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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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54 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You're not standing for PM of Australia though.

People married to foreign women half their age do not represent the normal people in their country.

Same as childless women do not represent the general population.

It's a clear conflict of interests (or indication of sexual aberration).

"People married to foreign women half their age do not represent the normal people in their country."




"Same as childless women do not represent the general population."


True, but it's becoming ever more common.  I know quite a few of us who decided that we did not want children for various reasons.


"It's a clear conflict of interests (or indication of sexual aberration)."


Good grief!  You've made it very clear that you don't like Western women - but really???  More than one step too far.....



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24 minutes ago, sanemax said:

And to stop the food mountains , you now have rich land owners being paid NOT to produce any food on their farm land .

   The Queen of England being a big beneficiary to this policy 

Good enough reason to Leave. For every UK land owner being paid NOT to produce, you can be sure there are 27 other peasant farmers with their snout in the EU trough. I'm comfortable with every Euro that anyone in the UK can currently squeeze out of the EU, but all that stops when we Leave and it's our money in Sterling again.

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26 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Good grief!  You've made it very clear that you don't like Western women - but really???  More than one step too far.....

I'm fine with western women, go hiking every week with some really nice ladies, but friends only please.

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59 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Same as childless women do not represent the general population."


True, but it's becoming ever more common.  I know quite a few of us who decided that we did not want children for various reasons.

If western governments stopped paying people to have children, I'm sure the birth rate would decline astronomically.


Whatever our opinion of the conservative party is, their voters would probably have less children than socialist parties, so their base is going to decline in the future.

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29 minutes ago, Celer et Audax said:

As his wife is German then their children are quite rightly entitled to have German passports if the wish
I would not call exercising this right “securing” anything

Not actually true, I have a cousin, born in the UK, whose mom was German, and she never managed to get a German passport.

Even though she worked as a German/English translator for the Eu in Strasbourg. 

Edited by BritManToo
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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

What he’s going to do is shove Corbyn down Britain’s throat, and in doing so scupper his own Brexit wet dream. He’s a lying conman taking people like you for mugs.

So who should be taking us for mugs? Not much choice is there?

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If western governments stopped paying people to have children, I'm sure the birth rate would decline astronomically.


Whatever our opinion of the conservative party is, their voters would probably have less children than socialist parties, so their base is going to decline in the future.

Er...you might want to research that statement.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, but he's not. He's a smooth talking brilliant guy that's going to shove Brexit down May's lying throat.

Those that don't like Farage need not attack me as I will ignore.

He has given the dispossessed a feeling of temporary superiority whilst him and his rich chums feather their very nice nests. It's the foreigners innit.....

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28 minutes ago, nauseus said:

First one.

I'm more convinced by that one than the second. 

Anyway, how could I "research" it given none of the countries I know have stopped paying people to have children.

Perhaps they will when the countries are full up with old people because they spend enormous amounts of treasure on keeping old people alive, even if they want to die. Only then will I know if I'm correct or not.

I do know that it costs a great deal of money to have children, and given most families have both parents working just to survive, any additional costs might change their mind about having more or any. Singapore and Japan have decreasing birth rates because more and more women don't want children.

Pregnancy makes them sick, destroys their figures and it hurts a lot birthing them. If I was a woman, no way would I ever put myself through that, just to have a person wanting stuff off me all my life, and then not even visiting when I'm in an old folks home.

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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

Farage is not only an influencer, but he's the one who influenced holding the biggest democratic exercise in the country's history. Now he's going to influence our eventual Exit, despite the political elite's attempts to thwart that democratic referendum result.

IMO the Referendum was a farce, not an exercise in Democracy.




We will see how events unfold, hopefully Farage will never gain power.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You're not standing for PM of Australia though.

People married to foreign women half their age do not represent the normal people in their country.

Same as childless women do not represent the general population.

It's a clear conflict of interests (or indication of sexual aberration).



You mean these childless couples:- 


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4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

The point you miss is what is wrong with marrying someone from another country Australia is full of couples where one or the other is from another country

Why should people not marry someone of half their age if both agree and as far as a sexual aberration I think it is you who are suffering some sort of aberration to make such a comment.

Or is it because a woman half your age wouldn’t want you


Good points, maybe that’s why some remainders prefer to go and live in Portugal with their granny girlfriend.


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14 minutes ago, nontabury said:



 Well this policy definitely appeals to some staunch remainers.

I can’t get over the thought that perhaps this influences their desires to remain, at a cost of our Democracy.




I'll raise you a Rees-Mogg ancestral home bung.......


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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:



 And would I be correct in thinking, that many of those foods,presently imported from the E.u, could in reality be sourced from elsewhere,and in many instances at a lower cost?

With whom have our marvelous Brexit leaders lined up trade deals - Iceland and Lesotho? Is Iceland where they have the rotten shark? Not sure what staples Lesotho produces though.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The lying con men are all in Brussels, and the EU is a huge con in itself.

Was supposed to be a purely economic arrangement, and got hijacked into a political fiasco.

Yeah, and crashing out of it is going to make everyone’s life better? You don’t even live in the UK. It’s the young that will bear the economic brunt of the foolishness of old age bigots, harking back to some halcyon day that never was. Talking crap about sovereignty   and other such nonsense ... it was a vote that will make people’s lives tougher ... but the sacrifice will not be met by the OAPs who voted for it.

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23 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

With whom have our marvelous Brexit leaders lined up trade deals - Iceland and Lesotho? Is Iceland where they have the rotten shark? Not sure what staples Lesotho produces though.

Lesotho can do you a decent diamond mine ... but not much else. We’re all sitting in anticipation of this brilliant future on WTO terms ... like Mauritania. We’re playing alongside the big boys now.

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6 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Yes. The EU impose duties and quota systems on a lot of foodstuffs coming from outside the EU, I used to think that this was a good idea as it protects jobs/industry within the EU but in reality all it really does is artificially push prices up and creates laziness in businesses who have no need to be competitive other than against those in the EU.


I mentioned prawns in particular as this is one of my biggest gripes especially (as far as I know) there are no shrimp producing countries in the EU. Thailand is one of the bigger exporters and until 2 years ago the duty rate was 7% on cooked however this is now 20% and don't forget you are also paying duty on the freight cost as well so it's nearer 25%. There are literally thousands upon thousands of similar examples.




Scotland produces prawns - but I guess our lazy Scottish prawn fisherman can look forward to Thai efficiencies and work practices to come as they bask in the benefits of the Brexit they don't want. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm more convinced by that one than the second. 

Anyway, how could I "research" it given none of the countries I know have stopped paying people to have children.

Perhaps they will when the countries are full up with old people because they spend enormous amounts of treasure on keeping old people alive, even if they want to die. Only then will I know if I'm correct or not.

I do know that it costs a great deal of money to have children, and given most families have both parents working just to survive, any additional costs might change their mind about having more or any. Singapore and Japan have decreasing birth rates because more and more women don't want children.

Pregnancy makes them sick, destroys their figures and it hurts a lot birthing them. If I was a woman, no way would I ever put myself through that, just to have a person wanting stuff off me all my life, and then not even visiting when I'm in an old folks home.

If you were to actually take a look, you will find that the general birth rate of Europeans is in decline, they don't have to be paid. 

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