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Will the Thai baht hit 20 Aud ?

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Had a debate last night with another farang from Australia and I apologise the question is mostly related to Aussieexchange 


is the thai baht going to go down or up ??


Its currently 22.38 per Aussie dollar, but last week went down to its lowest at 22.20


so $100 Aud is now approx 2,230 baht give or take.


A beer at 90 baht would be nearly $5 Australian !


I know now why many Aussies are going to Bali or Phillipines 


that means things are far more expensive in Thailand than many Western Countries .


So its now going to be a struggle if it keeps going dowm.


is there any Economists here, surely there is, that can advise on a 12 month outlook please !


I know there is a lot of “smart educated “ that do read these topics sometimes so are you able to give a opinion or you cant at this stage ?

Edited by georgegeorgia
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since its in a downward trend I would expect it test previous lows. If it bounces all good if keeps going down then time to sell my condo for a killing on exchange rates..more than one way to profit from RE in LOS and head back to oz for a few years

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

If economist would know where the economy is heading including currencies, they will all be multi millionaires by now, the best you can get is an educated guess based on past, current and future events, and many of those so called predictions have turned out to be inaccurate, but judging on current sentiments in Oz, don't hold your breath for a better exchange that what is now...

Agree.  Free financial advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

If economist would know where the economy is heading including currencies, they will all be multi millionaires by now, the best you can get is an educated guess based on past, current and future events, and many of those so called predictions have turned out to be inaccurate, but judging on current sentiments in Oz, don't hold your breath for a better exchange that what is now...

the economists don't have a clue but you can bet the wall streeters have the inside track...

Edited by tlandtday
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The opinion on the AuD reported in the mainstream press differs every 3 to 6 months. This time last year I read an article stating that they thought the $ would rise. Then later on another predicted it would drop. 


Oz is perceived to be in mild economic downturn. I believe the rate will be shit for another year or so. Move to the philippines. The dead farang channel on youtube just said today that the oz rate is 36 to the peso. Move to the philippines?

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Glad I bought a house when I did at 27 baht to the A$, but if I'd done it a couple of weeks earlier I would have got over 30 baht. That loss cost me nearly ten grand Australian. This was 8 years ago.

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17 minutes ago, Deerculler said:

The biggest problem for New Zealand and Australia is because they are tied to whatever happens with China.

China is NZ and Aust. biggest trading partner.

If China goes down so do we.


Yes this is what i've been reading, since China's economy is slowing down, if they have more issues then don't expect AUD to rise.

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The minimum wage in Australia is $18.93 With that you are at the poverty line. Manufacturing has left the country. (for the most part) The Australian economy is resource-based and exports most of those resources to China. China is slowing down significantly. When I do the math it does not look good for the Australian dollar. My guess is the Australian government will be working hard to devalue the currency to help exports and help tourism. A slow decline is probable versus the baht. For now, Thailands foreign currency account surplus is very high so I don't see the value of the baht going down. 

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Who knows?


The financial analysts and economists make their predictions, which are more than often wrong.


Before moving to Thailand about 6 years ago, I looked at the historical A$-Thai Baht exchage rate and Australian interest rate data - the data suggested interest rates should average around 5% (thus reasonable to keep money in an Australian bank investment account) and the exchage rate around 30 Baht to the A$ (giving me enough to have a comfortable life in Thailand).  Both guesses were wrong.


Over the short term, say until the end of this year - Australian political situation is not good and the Australian economy is so-so (tied very much to China, and China is slowing down).  For what it is worth, my guess is that the exchange rate will basially stay where it is, and interest rates will not go up until 2020.


Beyond 2020, your guess is as good as mine.


Thailand is becoming too expensive.



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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

Glad I bought a house when I did at 27 baht to the A$, but if I'd done it a couple of weeks earlier I would have got over 30 baht. That loss cost me nearly ten grand Australian. This was 8 years ago.

Must be a cheap house - $100K

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Well, about 9 months ago some of the “experts” here on TV were adamant the $AU was about to go below 19 baht. They were wrong then, and those same “experts” will probably be wrong again.

 There are too many variables to accurately predict currency fluctuations in anything more than the immediate short term future.

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5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Agree.  Free financial advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.

The old "you get what you pay for" mainly from aussies.. lol..

But in this case, I agree, if they were even more

than half sure they knew where anything was headed more than 50% then they would just do it and be very well off....

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In th4 Mid 80's I followed an evening program at the University of Amsterdam, Fac. Economy about international affairs , and influence on currencies / exchange rates. At the end of the 14 evenings, one of the students thanked the professor, but asked: " Now we know why.. then.. etc etc, but.. can you also tell what the exchange rate of the US$ will be next week towards the European currencies ? "

( Just in that time, the US$ got stronger and stronger, the Bundesbank of Germany tried with a DM 3 BILLION to stop the US$ at 3 MDM. result… sfruppp.. and gone were these DM 3 Billion)

Answer of the prof: "for currency exchanges ( of the US$ towards the EU currencies) you should not ask the Faculty of Economics, but of Psychology"

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Australia's economy is currently caught in a slowly deflating bubble, that was inflated by China, the latter's bubble also currently deflating. 


Yet, thanks to wise policies such as betting the farm on China and Chinese tourists, Thailand has made itself very vulnerable to economic weakness in China. 


Thus, it is not because the Thai baht has been on a roll for a few years, that it is going to be that way forever...


There is nothing tangible to support the surprising strength of the baht. 


If Thailand was one of the strongest economies in the world, that would make the headlines... most probably the baht has reached such high levels because very few players on the markets have paid any attention to it, and started shorting it, in the way many players are shorting the yuan for example. .. but that could change anytime... 


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4 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

Will Jesus come back tonight while I'm asleep.

Well, if you keep your TV turned on the broadcasting of Manchester City's game, you could indeed see him... yet I am not sure whether Man C is playing tonight... 

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