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Thailand tourism: 40 million will visit "for sure" next year and Chinese for free, minister


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1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:

Well, I don't know what BM Madmitch does spend a day, its also not my business anyway.

But I can tell you what PM Peterbilt spends, just to give you a clue .......

For this year I had (!) planned 4 trips to the Land of Scams. Two trips with a duration of 3 weeks and two more which should have been (!) 32 days long.

Yes I read your profile post. You pattaya guy. Have a lot of farang and sex worker place = scams. Be careful.



1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:

A standard 3 week trip has planned expenses of 200,000 BHT this does not include airfare, the 4 week trip is calculated at 300,000 BHT (also w/o airfare). Total planned expenses in TH for 2019 WERE 1.2 million Baht.... Thats me alone.

Lonely? Come with family? Wife? Freind? 


1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:



One fat, old "farang". Okay, at least not a poor one.

Thats about 9,500 BHT per day. And most of this money goes DIRECTLY to the owners of small businesses and not to large tour companies like the money from the chinese.

The Belgium owner of the bar you like and fish and chip shop right?


1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:



Thanks to the ongoing anti-"farang" campaign by the immigration and the fact that theres no more value for the money spent, two already booked flights had been cancelled and the lenght of the remaining 2 trips was cut down to 3 weeks.

Yes you post you go pattaya before


2015: 103 days in Thailand, 4 trips in total, 3 on VE and 1 on SETV
2016: 76 days in Thailand, 3 trips in total, 2 on VE and 1 on SETV
2017: 74 days in Thailand, 3 trips in total, 2 on VE and 1 on SETV
2018: 88 days in Thailand, 3 trips in total, 1 on VE and 2 on SETV


pattaya not really the nice place in Thailand. Have rubbish, the ocean terrible. Why you love it so much?


Not have about “anti farang” campaign? Do you have the link?

Everyone welcome to Thailand, Chinese, caucasion, India etc. More popular every year. 

Welcome and have a good time. If polite.



1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:


So due to immigration, xenophobia, racism,


You not like Chinese and Indian right?

1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:


those ever present scams and the overinflated Baht,


Yes the baht very strong now. Because money inflow Thailand to much. It make the problem for my friend who sold her resort for US110 million to foreign company. The bank only allow US $50,000 per day now. Is difficult. Hardship.


1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:


TH will only get 400,000 BHT from me instead of 1.2 million. Yes, I know that this wont hurt anyone in the Land of Scams, but its worth noticing, isnt it?

I not care. 


1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:


Instead of travelling to the LoS I visited destinations in Europe. Better value for the money, cleaner beaches, cleaner air, better food and drink and also a much shorter flight.


Have fun in Greece Peterbilt. Good to change!



1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:

So TAT ambassador BM Yinn, please do not bother us here with more TAT lies and manufactured figures.

Is from farang Wikipedia. 

1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:



And please forget about Wikipedia, it isnt a reliable resource any more.
Anyway, may the Land of Scams drown in herds of locust chinese and their money.

I not xenophobia. No problem. Welcome to Thailand. If not like, not come, so easy.


1 hour ago, Peterbilt said:


But their rulers should keep in mind that those chinese are not dumb. So one fine day those chinese will start demanding...........


Ok. Thanks for recommending.


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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Tourism Council of Thailand downgraded their forecast to under 40 million in recent reports. 

So who do you believe ?, I will wait till T.A.T comes up with the true figures,as they always

tell the truth !

regards worgeordie

Their truth and nothing but their truth. One of these days the lies will out.

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8 minutes ago, Jiggo said:

Actually, they used to be the backbone of the Thai tourist industry, money going directly in to the local population for food and affordable accommodation, now big company's have stole all that for there shareholders and there profits, never saw any of the backpacker's defecating anywhere.

That is true, it used to be the backbone of the Thai tourist industry but that was long ago. it is still on the BP trail but that takes in just about all of South East Asia these days.  The place has been awash with five star hotels for many years.  Forty years ago it was considered very exotic and only bookable through companies like Kuoni and Jules Verne.

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I think they should start thinking rationally about how to get back and develop individual tourism, because that is undoubtedly the second wave even in emerging tourism markets such as China and India.


If not, they risk clogging the roads and sewers for very little gain, ending up with little other than an inappropriate infrastructure and a ruined environment.


Airbnb and similar are unfortunately part of that wave of the future....


....but I’m not holding my breath for rational thought from TAT

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53 minutes ago, Yinn said:


You not like Chinese and Indian right?

Yes the baht very strong now. Because money inflow Thailand to much. It make the problem for my friend who sold her resort for US110 million to foreign company. The bank only allow US $50,000 per day now. Is difficult. Hardship.


Are you referring to the US$50,000 limit for Chinese to take out of the country , which is per year per person? Otherwise this does not make much sense.

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"Confirmation bias/cherry picking is about choosing the bits of your data that support the conclusion that you want to find. If this is the case, then your conclusion is still backed by evidence, but the illegitimate step was in the selective use of data (ignoring things that don't support your conclusion), not in the interpretation."


Just about sums it up !

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The TAT used to send out forms every month for hotel owners to fill in regarding regarding nationalities and numbers of guests. You could have pretty much put anything and just send it off. Haven't seen those for at least a couple of years, so they must have plugged into another source for their data.

Searches on the internet seem to suggest tourists are counted at immigration. Spending habits could be data from credit card companies, in which case it could easily miss payments in cash which would be a lot.

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why do they keep making up all this <deleted> and stories just to appease themselves something good might happen. 


every week we get feed some cock and bull story how they will change road rules and motorbikes driving down the wrong side of roads to everyone wearing helmets but nothing ever ever changes here its always all hot air and bluff..


thai mentally will never change .... but it keep me laughing especially when reading everyone else's replies to such announcements that never come to fruition ..

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5 hours ago, donnacha said:

No, that is not what that chart says.

The Chinese spend the most baht per person per day, but Westerners tend to stay far longer, so, their total spend per vacation is higher.

Also, a substantial portion of what the Chinese spend goes straight back to China, as group tours tend to stick to Chinese-owned hotels, restaurants, fake temples, and shopping destinations.

It also does not include the significant amounts of money that Westerners, as more independent travelers, spend on things that are not captured by surveys of this type. That includes relationships, bars, and, yes, the sex industry. All that can add up to significantly more than all the types of spending that are captured.

These details are important if you want to understand why so many Thai businesses are reporting that their tourist customers have all but disappeared, while the government keeps proclaiming the highest tourism numbers of all time.


Great and true answer,  well done

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that market forces including the very strong Baht are discouraging people from coming, not to mention the accident and injury rate, I wonder what he will say if and when the number isn't hit. Most likely he will just do the normal thing and tell barefaced lies. Can't have tourism numbers going down now can we?

Of course they will hit numbers with a 6% increase ... Who do you think counts them “;0) 55555

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14 minutes ago, aussieinphuket said:

why do they keep making up all this <deleted> and stories just to appease themselves something good might happen. 


every week we get feed some cock and bull story how they will change road rules and motorbikes driving down the wrong side of roads to everyone wearing helmets but nothing ever ever changes here its always all hot air and bluff..


thai mentally will never change .... but it keep me laughing especially when reading everyone else's replies to such announcements that never come to fruition ..

With you on this one ... but you forgot that in 17 years everyone will be super rich and will have no need to work 5555

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6 hours ago, Yinn said:

China come to Thailand the most.

Chinese spend the most baht per person.



Welcome to Thailand!


You might want to show the graph displaying the total expenditure per region, not the daily. Unless you just want to show what you want.. and not disclose the source, which if you google that image is..





I miss the good old Roman emperor that graciously used to mingle with us mere mortals, providing charts for our entertainment. He seems to have disappeared, did he have a sex change?

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US families rarely come here.

Hawaii or Mexico are their priority.  Lots of time shares, etc. for family environments.

Backpackers from US and Euro do come here and spend little money.

I believe the Chinese do in fact spend more.  

But on the big picture of life, really don't care.











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