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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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How can you say that? Leave won.
They did. But it's rank hypocrisy to then complain about Remainers campaigning for another vote, when he admits he would have done the same. No surprise though!

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14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

If Farage delivers a Labour majority or minority government, it will be the only thing I will be grateful to him for. Imagine PMQs with him and Farage opposite each other. Even better, imagine the Tories wiped out completely emoji1.png

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If you are converting GBP to Baht you won’t thank Corbyn for further sinking the pound. His policies will only kill the UK economy , the Brexit disaster is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Are you honestly saying that you would be happy with the likes of a imho brainless wonder by the name of diane abbot being the Home Secy.???
If that ever happened..I hope the UK Armed Forces stage a coup.
I mean that.!!!!!!!tapatalk_1557842046636.jpeg.71c89c3f5f129c15341f6be37f33f63e.jpegtapatalk_1556804089432.jpeg.b9674d806679150c6523b62a53b254a0.jpegtapatalk_1555822555217.jpeg.61ecf351e3421f757027aaa81407f6f4.jpeg

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Yes. I admire Diane Abbott. She's had to put up with a lot of shit.

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

If Farage delivers a Labour majority or minority government, it will be the only thing I will be grateful to him for. Imagine PMQs with him and Farage opposite each other. Even better, imagine the Tories wiped out completely emoji1.png

The only positive point to be said about May is that she eats Corbyn for breakfast every Weds during PMQs

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Yes. I admire Diane Abbott. She's had to put up with a lot of shit.

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Actually agree with you there.
The abundance of turds is between her ears..not her fault at all.
Imagine someone blasting out bout the toffs, the toffee nosed few...whilst sending her kids to s posh private school.
Dear oh dear
Wonder what Windsor says bout thattapatalk_1548815629899.jpeg

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29 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Yes. I admire Diane Abbott. She's had to put up with a lot of shit.

She and Lammy are masters of playing 'Professional Victim' & do so at the drop of a hat.

Edited by evadgib
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On 5/12/2019 at 11:33 AM, malagateddy said:

Now then..do not DARE to call my fellow Brexiteers racists..all we want is to escape from an attempt by unelected autocratic jobsworths over in brussels who's ultimate aim is to have.." a united states of europe.
We are also sick of having rather undesirable eu immigrants who's core activity is child prostitution..hard drugs..people trafficking..protection rackets..etc etc.
Remember this also..lined up to join the inglorious eu are countries like albania. serbia..bosnia..just how many QUALITY eu immigrants will flock to the UK from these countries???
Answers on a postcard please.

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Small minded idiots always fall for the 'its the invading foreigners fault' hype. 

Edited by NightSky
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7 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Small minded idiots always fall for the 'its the invading foreigners fault' hype. 

small minded idiots pretend to have superior intelligence while berating those who disagree with your opinion

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36 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Farage is a one trick pony ... he won't win anything worth winning, what he'll do is usher in Corbyn.




As opposed to Corbyn and May who are no trick ponies.

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1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:

On the contrary, she is doing everything she can to remain whilst 'appearing' to leave.

If she was serious then she would leave.


She needs to get that through parliament ... so "no deal" is not her gift to give ... thank goodness.

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19 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Whatever you do, don’t address the point made.

There is nothing to address or argue about he is a one trick pony and looking at his position in the EU polls ( the YouGov study for the Times put the Tories on just 10 percent for the EU election, behind the Brexit Party on 34 percent, Labour on 16 percent, the Liberal Democrats on 15 percent and the Greens on 11 percent), a very successful one trick pony. You recognize and agree with that don't you?

With a successful EU performance behind him and headed into a GE you may find he becomes a field full of ponies. We will have to wait and see.



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2 hours ago, NightSky said:

Small minded idiots always fall for the 'its the invading foreigners fault' hype. 


On U.K tv over the last couple of days,they have been debating the ever increasing rate of criminal activity in the country. Much of the blame has rightly been blamed on T.May tenure of the Home Secretary, when she reduced police numbers by 20,000.


 The increase in the importation and distribution of illegal cannabis is helping to drive this increase. And who is at the forefront of not only the cannabis trade but also other criminal activities, well according to the 

National Crime Agency, Albania a country not yet a member, though is a favoured applicant for membership. Therefore we can only wonder what will happen to our crime statistics when Albania does become a full member of the E.u, thus enabling their citizens to take full advantage of the E.u free movement of people.


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5 hours ago, Small Joke said:

It would change things in Govanhill, Scotland though.

Then, 'deleteds' (as TV put it) would begin at Berwick' ????

pol pot and hitler wouldnt want to live in govanhill,iam sure the locals there are not intimidated by a few polish bog cleaners surely do god.

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31 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

She needs to get that through parliament ... so "no deal" is not her gift to give ... thank goodness.



Yes we all know,that the people voted in a Democratic Election,to leave the E.u. In the largest turnout in our history. Unfortunately the majority of M.p’s are trying their dammed hardest to prevent the people wish from being implemented. And that’s the problem, as we now have the people versus the political elite.


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