bars  in  a  few  months.

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7 hours ago, Burma Man said:

Everyone has been waiting for such actions for a long time. Best news so far for 2019...

Really ?    This is an old news story from weeks ago about Nigerians given fake stamps in their passports by corrupted officials. 


It got nothing to do with agents and retired expats and their 1 year extension. 

2 of my friends got their stamps in January, 15 k fees , 800k in / out from the bank , take a picture at immigration as evidence you have been there, and you'll get your passport with the valid stamps within an hour. 


Agents work with the bank and immigration, SO nothing has changed here. 


If I hear news about retired people with fake stamps in their passport after visiting the agents that 80% of westerners are using, maybe then I will believe it, but this is a completely different case.





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1 hour ago, madmen said:

What nonsense. Immigration are hardly idiots. Never had a drama, have your paper work in order and your done. Have encountered way more farang idiot than immigration idiots and with your big bwana attitude its no wonder your forced down the road of corrupt agents.

your  right. utter  nonsense...............your  post that is, ill be doing my Marriage renewal next week and await  the usual STUPIDITY from them, recent  years  stupidity includes but  not limited to..........photo of bedroom had  a  tiny  bit of bed  missing in photo "cannot".............clothes in photos  had to be  changed, photos  not clear enough wouldnt accept printed from our   printer  had to take  the to photo  shop and get them printed..........looked no different when back except shinier must not put one photo on an A4  sheet has to be 4 must sign all photos (<deleted>), still same clarity.......they told us to change from marriage to retirement 2  years  ago..........easier for THEM as they dont have to send so  much "nonsense paperwork "  to BKK ie theyre  too LAZY to do it, one year even  took us down the road and made us  stand  outside a  resort and they would  tell BKK we  lived there instead for one of the photos  so even they like to cheat their own system all beacsue they are  supposed to come out to our house and visit  us but told  us we  are too  far away and they dont get gas  money to come out so theyll  lie to their superiors and say we  stayed at this  resort...........never ever  had them do a home check where  we  live.

We  always  go  in one  day before starting the application just to check what this  years stupidity  rules  might be then the next day go back, see another  person, and get told "dont need  that"

80km  round  trip each  time sometimes we had  been back and  forth 4-5  times in 2  days due to their stupid constantly changing rules, even their printed out sheet of whats needed has a lot of things  missing.

Im gonna  do a   video one year of us  shagging to prove we are  married as it seems all u need is a photo of  your  bedroom and 100% of the bed in the photo ( even if  the  camera cant do that due to size  of  bedroom) and apparently  this "proves" you are  married....comical, stupid, rules is rules  stupidity.

Dream on Mr oblivious...........

12  years here. own 6  condos in Central BKK, 2  houses ,50  rai of land 2  pick ups 1  car, 1 big  bike, 2 scooters, employ 2  full time staff and pay  local police 1k baht  a month  for the red  box outside the house ( even the policeman  hates the police stays for pension), no  kids................ do you think they want "our  sort".....sure doesnt  feel like it.

They wouldnt know decent people if they slapped  them round the face with a wet  haddock

Edited by kannot
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1 hour ago, HuskerDo said:

Respect the country you are in and abide by the laws

when  the  top bosses  here  dont , makes  it  comical,  you  think  abiding  by  laws  will  give  u  no  problems........................plsssss my  sides cant  stand  it

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14 minutes ago, balo said:

Really ?    This is an old news story from weeks ago about Nigerians given fake stamps in their passports by corrupted officials. 


It got nothing to do with agents and retired expats and their 1 year extension. 

2 of my friends got their stamps in January, 15 k fees , 800k in / out from the bank , take a picture at immigration as evidence you have been there, and you'll get your passport with the valid stamps within an hour. 


Agents work with the bank and immigration, SO nothing has changed here. 


If I hear news about retired people with fake stamps in their passport after visiting the agents that 80% of westerners are using, maybe then I will believe it, but this is a completely different case.





Never  had the  need to us an agent but know a  few  who do without funds and it  still works even at Chaneg Wattana, 20k was what they paid last year, and I doubt this  will change, as you said TOTALLY different situation at the airport.

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4 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

The problem I see with the above is that immigration need the agents to facilitate their countrymen and ease the path to immigration's back door, I for one would not be brazen enough to ask outright of an immigration official if they were up for a backhander !! Would you :stoner:

i  gave  em  some  pineapples  once????

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22 hours ago, colinneil said:

even wanted a photo of my p++s bag, now that is bloody pathetic.

The sort of TOTAL AND  UTTER CRAP that another poster  said doesnt  happen, like our bed photo, had  about 6  inches missing off  the corner, wouldnt accept it................how the <deleted> does that prove we  are  married?? its  just stupidity

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Maybe Big Jokes heart is in the right place after all. He has done more than any other Police General/The Army and Government leaders to stamp out corruption. Yes, still a long way to go. Perhaps he will be rewarded by becoming the National Police Chief? He maybe questioned and challenged by observers but I challenge them to show some one better at addressing corruption issues. Good luck to him, I hope he doesn't waiver (or get sidelined or "bought" off) along the way.

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3 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

He's bound to be going after those 'agents' fixing extensions by dodgy means at some time, easy pickings.

And it will most likely affect those that used the agents. I wonder how hard he'll come down on all involved.

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23 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

and maybe an invite to leave the country.

It won't be an invite will it, anyone using an agent because they don't have the required funds, or because they cannot bring themselves to trust a Thai bank with the measly amount needed would be in for a quick trip back home.

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Seriously wondering, how this works. I cross in and out very often and they always, irrespective of border post, insist on taking a photo, cap off, glasses off, no smile! 
Quite obviously the immigration programme needs a photo to complete the transaction. As this is not possible .......... just asking, if a face recognition programme would sort out all those fellas where the photo does not match. Unless, of course, you could "rent a Nigerian" to stand in for Jonathan Goodfellow's underling! 

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