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Teenager Thunberg angrily tells U.N. climate summit 'you have stolen my dreams'

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There are just too many people on this planet to keep supporting our why of living. But the persons who tried to reduce the number only had small groups of supporters and never become popular by the main crowd. 


This girl can start with preventing there will be more people born.

1 minute ago, Paul944 said:

There are just too many people on this planet to keep supporting our why of living. But the persons who tried to reduce the number only had small groups of supporters and never become popular by the main crowd. 


This girl can start with preventing there will be more people born.

That will upset the Catholics....


Just out on BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-49807745


" scientists will warn on Tuesday of alarming changes in the natural world, including melting ice and sea level rise beyond previous projections. "

" there were very clear signs that around the world people are waking up to the threat of an over-heating climate. "

" Pakistan, which has planted a billion trees in the last five years, pledged to add 10 billion in the next five. "

" Harjeet Singh, from the charity ActionAid, said: "This summit was supposed to be a turning point. But we have seen an exceptional lack of commitment from the biggest and richest polluting countries that continue to take trivial measures toward solving a life-or-death crisis. "

" She ( Greta Thunberg ) , and her colleagues announced they would take law suits against five nations on the grounds that, by jeopardising the climate, they were breaching the rights of children.

Just now, wabothai said:

Stolen your dreams little darling? Ever heard of martin Luther King:  "I have a dream".

Ha! It was the minister who did it, he's the thief! 

43 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

Judging by the Millions that were marching at the Weekend in many Citys around the Globe, against Climate Change, there are an awful lot of dreamers as you call them.

If those kids were actually doing it on their own accord, the signs at the march here in Thailand would have been written in Thai and not English.

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something more , worth reading :




" It will be the clearest declaration yet on how an overheating world is hammering our oceans and frozen regions.

Scientists have been meeting in Monaco to finalise a report on the seas and the cryosphere.

Released on Wednesday, it will show how the oceans have been a friend, helping us cope with rising temperatures.

But it will warn that warming is turning the seas into a huge potential threat to humanity. "

10 minutes ago, Paul944 said:

There are just too many people on this planet to keep supporting our why of living. But the persons who tried to reduce the number only had small groups of supporters and never become popular by the main crowd. 


This girl can start with preventing there will be more people born.

Not on her agenda but Sir Attenborough is on it: https://populationmatters.org/


He's chosen a real, measurable, visible and preventable problem to fix.



1 hour ago, jackdd said:

Do you know her personally and are a psychologist or did you just make this up?

Of course, neither do i. But i believe in science, and i'm quite certain that nearly every scientiest (psychologist, psychiatrist), would say that a person with autism who is showing severe symptompts like her should be treated.

Do you think scientists who recommend getting those people treated are wrong?

Treated how? Aspergers is a lifelong condition. It's not a matter of doling out pills or electroshock, it is teaching people with the condition how to handle social inputs.

Here's a list for you - Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Susan Boyle, Isaac Asimov, Robin Williams, Bob Dylan, Charlie Chaplin, to name a few. You think treatment would have improved their contribution to the society they lived in?

BTW, real scientists don't regard psychologists and psychiatrists as scientists. They don't get the nickname of shrinks for nothing. They are dabblers in the human mind, sometimes disastrously.

Your ignorance on the subject is beyond embarrassing.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Released on Wednesday, it will show how the oceans have been a friend, helping us cope with rising temperatures.

But it will warn that warming is turning the seas into a huge potential threat to humanity. 

Translation: The bloody temp didn't go up, so let's blame the seas and tell now it's them that's going to kill all humanity.

49 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

It was GLOBAL WARMING and then it was CLIMATE CHANGE, so dumb people understand, that it is not ONLY about the temperature, but also about extreme weather patterns and stuff like that!

You know...for really dumb people!

Yes  Really dumb people.

12 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Some normally reliable commentators like Theodore Dalrymple and Paul Joseph Watson have been tearing Greta apart, but on this issue they are idiots. The only thing wrong with Greta is that she is not angry enough.


There is only one solution to the world's problems: Ban private cars. All of them, outright, now. The whining will be audible from outer space, but so what? The result will be that all non-essential journeys are cut out. Public transport will be greatly enhanced. People will work from home rather than making insane daily commutes. Bikes or horses will be used instead for short journeys and excursions. Quality of life will actually increase.


You can have too much of a good thing. I don't have a car. You don't need one either.

You won't comply? Very well. The cliff is that way. Carry on marching.

Not enough , the fault is in the system ... eternal growth is not possible ... but they think they need it to survive ... absolutely wrong , it finally leads to destruction .

People should not be raised just to become good consumers , they are taught ' consumerism ' from the start , that is wrong but what the big companies want , but these companies need to grow all the time , if not the ' financial markets ' will devalue their shares ... mad world .


  • Like 2
12 hours ago, Tug said:

You go girl hold their feet to the fire make them face what’s happening so all of us can start making responsible changes and grow into a more sustainable world I’m proud of you kiddo!

CHILD ABUSE! Lying to the children HAS ruined their childhood. The left will stop at nothing to regain power. All a scam.

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  • Confused 1
5 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Some normally reliable commentators like Theodore Dalrymple and Paul Joseph Watson have been tearing Greta apart, but on this issue they are idiots. The only thing wrong with Greta is that she is not angry enough.


There is only one solution to the world's problems: Ban private cars. All of them, outright, now. The whining will be audible from outer space, but so what? The result will be that all non-essential journeys are cut out. Public transport will be greatly enhanced. People will work from home rather than making insane daily commutes. Bikes or horses will be used instead for short journeys and excursions. Quality of life will actually increase.


You can have too much of a good thing. I don't have a car. You don't need one either.

You won't comply? Very well. The cliff is that way. Carry on marching.

curtailing human propagation would be a good starting point too, akin with the above suggestion. There's folks who talk a good tune but when the time comes to pony up they would never give up private transport or the ability to continue to overpopulate the earth..

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Ha! It was the minister who did it, he's the thief! 

I paid attention to the minister's message, who the hell is that chick?

6 hours ago, donnacha said:

You see, this illustrates the dishonesty at the heart of any argument driven by a partisan desire to "win", rather than have an open discussion. We both know that I referred to the tobacco companies investing in vaping as an example of how all industries re-allocate their resources when it is clear that a shift is underway. You knew I wasn't saying anything about the relative merits of vaping and, yet, could not resist a ham-fisted effort to turn it into a point anyway.


And here we see that you completely missed the point anyway: companies chase trends. Pepsi does not undermine the idea of health drinks, it buys the companies that make them. McDonalds does not fight the trend for healthier eating, it adds salads to its menu. Shell does not undermine renewables, it hires the top solar and wind engineers and figures out how they can make money from them.

Only someone who doesn't read the business news could have failed to miss the scale of investment that the legacy energy companies have made in new energy sources. That is what they do. It is utterly moronic to suggest otherwise and, yet, this conspiracy theory pops up every time someone challenges the new doomsday dogma.


So, you think that all the hundreds of thousands of employees in the energy industry sit around distilling oil. Amazing. Just amazing.


Perhaps you may also have read of shires,states and entire nations who have spent a lot of time and effort developing contingency plans for low-lying areas of their seaboards. The insurers who are rejigging their premiums to cover the risk of doing business in the future. Or the international banks who are point-blank refusing to loan any funds for coal mine development. Google Adani.

New energy sources? Safe thorium-based nuclear reactors can't even get off the ground, so spare me the BS about legacy energy companies. It's business as usual.

Calling me dishonest is simple ad hominem.

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9 hours ago, Tagged said:

Well, the whole asia included Thailand have been deforesting for to long. Thailand had 61% forrest covering their land in 1941, and now only 31% left. 


The whole region or world wide have been the same the last 100 years. 


For those who understand just a bit logic, see the forrest as the natural temperature regulater, the natures aircon, and when that forrest is gone, pumping out more co2 in to the athmosphere, and logging more forrest, we have a serious problem. The sea get also full up with co2 as well, and we have a bigger problem. 


9 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

I see the most immediate threat as the wholescale deforestation of the Amazonian rainforest. The planet's lungs. If this is allowed to continue, climate change will pick up at a pace.


This wanton vandalism of the most important ecosystem on the planet is the result of policies enacted by Brazil's persident Bolsonaro, purley on the grounds of short term monetary gain. Fully and enthusiastically backed by Trump. Who else?

greta will sort it all out

1 hour ago, faraday said:

Yes, & that is another reason why she shouldn't be addressing the UN.


It was cringeworthy. She's not mature enough.


Evadgib's earlier post with the links, summed it up.



Cringeing indeed. 

3 hours ago, Bangel72 said:

I'm in no way suggesting we rush this, lets enjoy it while we can but one way to look at is that its fairly hard to be long term both for humanity and the planet, prolong the planets agony through an extended occupation by humanity through sensible eco-changes or embrace this few hundred year fantastic distinction event and party hard thereby leaving the planet too its own recovery.

In the long run what would be best for the planet?


Historically the best thing for the planet is warming. Humanity and civilization has always thrived in the warm periods. We really should be grateful for the time we live in.

It's a shame we have to run around like Chicken Little scaring our children with global apocalypse. The media ruined our childhood too, with a threatened nuclear war hanging over our heads. But at least the Russians are a real thing.

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27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Treated how?

For example by teaching her how to handle social inputs, how to handle her anger in a proper way etc.

But instead of doing this, and giving her have a normal childhood she is being instrumentalized as a figurehead for this movement.


27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Here's a list for you - Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Susan Boyle, Isaac Asimov, Robin Williams, Bob Dylan, Charlie Chaplin, to name a few. You think treatment would have improved their contribution to the society they lived in?

Did you make up this list by yourself?

You can diagnose some traits which are also found in patients with aspergers in most peoples. The same can be done with nearly any other mental condition. This doesn't mean that these people actually have serious health deficits.

1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!

He really said that ?

4 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

curtailing human propagation would be a good starting point too, akin with the above suggestion. There's folks who talk a good tune but when the time comes to pony up they would never give up private transport or the ability to continue to overpopulate the earth..

Sure, population is a problem but I'm not sure it should be the first thing to be tackled. The countries using most energy are not the countries with runaway populations. I'm thinking the west should take a lead by putting a cap on its own energy consumption. That will have a knock-on effect on the third-world. We can't expect the third-world to do anything about keeping their own populations down as they are still frantically trying to catch up and they are utterly hopeless at organising themselves anyway.


The advanced countries need a new kind of politics based on long-termism and humility rather than short-term anthropocentricity (if that is a word). To get that far we need to remove the taboos surrounding anything that goes against humans' idea of its own precious 'humanity'. It's a bit of a paradox that leftism is promoting humanistic preciousness on the one hand, while at the same time somehow wanting to knock the system off its perch. I don't think they, including Greta, have thought it through.

  • Confused 1
4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He tweeted it. His tweets are regarding legally as official presidential communications. 




Well that tells a lot about " Mr. President or President Trump, the Great White Hope as My Leader and bringer of salvation. " 55

3 minutes ago, jackdd said:

For example by teaching her how to handle social inputs, how to handle her anger in a proper way etc.

But instead of doing this, and giving her have a normal childhood she is being instrumentalized as a figurehead for this movement.


Did you make up this list by yourself?

You can diagnose some traits which are also found in patients with aspergers in most peoples. The same can be done with nearly any other mental condition. This doesn't mean that these people actually have serious health deficits.

What is wrong about being angry about an issue you feel is affecting you adversely? Please define a "proper" way.

How do you know she is a figurehead? A couple of Asperger traits are searing honesty, and no interest in manipulating people. Has it occurred to you she is speaking for herself?

No, there are many search engines on the internet for making lists.

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