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Are you changing to marriage visa now?

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Sure they denied me at the airport when I was going to my wedding with my tourist visa. I am now wed and bringing my wife for travel across a couple country and will get the wedding visa in one of those country. 

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44 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


For the 800k method there has been a substantial change to the rules. in thep ast you were allowed to spend the money to live on. Now you are not. Very, very big change.

And for the 65K/month there have also been meaningful changes. In the past one only had to have 65k/month gross income, and were free to bring in as much as needed when needed into the Thailand through any transfer mechanism that suited you - ATM, Currency transfer services etc. Now you must bring in 65k or more every single month in a manner that generates the required bank codes.  For many people to be able to bring in 65K a month means having to have more than 65k/month gross income due to deductions for insurance, tax etc. for example, Americans often have Medicare premium deducted from their SS before it is paid...in which case they would have ot have an income of over 68K/month to meet the new requirement of bringing 65K into the country. 


And the requirement for monthly transfer creates a whole other set of problems as it is not consistent with how some government pensions are paid. Americans, for example, often get two Social Security payments in August and none in September due to September 1 being a holiday. 


While the intent for the income method seems to be  just enforcement the way it was done has had the effect of actually changing the rules in a significant manner.


And the 800K method clearly has been  changed such that the actual required income now is at least 50% higher.

To clarify , if a 65k monthly transfer to a Thai bank account is missed , can the next payment be doubled to 130k , or the annual total paid to equate to 800k ?   If the combo method is still OK and say the applicant has savings in a foreign bank is that workable or does the cash have to be in a Thai bank ? I know that your money / savings can be in a foreign account when applying for a non o/a visa . Also what are the rules for a marriage visa and the 400k , does that have to stay in the bank account or just at the application stage ?

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3 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Aren't you a good boy! Amazing how you find the new rules to be no problem, yet hundreds of us on here find it to be a clusterfork. No mention from you of the combination method, the so-called leniancy to be shown to those with less than 12 months transfers from abroad, those who don't get pension monthly etc etc etc. But you're alright jack so it "serves us right". With fellow farang like you, who needs xenophobic immigration personnel?

I don't mean to sound obnoxious, but the bottom line is: It's their country, it's their rules. You either comply, or you leave. Nothing hard about that.

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34 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Because there's no way I can spend 65000 a month and the beggering about trying to prove I've had this much coming in from abroad every month for twelve months, I'm going for the 400,000 in the bank marriage visa next time. This after 12 years of monthly income retirement visas using the Brit Embassy letter. Next year, because I can be almost sure of getting 12 monthly transfers of 40,000 from abroad into Bangkok Bank, I may do the monthly income marriage visa. 

My experience of having a Thai wife is that she would be more than willing to provide you with all the assistance you needed in complying with the minimum 65k monthly spend requirement!????

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23 minutes ago, jesimps said:

You must have a degree in stating the obvious. We all realise this and that's the reason we're attempting to comply rather than leave, especially those of us married with family here. We can all afford to abide by the new rules but it's difficult sometimes trying to comply with them and supply the proof that TI are demanding. These new rules have been badly thought out and I think that most on here will agree with that. I'll say again, it does NOT serve us right!

Not only does it not serve the intended recipients, it doesn't serve TI's raison d'être.  In particular the new 800k rule(s) to catch dodgy visa agents and their dodgy clients.   Saw a visa agent advert on Facebook the other day.  Bank account and Immigration "show money".  Not even trying to be discreet, right out in the open.


That's how these things go.  Crackdowns are dumb bombs.  TI doesn't have the brains or the drive to launch a few missiles and take out the bad guys surgically.  They are 1/2 the problem to begin with.  Meanwhile, the foot soldiers carry on carpet bombing innocent civilians because that's their "job".  Just following orders.

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