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Higher tax on sweetened beverages expected to reduce public health woes


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4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

But the choices for unsweetened or sugar free drinks here are quite limited.

You just put your finger on the problem.  Beer, water and Gatoraide, perhaps others too are the only things that are not overly unhealthy when consumed moderately.  Instead of making this just a win for the government, offer incentives instead of fines.   In China, some restaurants offer large pitures of water with mint and lemon.  It is really good and free.  Tea is free in some places too.  Rice is free too.  In Thailand, nothing is free.   Business acumen is mind numbingly unimaginative.  

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5 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

A fine ideal which has the side benefit of increasing the tax base. Not sure it will be the unbridled success the heath bureaucrats hope, smoking has not gone away with this tactic in any country I can think of. Is the next step to blur out sugary drinks on TV and movies?


If they want to increase the activity of people to reduce obesity they could try new fat taxes on motor vehicles and fuel, because if people walk rather than use a bike or a car they are less likely to become obese. They will also think twice before going down the street (soi) for some drinks and sugary snacks.


All this good work will all come undone when, as the PM predicts, Thailand becomes a country of high earners and they can all afford these punitive taxes.

And we wont mention the American junk food shops that sell basically fat with a hint of food.

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45 minutes ago, Caspersfriend said:

Sugar industry unlikely to be too concerned as many 'sweeteners' are also produced by them; if indirectly. A friend in UK has had a weight problem for many years (obese and diabetic) consumed a two litre bottle of 'coke' every day. Was persuaded to drink 'diet' or 'zero' alternative (with sweeteners to replace the sugar) and put on weight!

Many resent studies  such as the one below show that diet sodas  do not help people to lose weight as the artificial sweetners tend to make people crave sugar. Neither the sugar free drinks or sugar tax has made 1 iota of difference in US obesity numbers.


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Any chance to increase taxes seems to get government's full attention, then package it as "health promotion"

Here's an idea: Put hefty tax on paraquat and all those nasty herbicides & insecticides that are still in regular use all over.

Sugar is relatively easy to avoid. Not so the very dangerous chemicals used in our food.

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It has never worked in the u s states that tried it. It is simply a money grab and just another kick to the poor . Make a law nothing can be sold if too much sugar in it. Manufacturers would soon fall in line. These clowns never look past their bank accounts.

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47 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

The people won't  stop buying the drinks,they will just be poorer.the real way is put a limit on how much sugar they contain.

so go after the manufacturers where the problem stems from.

That is exactly what the sugar tax is intended to do.  It has been introduced in the west for some time now and the result is that manufacturer's of these drinks have reduced their sugar content to bring them below the tax threshold.

In the UK, tax collected from the sugar tax is earmarked for school sports programs and the like. That of course is unlikely to happen in Thailand.


Of over 20 countries that have introduced sugar tax, manufacturers have been incentivised in reformulating their drinks rather than altering consumer habits.


So a sugar tax is a positive step and if manufacturers take note then the revenue from such will reduce over the years.



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8 minutes ago, Docno said:


I have slightly different observations and a different theory. When I first started coming to Thailand 20 years my friends and I remarked how few overweight people we saw despite Thais' love of food. But all that has changed. Even in my girlfriend's village, most of the young women are fat now (not so much the guys). Even my gf has fattened up in the 9 years we've been together. There are no McDonald's or KFCs around for many miles. I instead blame the ubiquitous 7-Elevens with all their ready-made foods, soft drinks, and packaged carbs (chips, chocolate, etc.). My gf and her friends go in for something small and come out loaded up with enough junk food to feed a small army. And they end up snacking on that unhealthy bilge between meals or while socialising.


Oh yeah, add to that the fact that they have to ride their motorbike to the damn store when it's only a ten minute walk away...   

You do, indeed make some very valid points. And in some cases, they don't even have to leave the village. Our nearest 7/11 is 8 kilometers away, but it's no problem. Even the local village store has stock of this junk.


There are 3 cases of obesity in our village (pop 500). Two of them are young boys under 6 years. They main issues, from my observation are rice, potato chips and coca cola, all obtained locally.



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5 hours ago, quadperfect said:

Reading stuff like this confirms that the government here really does think there population cant think. 

It’s a good giggle for Sunday morning ... Actually every day I laugh at the reports online “;0) 

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The government expects its decision to levy higher taxes on sugary drinks from next month will help improve the health of Thai people.

What a load of rot that is.If people want to eat more or less Sugar ,Alcohol ,Smokes ,drugs It's going to make No difference, They will spend more money  and get in Debt sooner and deeper. 

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Bu..sh..t…! Thailand Gov. is craping money together wherever they can find ….seems they expect the same as we already warning for , even they have a strong baht …. strong currency only good for importing , not for exporting 

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46 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



So are you saying that you are against taxes on unhealthy products?

Most stuff is OK in moderation. If an individual has a ploblem controlling what he /she likes, then there lay the ploblem.

I think it is unfair to raise a tax just because of those who cannot control themselves to those that can paying more is a bit unfair in my opinion..


Elephants don't have a ploblem overloading on sugar though...????

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Most stuff is OK in moderation. If an individual has a ploblem controlling what he /she likes, then there lay the ploblem.

I think it is unfair to raise a tax just because of those who cannot control themselves to those that can paying more is a bit unfair in my opinion..


Elephants don't have a ploblem overloading on sugar though...????



I can't agree that the rate of tax should be the same for, say, sugary sodas, clothing, vegetables and whore-mongering.

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2 hours ago, Caspersfriend said:

Sugar industry unlikely to be too concerned as many 'sweeteners' are also produced by them; if indirectly. A friend in UK has had a weight problem for many years (obese and diabetic) consumed a two litre bottle of 'coke' every day. Was persuaded to drink 'diet' or 'zero' alternative (with sweeteners to replace the sugar) and put on weight!

Well obviously the rest of his diet was wrong!!!! 12 years ago I started a diet, in the UK, which also introduced me to coke zero. I lost 3 stone and I still drink coke zero here in Thailand and am still 3 stones lighter!????????????????

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WHO....... is coming up with these new fantasies every week?


Every week another crazy scheme............starting to sound like the far lefffffft democRATS in USA.

No more beef.

No more oil

No more air travel.

No more fossil fuel ......anything.

70% income tax for all.......execept them of course

90% income tax on business

No more private medical insurance

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1 minute ago, Captain 776 said:

WHO....... is coming up with these new fantasies every week?


Every week another crazy scheme............starting to sound like the far lefffffft democRATS in USA.

No more beef.

No more oil

No more air travel.

No more fossil fuel ......anything.

70% income tax for all.......execept them of course

90% income tax on business

No more private medical insurance

They have to spout something on regular basis because of their pay scale...????

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

She said there could be more hikes if manufacturers fail to reduce sugar content in beverages.

So why not hit the manufactures direct and give the consumer a healthy choice at an affordable price ?

Edited by hotchilli
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