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Police chief orders Big Joke transferred to inactive post

Jonathan Fairfield

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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Actually, Immigration told the Embassies that they would not accept any income letters from them unless they were able to verify that the information in those letters was accurate. They told the Embassies that they may be held liable in the event Immigration found out the information was false.


So some embassies decided to stop issuing the letters rather than go through the enormous hassle of trying to verify each and every person's statements (or leaving themselves liable).
But of course, TV members not having a single clue about most things, figured that all embassies have this "magic button" that any clerk can simply push and have all their financial information displayed in an instant so that the clerk (that may actually be a foreign national) could simply stamp "verified" on their letter.


Completely oblivious to the fact that even the police in their home countries would (normally) need a warrant in order to see that same information. They expect that some low level clerk at an Embassy could access it and when the Embassies (some of them) decided to stop issuing the letters - they get their knickers in a knot and whine about how the Embassies don't care about them.

And has been mentioned, this came into effect before "Big Jok" (or "Joke" to Westerners) took over Immigration.


could it be by asking for verification they set the embassies up to deny verification  which would than give them an excuse to justify the mandate to deposits money into Thai banks, knowing that the embassies would not verify the LOI's in the first place.  the outcome was a great windfall for the banks which have been loosing money due to bad loans.  just a theory.

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23 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Something big is happening.......Let see ....

Thai contacts say a Bt 70 million payment for "soon rien" (zero pay in Thailand) Chinese tours scam and police vehicle purchase price scam is (part of) the problem. But we wait to see if these are Red Herrings for his busitng people with bigger patrons than his (Prawit). Contacts previously uncovered the Suwannabhumi second terminal scandal, so reliable. 

Wait for the fireworks after SongKran. ????

As for expat reprieve on new bank rules, no news. 

Edited by jgarbo
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16 hours ago, tlandtday said:

Yeah and where did you get this info from?  A far more likely scenario is they were pressured and caved.  I would say no small coincidence a few of these embassies have been critical of a non elected government.

As far as the Australian Embassy at least is concerned, it had nothing to do with the Thai govt, Immigration, or Big Joke.

I don’t know if it was a change in the law re Stat Decs, or just a change in policy by DFAT, but other Australian embassies elsewhere have stopped doing Stat Decs for local use, and state on their websites that they can only do them for documents of Australian origin or for use in Australia.



 No matter how big Big Joke thought he was, he had no influence over the Australian embassy’s decision.


As for the people relying on AMM’s Facebook posts as evidence they should remember that he looks at the world through “red tinted glasses” from afar, relying on biased rumors and anecdotes from his former red comrades. He might well be right this time, but I would not bet the house on it.

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23 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

Reasons are: Auditors discovered the numbers of foreigners arrested and supposedly removed did not match the numbers announced by BJ.

BJ always stated that there are no more overstayers in the kingdom, fake info.

The Big Boss has been reading TV on regular basis....555

The reason seems to be and not surprisingly corruption as the rumors says. One of the rumors says that he received cash from the company that got the deal of selling 60 police cars through auction with a value of 70m/thb .... again just a rumor, but a very detailed one ...

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52 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Kobkarn, the one who opened the floodgates to China and India and managed to start the decline of the western tourism? Good riddance. Let's hope she and BJ enjoy their 20th floor school desks.


That said, now the question is will the next one be a real hardliner. A lot of damage can be done simply by modifying the immigration police orders.

See that’s more speculation they just changed the police orders back in very late December.  That’s not something they do on a regular basis.  The immigration police orders have already been changed to what the government wanted if it was not what they wanted then the government would not have allowed the changes.  Do you really think the immigration Chief doesn’t at least run those changes by his boss first before they are officially approved by his superiors and signed into policy I doubt it.  I believe he actually answers directly to the man as well.  Regardless this year was the biggest change to the immigration police orders ever since 2014 which was unprecedented.  They are not just gonna change them again that soon, there maybe modifications in years to come I’m sure but I highly doubt anytime soon since they literally just did that and went through all the trouble they did to change the immigration procedures, and they didn’t even change the actual rules per say they only changed the procedures regarding income verification.  It’s tough to make major changes to the immigration police orders because immigration has to adapt to the changes and they are currently going through a huge process just adapting to the recent changes to the police orders.  


You might see changes to the police orders in years to come or slight modifications like back in 2014 but I would highly doubt that would happen any time soon.  Changes to the immigration police orders are very rare and what happened this year was highly unprecedented.  I’m not saying it can’t happen but it’s highly doubtful that they would change them again so soon after they just did.  They are still transitioning to the new police orders now and will be at least throughout most of the rest of this year.  


Although I’m sure that’ll be the next big attention getting Thai Visas article when a replacement is appointed it’ll probably read “Breaking New Immigration Chief says BIG CHANGES ARE COMING” and then you’ll read the article and it’ll probably say something like “he didn’t say what changes but things are going to change” LMAO ????.  I’m serious just wait and see an article just like that is probably being prepared now before the replacement is even appointed.  I’m absolutely sure you’ll see a Thai Visas article just like that which will again get everyone all spun up and going crazy and once again speculating about NOTHING.  They just like to get attention and readers for advertising purposes and fear mongering is a really good way to get attention.  


But yes Thai Visas does put out accurate information at least half of the time maybe a little more than half the time.  This article maybe accurate but it’s clearly meant to stir everyone up to get attention and people viewing their site.  Pretty soon they’ll be advertising for Pepsi and Niki they’re getting so much attention.  Mark my words though I’m serious what I said above will probably be a Thai Visas article coming soon worded almost exactly as I predict it will.  I probably just spoiled the writers surprise too lol ????.  I’ve actually seen articles like that on here before that made predictions that never came true this site does that a lot.  Like the talks about future insurance requirements and other things that have never come to pass.  

Edited by Jim7777
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1 hour ago, Jim7777 said:

Actually that makes Sheriff Joe a better example of this now that you mention illegal immigration.  He was getting really tough to the point of making his deputies ask to see passports anytime they pulled anyone over for a routine traffic stop.  And profiling Hispanics he was heavily criticized and even sued by the Obama Administration but obviously that part is different because America is way different.  Arizona became known as the “show me your papers state”.  

Sounds like Joe was going beyond his authority, but he could be reigned in.  In Thailand, it is a bit more whimsical. 


In Thailand, far too much is made of foreigners behaving badly.  20-30 years ago, drunk foreigners were passed out all over Bangkok.   Today, Khaosan has corporate fast food.  Something we would never had expect to see in that area back then.  And, again, neighboring countries don't have this sort of immigration drama. 


Not a fan of BJ, but he has no recourse in his fate in this autocracy he so "heroically" defended.  Who knows?  He may become a fan of checks and balances one day.   

Edited by yellowboat
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May be because of the negative impact on arrival of regular visitors, i have been myself victim of the excess of zeel from being stop in public and escorted by an army of immi- like a criminal to my hotel room coz i was not in possession of my passport. 

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59 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

I think most of foreigners who is staying  here for many years are doing great job with their responsibilities. Most of them are spending their money on visa, children education, rent, condos, taxes, food, beers and etc. All that stays here unlike those Filipino teachers, Myanmar or Laos workers sending their earning back to their home country. The immigration should look at those things and give some credit for foreigners who are doing right things. Not just busting them or turning them down with unnecessary paperwork or rudeness. This is an unhealthy way to treat those foreigners, show some respect.

Yes, but you'd probably have to live in a tent if they wouldn't work here.

Edited by metisdead
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30 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

Thai contacts say a Bt 70 million payment for "soon rien" (zero pay in Thailand) Chinese tours scam and police vehicle purchase price scam is (part of) the problem. But we wait to see if these are Red Herrings for his busitng people with bigger patrons than his (Prawit). Contacts previously uncovered the Suwannabhumi second terminal scandal, so reliable. 

Wait for the fireworks after SongKran. ????

As for expat reprieve on new bank rules, no news. 

I hope the bank rules never change I like them the way they are now I would not want to go back to the income affidavits ever.  Regardless they literally just made the bank rules the ink isn’t even dry yet on the current amended police orders so I doubt that it’ll change anytime soon.  Even this year was unprecedented with the amended police orders.  

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1 hour ago, Jim7777 said:

Well that depends, who’s in line to replace him?  Will it be someone even more conservative or someone a little more liberal?  That’s what people should be asking, and not concerned about why he was transferred so soon.  That’s in the past he’s transferred supposedly.  In the here and now the real question is who replaces him and will it really matter who replaces him will it make any difference whatsoever, I don’t think it will make a difference.  Unless they get someone who starts undoing his work which I doubt will happen.  

His transfer had nothing to do with immigration.  That is important because his transfer signals no immigration change at all. 

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46 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

No it is your stupidity, if I had to do that I would be getting at least 820 Baht a month, and that is in a standard savings account, you can certainly get more interest than that.

Haha, 820 Baht a month... 800,000 Baht. One of the cheapest countries in the world to live, and the most expensive and unfriendly retirement rules in the world. 

Got to love LOS's and the people that defend these new rules.. LOL

A fool and his money comes to mind when I think of the new retirement rules in Thailand. 

Edited by garyk
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6 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

His transfer had nothing to do with immigration.  That is important because his transfer signals no immigration change at all. 

Yes I was literally just thinking that you read my mind!  Plus the new police orders requiring the new immigration procedures just came out like 3 months ago and the immigration offices are still adjusting to the new procedures and they will be throughout the year so they’re not about to change it again when they are still in the middle of adjusting to the current changes.  


I was actually just saying that to my wife that his transfer had nothing to do with immigration rules or procedures therefore that would indicate no reason to change the current immigration rules EXACTLY what I was thinking.  


His tranfer could be for a number of reasons maybe he did screw up or piss someone off I don’t know, maybe it was just a routine transfer, more than likely it’s just political but yes, bottom line his transfer signals no immigration changes at all, there are no indications of that whatsoever because his transfer has nothing to do with his policies.  


He was appointed specifically to implement the new policies and procedures and to clean up immigration.  I was literally just talking about that with my wife before I read your reply I fully agree.  

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2 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

I was actually just saying that to my wife that his transfer had nothing to do with immigration rules or procedures therefore that would indicate no reason to change the current immigration rules EXACTLY what I was thinking.  

You still haven't taken the trouble to look into the links in this thread have you? your harping as if you know what you are talking about, most who looked further into this news yesterday know that this had zilch to do with immigration, yet all those who cannot legally qualify are desperately hoping for change in recent rules - forget it! - your dreaming.....

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Although I can foresee a future Thai Visas article predicting changes when the new immigration Chief is appointed just to get our attention again.  But that makes sense his transfer had nothing to do with immigration policy therefore they have no reason to make any further changes, they just did only 3 months ago.  

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

You still haven't taken the trouble to look into the links in this thread have you? your harping as if you know what you are talking about, most who looked further into this news yesterday know that this had zilch to do with immigration, yet all those who cannot legally qualify are desperately hoping for change in recent rules - forget it! - your dreaming.....

Actually what you just said was one of my points I agree it has nothing to do with immigration that’s what I’ve been saying all long, his transfer was either routine or probably political more than likely but no it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration I know I get it.  I also agree that the people who cannot legally qualify for a long stay visa are desperately hoping for change which ain’t gonna happen and indeed I hope it never does because I happen to like the current immigration rules it works out great for me but I do legally qualify for my visa so of course I’m happy and don’t want anything to change.  


Don’t get hostile with me when I’m agreeing with you.  Of course I know that his transfer had nothing to do with immigration I knew that from the beginning it’s more than likely political in nature.  I literally agreed with you in my post that you are replying to before you even replied.  

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30 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

Yes I was literally just thinking that you read my mind!  Plus the new police orders requiring the new immigration procedures just came out like 3 months ago and the immigration offices are still adjusting to the new procedures and they will be throughout the year so they’re not about to change it again when they are still in the middle of adjusting to the current changes.  


I was actually just saying that to my wife that his transfer had nothing to do with immigration rules or procedures therefore that would indicate no reason to change the current immigration rules EXACTLY what I was thinking.  


His tranfer could be for a number of reasons maybe he did screw up or piss someone off I don’t know, maybe it was just a routine transfer, more than likely it’s just political but yes, bottom line his transfer signals no immigration changes at all, there are no indications of that whatsoever because his transfer has nothing to do with his policies.  


He was appointed specifically to implement the new policies and procedures and to clean up immigration.  I was literally just talking about that with my wife before I read your reply I fully agree.  

they’re not about to change it again when they are still in the middle of adjusting to the current changes.  


LOL......Dont make me laugh....They have been constantly changing immigration rule for a few years now.....So why would they care about slowing down now?.....


There have been many bad changes to immigration rules.....The sooner things change the better....

Edited by fforest1
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