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Anupong, Somkid vow zero tolerance for corruption


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15 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Let's see how PM Prayut functions now with real political opposition in the NLA.

Oh, i get by with a little help from my friends
mm, i get high with a little help from my friends
mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

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15 hours ago, Lungstib said:

So they will hand the supervision over to someone else. 


Just another typical purchase made by officials only concerned with percentage. 

I have heard it constantly for 30 years, its a never ending promise thats never fulfilled.

Just a corrupt country by people in lucrative positions in turn robbing ordinary Thai people. Look at how so called government funded charities are begging for money. The wrong government is running the country.

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“Corruption” to Thais simply means that they are not getting theirs. Otherwise, it’s a way of life and so deeply ingrained into their culture that it’s as normal as breathing. But when they are cut out of the loop, it’s corruption.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha............ a friend of mine is just now in the process of paying an agent 15,000 baht to renew his next year retirement VISA............. without 800,000 IN A BANK IN THAILAND.........

THIS article............. TOTAL........... BS.............. 

'Anybody' in the country of Thailand that has money and 'any position' is guilty of 'graft' to varying degrees......... IF YOU DOUBT THIS YOU ARE NAIEVE...... And the closer to the TOP..... the more graft prone............ (ie: ex-junta people at top, but all wealthy are included)

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Why the concern about corruption? The great and benevolent leader has already insured happiness. He is lowering unemployment. He is growing the economy. He is increasing tourism revenue. He is increasing exports. He is abiding by all of the terms of the ASEAN charters he signed, and allowing the duty free importation of all beer throughout ASEAN, as insured in a recent charter that Thailand signed. They are on all of the supermarket shelves as we speak. We are not longer subject to the very low quality local beers. He is making visa policy easy, simple and streamlined, and all tourists and ex-pats are very happy about that. He is improving traffic and public safety. Corruption is being eliminated, and innocent fall guys are no longer getting charged for murder, and being put to death. The taxi mafia on Samui and Phuket have been eliminated, and tourists can now get a taxi at a fair price. Samui and Phuket are also developing low cost mass transit systems, as we speak. Life is better for all now that this great man is demonstrating his genius and vision on a daily basis. All he cares about is the welfare of his own people, and the happiness of both tourists and the ex-pat community. He contemplates this day and night. 


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7 hours ago, Creasy said:

You’re banging your heads against a brick wall guys and wasting your time.


Unfortunately . Corruption is so ingrained in the Thai culture that it permeates  through the whole society.

All the way from the top down to the village cops and headmen .


its the land of the lost

you sum up Thai culture, brilliantly...

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

vow zero tolerance for corruption

This vow is made by every person who enters service in Thailand and is quickly followed by the vow to never try to stop it and to actively engage in it!

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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This has to be the funniest article on TV in ages. It cracked me up. Yet more proof Thailand is in a parallel universe to the one the rest of the planet is on....one in which ministers and politicians can think they have a shred of credibility.

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Excuse me Gentlemen,

How can you make statements like that with a straight face  when the country is run by corruption & greed.

Methinks it is time that you got out of your fine offices & started talking to the real people

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15 hours ago, mok199 said:

The pie is far to big , and the greedy are shamless , Thais who steal/skim/relocate/mismanage/lose etc etc funds from our childrens education system are beyond help...

They don’t née help - they’ve helped themselves.....

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corruption noun

cor·rup·tion | \ kə-ˈrəp-shən  \

1 a : dishonest or illegal behavior by those who are caught red-handed and don't have enough power or influence to prevent it going public.





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I want to know how he became prime minister on a soldiers salary?

I guess not by using funds from corruption in the election campaign?   

Keep on dreaming about a corruption free Thailand, sadly it's never happening.


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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Anupong said he would take legal action against any government official found to be involved in corruption. He insisted that no departments and state firms of the Interior Ministry had engaged in corruption during the five years when he was the interior minister.

This is the same guy who signed off on the GT200 bomb detectors. 

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