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Will Asian airlines allow female flight attendants to leave the make up and tight clothes at home?


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4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Vietjet Airline comes close, the owner is a female billionaire:

"Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, a mega-successful Vietnamese entrepreneur who is set to become one of the world's richest people, thanks to her brilliant idea of staffing an airline with bikini-clad babes."


Mmmmmmm...washboard stomachs...

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5 hours ago, JimmyTheMook said:


It's painful looking at the cows employed on Western Airlines.


I know you are joking (well I hope you are) but given an emergency I would rather have those older cows on Western airlines who are trained to the max in an emergency than the young dolly birds on some airlines....whilst they are good to look at they don't inspire confidence in a crisis.

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In the OP photo here, when I first looked at it, I could have sworn the Air Asia ladies were cozying up with a different kind of object...a bit like those sold by the Suk Road vendors.


But now on further inspection, it appears to be some kind of awards statuette.  I guess my mind was going in a different direction....


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3 hours ago, Nong Khai Man said:

Especially SOME of those Old Biddys on BA & KLM !!

Are they that bad in KLM? I'm flying with them in June and my journey will feel a lot longer if their cabin crew are as you say. Last time I flew BA it was like a political correctness cabin crew. Every type of crew member except a few young, straight out of university hotties.

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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I can remember flights with Air Canada. The stewardesses were so fat they had to navigate down the aisles sideways. The girl 4MyEgo posted can give me cabin service any time.

And because they are unionized, you literally can't get rid of them for any reason ! Worst flights I've had in the last 30 years were on Air Canada. It may get ranked (by some places) as the top North American airline - but even then it usually can't make the top 20 internationally and there's a reason for it.

The pilots are unionized.

The cabin staff are unionized.

The ground crew are unionized.

The airport staff are unionized.

(And if I recall - they are all represented by different unions !)
It literally takes an act of god to get one of them fired (without triggering a strike by the unions) and as god doesn't exist (and they know it) they could care less what anyone thinks about them. Or their service. Or lack of it.


When I was on a Nile Cruise in Egypt back in 2005, I spoke to a Korean girl that was a stewardess with Emirates. I asked her what is was like working for them. They had to keep up their appearances (and attitudes) because for every stewardess position that opened up, there were 10,000 applications already in the system. If customers complained about a steward, that could be enough to get them fired (or bumped down to a less prestigious route maybe) as Emirates knew there was no shortage of replacements available.


Meanwhile, on Air Canada, if the plane has a little bump during the flight, the cabin crew will sit down and buckle up and stay there for an hour - or 2, regardless of if there are any more bumps because if the union says do squat - they will try their best to do less than that whenever possible.

(On a flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver - nearly 12 hours - we hit a wee bit of turbulence early on just after I had a drink served. Wasn't enough to spill my drink, but the cabin crew all stopped and sat down even though half the cabin hadn't been served. By the time they started again, all the ice they'd put in the cups previously had melted and they didn't bother replacing it.

Then they started the meal service and again, half way through the meal we had a small bit of turbulence. The crew sat down again. I finished my meal but it was 2 hours before they finally served the rest of the cabin and then came by to pick up the empty trays and that was the last service we got for the rest of the flight. I was watching them and I had the distinct impression that they didn't want to do anything at all and were looking for excuses to just sit in their chairs for the rest of the flight and gossip or whatever.)

The stews on the Asian airlines know what is expected of them (as far as dress and deportment are concerned) and I'm pretty sure their families aren't being held at gun point while the girls are forced to work for those airlines. I'm guessing that a lot of them are quite happy (remember - it used to be a big thing for a girl to be a stewardess and get to fly to all those exotic places all the time, and being a waitress on an airplane was (is) a lot more glamorous than slinging som tam at the corner slop shop).

Doing the bikini thing is probably a little over the edge but I recall reading about that awhile ago and it was apparently blown out of proportion by the media at the time.

(If I recall, during a flight, a few of the girls (4 ?) did a short dance routine in the aisle while wearing bikinis. They put their uniforms back on and that was it for the rest of the flight. It wasn't like they were dressed like that the whole flight and doing lap dances or anything. I think there is a clip of it on youtube somewhere.)

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Need good looking girls - see a girlie bar. Need a flight attendant - then I prefer an experienced lady or gentleman who knows the trade inside out, is experienced with all the things a passenger does not know and might save your life. 

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12 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Need good looking girls - see a girlie bar. Need a flight attendant - then I prefer an experienced lady or gentleman who knows the trade inside out, is experienced with all the things a passenger does not know and might save your life. 

I'd like to have a flying beer bar. If the thing goes down everybody is likely to croak anyway.

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8 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

When I select an airline, it has to include good looking petite Asian flight attendants as I need eye-candy to soothe my nerves while inflight. 

Asian eye candy

My Buddha !!!  but Thai women can be put together like no others ... please feel free to post more of these goddesses. I love the way they whisper ka .... heaven !

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1 minute ago, Tropposurfer said:

My Buddha !!!  but Thai women can be put together like no others ... please feel free to post more of these goddesses. I love the way they whisper ka .... heaven !

Except this one is likely Korean. Google thinks all Asians look the same.

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Being in airplanes is not a healthy work environment.


Aircrew, including pilots and flight attendants, may experience mental and physical stress during their work, as well as potential hazards, such as cosmic radiation, communicable disease, and pesticides.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (American government agency).


What better job to retire from at an early age? Many of the older flight attendants I’ve been on flights with didn’t seem too happy with the job either. Their grumpiness doesn’t add to the quality of my flight experience. And the immaculately groomed, very Asian style flight attendants on Korean Air strictly enforce safety standards (unlike on most SE Asian airlines I’ve flown on) so while experience is good, I would also trust the Korean Air flight staff to function well if there was a problem. So I am all in favor of younger rather than older flight attendants!

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Some regional airlines, principally AirAsia and Vietnam’s VietJet Air are being criticised for putting young female flight attendants in tight-fitting clothes or revealing outfits either on the job or in promotional videos.

It's called marketing... airlines have been doing this for decades.

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7 hours ago, watcharacters said:


PSA was the airline that stands out in my mind for sexy uniforms.     





7 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Talking of nether regions: PSA - rather unfortunate initials. It's also a blood test for prostate cancer.

PSA used to be the government agency which looked after the infrastructure of the British government (including barracks). Known in the military as "Portacabins, Sheds, and Attics", they were later reorganized and rebranded as DOE ("Devastation Over Europe")!


The bloke in a van who came to fix the plumbing never looked like that though...

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7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Can't believe you made that mistake, hilarious.  She is not known for telling misogynistic jokes but actually for telling anti-misogynistic jokes, which are also known as feminist jokes.

Are they misandrist jokes? (Misandry is the reverse of misogyny- the hatred of Men.)

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