ballpoint Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 43 minutes ago, canuckamuck said: America is dysfunctional but in a way that has stimulated the economy and put lots of people back to work. Yep. A multiple train wreck is a huge stimulus to workers in the rescue, medical, railroad, salvage, trucking, scrap metal, mortuary and legal fields. 2 1
expatfromwyoming Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 As well as being 'uniquely dysfunctional Trump is universally known for his serial falsehoods (more simply, lies). What might not be as well known is that he is lying more and more often. And this has forced his base to become more vitriolic 1 1
Popular Post Paul52 Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said: The most important part of the article buried in the last sentence. "This is still the land of America First". There you have it. Darroch proving that he is primarily a globalist, and is all whiny and upset that POTUS Trump is serving his own country and citizens instead of running around trying to win Nobel awards by playing mr progressive globalist. Darroch needs firing immediately. His behaviour is undiplomatic in the extreme. Let him get a real job in the private sector and let him learn about globalism and the real world. Kudos to Trump for restraining himself. Can't have been easy faced with this sort of deep state muppetry that he so hates. Most countries in the world would be very happy for the USA to have its insular, protectionist America First approach, providing the USA gives up its dollar reserve currency status, and doesn't use its terrifying military might to constantly start wars that, although they may benefit the USA, cause socio, political and economic global destabilization and problems. But of course, you want your cake and eat it too. 8 1
Popular Post bristolboy Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 3 minutes ago, Paul52 said: Most countries in the world would be very happy for the USA to have its insular, protectionist America First approach, providing the USA gives up its dollar reserve currency status, and doesn't use its terrifying military might to constantly start wars that, although they may benefit the USA, cause socio, political and economic global destabilization and problems. But of course, you want your cake and eat it too. Not sure that America could give up its dollar reserve status even if it wanted to. It's not imposed. Markets can choose. And some reserve dollars are held in Euros although the percentage has declined lately. China tried but no one really trusts its currency and willingness to impose capital controls. More hope lies in creating alternate financial systems untethered to the dollar. 2 1
Popular Post expatfromwyoming Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump More Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate...... 4:50 PM - 7 Jul 2019 You cant make this stuff up- and this from the "leader of the free world???" LMAO 2 3
Popular Post candide Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 4 hours ago, Thomas J said: Please give me more dysfunctional presidents like Trump. Those uniquely functional Presidents like Obama put 1 out of 7 people on food stamps, they only job growth was more government employees, had U-6 unemployment over 16% of U.S. Workforce, ran up a debt greater than the combined total of all 43 presidents who preceded him and for all that STIMULUS spending was the only president in U.S. history to never achieve even a meager 3% annual growth in the USA economy once. Obama overcame the economic crisis created by his predecessor, and delivered 2 terms of sustained GDP growth and decrease of unemployment. As for stimulus spending, Obama started reducing budget deficits after the crisis and added 3.5 trillion debt during his last term. On the other hand, Trump increased budget deficits and will add 5 trillion debt during his first term (according to budget forecast by his own administration). That 42% more than Obama during his last term. All that during a period of regular worldwide growth. 6
soalbundy Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 1 hour ago, expatfromwyoming said: Now that is politeness personified A very British understatement 2
Popular Post Benmart Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 6 hours ago, Basil B said: Not exactly news, what the Ambassador wrote we all have known for a long time. "We"?. Who are you the spokesperson for, or is there a mouse in your pocket? 3 1 2
Popular Post Benmart Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 I care not what an Ambassador says, afterall what are his qualifications at running the United States of America, or judging the ability of the entire governmental machine of the USA? He is an English pip-squeek, temporarily latched onto the tit of his government, soon to be jobless and relegated to obscurity. 4 1 2
Popular Post Thingamabob Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 I find the ambassador's comments rather strange given that the US is doing rather well under Trump, certainly as well as and perhaps better than under Bush and Obama. 3 1 1 3
Popular Post stevenl Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 53 minutes ago, Benmart said: I care not what an Ambassador says, afterall what are his qualifications at running the United States of America, or judging the ability of the entire governmental machine of the USA? He is an English pip-squeek, temporarily latched onto the tit of his government, soon to be jobless and relegated to obscurity. Soon to be jobless, why? He was doing exactly what his job requires of him. 5
Popular Post Emdog Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 Just to remind folks, conservatives are in power in UK, not a bunch of bleeding Marxists. This is one time you can't blame liberals for this assessment. See lots of "kill the messenger if you don't like the message" posts here, along with their mantra "But Obama....". Hey kids, Barry isn't president anymore 3 2
ResandePohm Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said: In my opinion, Darroch is bent out of shape over Trump not chanting the correct progressive mantras. Trump is not here to virtue signal to the likes of Darroch. Trump was elected to get the country back into shape, and he is doing a darned fine job of it. Darroch's comments reek of political bias, end of. It is not diplomatic. A sensible diplomatic summary of Trumps govt would read something like " a determined bunch, not afraid of breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, but Oh My, what a fine omelette it turned out to be. Records smashed regularly on the stock market, record numbers of minorities in employment, growing approval ratings, confidence in the economy growing, respect returning on the international stage. Its just been an amazing ride." Negativity has no place when discussing Trumps amazing achievements. But yes, noted. Some liberals like Darroch did not want to see this all happen and they will never stop letting us know. And what planet or alternative reality do you come from. You are making me laugh with your Fake logic 1
Popular Post Lacessit Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said: The most important part of the article buried in the last sentence. "This is still the land of America First". There you have it. Darroch proving that he is primarily a globalist, and is all whiny and upset that POTUS Trump is serving his own country and citizens instead of running around trying to win Nobel awards by playing mr progressive globalist. Darroch needs firing immediately. His behaviour is undiplomatic in the extreme. Let him get a real job in the private sector and let him learn about globalism and the real world. Kudos to Trump for restraining himself. Can't have been easy faced with this sort of deep state muppetry that he so hates. Get real, every ambassador to every country in the world delivers to his/her government a frank assessment of the government and society he is dealing with. You think Trump's ambassador in Britain is saying nice things about Brexit? Darroch is simply doing his job. Your call for his head is also known as shooting the messenger. 5
Popular Post ResandePohm Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 1 hour ago, Benmart said: I care not what an Ambassador says, afterall what are his qualifications at running the United States of America, or judging the ability of the entire governmental machine of the USA? He is an English pip-squeek, temporarily latched onto the tit of his government, soon to be jobless and relegated to obscurity. What a typical Trump like response. If you don't like what someone says then resort to personal attacks and insults. I suggest you grow up and behave in a more mature manner. 11 1
JHolmesJr Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 8 hours ago, webfact said: Britain's ambassador to the United States described President Donald Trump's administration as "dysfunctional", "clumsy" and "inept", LOL...look who's talking...I haven't seen a more dysfunctional, clumsy and inept government than the UK. They clinch top honours in that regard. 1 2
shy coconut Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 4 hours ago, canuckamuck said: America is dysfunctional but in a way that has stimulated the economy and put lots of people back to work. Whereas the Britain is functional in the manner of a dumpster fire. Employment levels in the UK are reported to be at their highest for 40 years. Whether that is down to competent government decisions can be open to discussion.
Popular Post jany123 Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 29 minutes ago, MasterBaker said: and yet UK prime minister is the one to resign Quite right... she failed to deliver brexit... so the buck stopped at the top, and she fell on her sword. if the trump was half the woman she is, it would fall on its sword too, having failed to deliver a Mexican funded wall. but... oh no... the Telly promoter failed, it wasn’t my fault. Who knew they didn’t have airplanes during the revolution. 3 1
Popular Post ballpoint Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 3 hours ago, expatfromwyoming said: Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump More Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate...... 4:50 PM - 7 Jul 2019 You cant make this stuff up- and this from the "leader of the free world???" LMAO Yep, it seems like he's becoming more and more paranoid with each new day. Claiming that Fox is being packed with Democrats and out to get him. "(Trump Tweeted) @FoxNews is changing fast, but they forgot the people who got them there!" Maybe his Scottish ancestry is getting to him, on the Macbeth side of the family. I wonder how long till he's caught sleep walking the corridors of the White House in the early hours of the morning crying "Out damned Fox! Out I say! What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?" 1 2
Justgrazing Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 Its a trap .. This is a set up and the Trump has played his part perfectly calling for the Ambassador to be replaced no doubt with the hidden agenda of getting that Khan bloke the job so that when he gets stateside Trumpet can give him a good pummeling for the baby blimp stunt .. 1
Sujo Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 1 hour ago, MasterBaker said: and yet UK prime minister is the one to resign Which is relevant to this topic how? 1
howbri Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 Another elite/globalist who wants to retain power for the bureaucracy instead of the people. 1 2 1
Popular Post newnative Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 His first Sec. of State got it right when he called him a moron. Freshly proved on the 4th when he praised the army for defending the airports during the Revolutionary War. Defective teleprompter or not, only a moron would make a statement like that. Apparently, even he doesn't listen to the ridiculous nonsense coming out of his mouth. Unfortunately, he's also a big, fat, lying bully--and that's scary. 2 1
Popular Post Baerboxer Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 10 hours ago, Morch said: How is Darroch's behaviour "undiplomatic"? The things weren't aired in public, but rather leaked. He would be neglecting his duties if was to avoid reporting on how he and the embassy staff see things. That you don't like what he says, or that the things do not paint Trump in a favorable light got nothing to do with it. And, of course, the "deep state" conspiracy nonsense doesn't even relate to that. You are right, as usual, that Darroch was doing his job and reporting how he sees things. The question for the UK is who leaked this and why? That indicates the possibility of a security breach of what was thought to be secure lines of communication. 1 4
potless Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said: You are right, as usual, that Darroch was doing his job and reporting how he sees things. The question for the UK is who leaked this and why? That indicates the possibility of a security breach of what was thought to be secure lines of communication. Most diplomats and world leaders slag each other off in private, And as someone said earlier, Darrochs comments could just as easily be applied to the U.K. government. 1
nong38 Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 Not very diplomatic was it, his next posting is Peyton Place!
nahkit Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 11 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said: The most important part of the article buried in the last sentence. "This is still the land of America First". There you have it. Darroch proving that he is primarily a globalist, and is all whiny and upset that POTUS Trump is serving his own country and citizens instead of running around trying to win Nobel awards by playing mr progressive globalist. Darroch needs firing immediately. His behaviour is undiplomatic in the extreme. Let him get a real job in the private sector and let him learn about globalism and the real world. Kudos to Trump for restraining himself. Can't have been easy faced with this sort of deep state muppetry that he so hates. This is the last sentence:- " The Mail on Sunday reported that in a message sent after that visit, Darroch said that the president and his team had been "dazzled" by the visit and Britain might be "flavour of the month" but "this is still the land of America First". " You chopped it to suit your own agenda. 1
Popular Post stevenl Posted July 8, 2019 Popular Post Posted July 8, 2019 34 minutes ago, nong38 said: Not very diplomatic was it, his next posting is Peyton Place! He is not supposed to be diplomatic in internal communications. 5
katana Posted July 8, 2019 Posted July 8, 2019 Probably leaked from within the FO who are majority pro EU, trying to undermine UK-US relations and make Brexit and a US trade deal harder. 1 1 1 1
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