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Opponents of 'no-deal' Brexit defeat PM Johnson, who promises an election


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"Johnson cast the challenge as an attempt to force Britain to surrender to the EU just as he hopes to secure concessions on the terms of the divorce, helped by the threat to walk out without one."


That's just delusional, because nobody in the EU feels threatened by that threat. Surrender or leave without a deal it is.

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12 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

The important words are "if no deal Brexit is delivered".

This is of course the no deal Brexit that Farage claimed he didnt want prior to the referendum.

Well according to Remainers, 3 years ago is ancient history and people are allowed to change their minds, right? ????

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1 hour ago, JoePai said:

I have realised the remoaners have been right all along when they say I did not know all the true facts before voting to leave, so I decided to do a little research.


I just voted to leave because I thought our sovereignty was being compromised by foreign unelected masters, and that we were compelled to have unlimited uncontrolled immigration, our laws and export agreements dictated by Brussels bureaucrats, and had to pay eye-watering amounts for the privilege.


I did not know more than 10,000 EU officials get paid more than our prime minister.


I did not know that unlike the UK, 18 countries get more back from the EU than they put in.


I did not know that the EU occupies over 45 buildings 2 of which were purpose built monuments of grandeur and are the largest buildings in Europe.


I did not know that the EU parliament spends 150million Euros a year moving to Strasbourg every month for 4 days committee meetings, any attempt to stop this stupidity is vetoed by France.


I did not know that the EU has had a huge luxury shopping Mall built in Brussels for the exclusive use of EU employees.


I did not know that every day queues of chauffeur driven cars with their engines running, wait outside EU establishments while their occupants go in, sign in for their attendance allowance and expenses, then come straight back out and are driven away.


I did not know that many of them (like the Kinnocks) end up as millionaires as a reward for looking the other way.


I did not know that Clegg was lying when he mocked Nigel Farage for saying that an EU army was being planned.


I did not know that the EU had been financing the mass movement of industries from UK to mainland Europe.


I could go on and on but suffice it to say that I have never for a moment doubted the correctness of my decision, I am so glad that the remoaners prompted me to look deeper into the bureaucratic absurdity of being in the EU.


I don't know how much of this is true. But it seems the EU bureaucracy is still more efficient than the one in the UK. Think about that...

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7 minutes ago, wreckingcountry said:

All the Europhiles who never accepted result can do all they want because we’ll see them in hell, even if we have to join them there

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

just don't tread on the ducks, as you'll be saddled with a Europhile for the rest of eternity...

Edited by stephenterry
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8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I don't know how much of this is true. But it seems the EU bureaucracy is still more efficient than the one in the UK. Think about that...

The EU bureaucracy only gives the impression of being more efficient whereas the UK bureaucracy only gives the impression of being less efficient.

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4 minutes ago, wreckingcountry said:

All the Europhiles who never accepted result can do all they want because we’ll see them in hell, even if we have to join them there

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

We'll probably be seeing you there sooner than you think if a no deal Brexit comes to fruition.

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