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On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 7:17 PM, bwpage3 said:

Comprehension does not appear to be a strong suit?


Mentioned leaving for the fact that people leave for many different reasons (What the original post is about) and the response "Couldn't hack it in Thailand" is not a valid reason.


Why the OP should get bashed because he wants to leave and move to Boston?


As far as Thai restaurants? Thai food is dumbed down in restaurants in our area because people cannot handle the hotness of authentic Thai food.


The temple is the only place manned with the old grandma's that put the fire to it just like street food in Thailand.






Why did the OP even feel his leaving was important enough to start the thread in the first place?

I must have missed the 26 pages of comments when he announced he was coming here 12 months ago.


An American thing?

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 10:07 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Anyone that dislikes living in LOS should leave. It's not going to get any better, and my experience is that any city is going to get more polluted, dirtier, and more congested. City councils seem unable to plan anything and it just happens.

If one can't find something to love, best gone.

Whether one finds better elsewhere is not guaranteed. I had to move back to the cold country and miss lovely hot Thailand every day.

Yet another disgruntled foolish expat that Thailand has chewed up and spat out. 


Australia is a very big country. Our place  in North Queensland has a very similar climate to Thailand.

Stop talking nonsense. 

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9 hours ago, SpokaneAl said:

Much like Thailand, and probably most other places, there is a big difference between making conclusions about a place based on news, vs. actually living there.

And there is living there for a few weeks, and living there everyday...

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

You really expect a law abiding person to prove he is not a criminal? How ridiculous is that?

Apparently for a non o visa I have to do exactly that, FBI background check to show I'm a boy scout.

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On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 11:13 PM, bwpage3 said:

I have always had the thought that those in power do not want foreigners here for the simple fact that we can educate our wives/partners when they try to pull some shady corrupt practices and give a lying excuse to get most Thai's to believe it.


An example I was personally involved in years ago was when the Army decided to buy those Airship Blimps in lieu of all weather helicopters. Useless expensive purchase that never flew a mission, however, it padded the retiring Army Chiefs retirement to the point he never has to worry about money.


There use to be a decent Thai writer at the Bangkok Post who once told me, the news is Thailand is not like anywhere else in the world. They will not print any stories, true or not, against the powers to be, for their own personal safety or against the powers buying advertising. That is why nothing is ever investigated or uncovered. Good example was the watch scandal. The US News would have got to the bottom of this story in full, but in Thailand, the powers to be expect the "dumb" Thai's to believe his story he was personally borrowing million dollar watches from a friend????????


Foreigners for the most part, and this is an assumption rather than fact, marry a lot of girls from Isaan and beyond that are proned (due to lack of education) to believe anything they see or hear on the tv from the govt and others.


This is great for the powers to be, as they can spin any ridiculous story they want and steer clear of any legal issues from corruption and worse.


To bolster this point? How many new school has you seen being built in the past 10 years in rural areas? Thai grades across the board are getting lower each year. Tons of uneducated people in Isaan, the south and all the rural areas of Thailand.


Does the gov't want all these people educated to the point where they no longer think corruption is acceptable and will challenge their corrupt lies?


Without foreigners to educate their wives/partners, the powers to be can spin what ever excuses they want and get away with it. Thai's will never question it.


You have to think about this. Middle class and wealthy Thai's simple do not marry Isaan girls. 


Foreigners that do marry, live in Isaan and support poor families should be looked at positively as to making a contribution to the country, given benefits, VISA's etc. but they are looked at now a days as being a problem.


You should ask yourself what other reason is it so hard for foreigners to live in Thailand, when Thai's can live in most countries around the world without having to do TM-30 and other crazy reporting requirements?


The fact remains that only the foreigners will report the Truth and that is a great fear among the powers to be. Being exposed and being caught in the world media seems to be the only way to get action.

I have a different viewpoint. IMO Thais know and expect their "superiors" to be corrupt, and want to join them. The car q leaving Lampang after the police employment exam went from Lampang to the top of the hill on the Lamphun road and was nose to tail for many hours. I got caught in it and sat in a restaurant for several hours waiting for it to end. That was because, IMO, people want to be policemen for the financial advantages it offers. They must have tested thousands of people.

Certainly they accept money to vote for local politicians even though they know nothing will improve.

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