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Video: I ain't going anywhere! Furious Farang knocked down on Zebra Crossing refuses to budge


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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

So, if the cars don't have to stop for pedestrians on zebra crossings, what is the meaning of zebra crossings in Thailand ?

In Thailand.....

Means the same as the double solid no passing center lines.....absolutely nothing

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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

So, if the cars don't have to stop for pedestrians on zebra crossings, what is the meaning of zebra crossings in Thailand ?

only for decoration purposes, they have huge inventory of paint, they need to use it 555

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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You are the one with the mental disorder, you must suffer from a 'pseudo stockholm syndrome' where you assume your host country can do no wrong instead blaming the victim. 


A Japanese girl recently stood her ground on the pavement / sidewalk when a motorcycle tried to ride past. Much to her acclaim there was much comment in the news and social media. 


This is another such issue where someone has rightly had enough, the protesting man was hit while crossing a road, that's more significant than 'I too am upset if someone does stop' - read the op again he was hit. Now, it is extreme to react when you are hit by a car which brakes the law. 


The Pedestrian crossing laws in Thailand are very much the same as they are in other Western Countries such as the UK. The failings in Thailand are down to the poor enforcement and the attitudes of drivers that people who are not walking are below them (i.e. if you can afford a car you don't walk).






The driver is to blame. But the farang has no right to sit in the middle of the road and block the whole traffic. But for you his behavior is normal like your behavior to insult me here. 

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12 minutes ago, DLock said:

When you start making fun of a tourist who may have been experiencing his first pedestrian crossing in Thailand instead of the ridiculous laws and stupid Thai drivers...you know you have been here too long and you have been assimilated into the ranks of the dumb.



I agree the laws are stupid (and often unenforced) and most Thai drivers are clueless   IF he wants to survive he is in their country and needs to be realistic - our old countries laws and customs do not necessarily apply here and if he thinks they should it may cost him his life.  It's not as you say "assimilated into the ranks of the dumb" it is survival.

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2 minutes ago, Chazar said:

the only thing extreme here is  your  view, congrats  you have truly  adapted to the stupidity

For you a guy sitting in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic is normal? The lady made a mistake and the police is there already and he still behaves like an angry child? And this is normal for you and justified? Your thinking is very strange... 

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2 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

All arguments regarding Thai driving aside, what does this asshat hope to achieve by adding petulant behavior to an already bad situation? 



Well, it was on the tv news, so hopefully a few people might reconsider their driving style.

Not saying i would do the same though.

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51 minutes ago, Beggar said:

But there are laws and regulations how to handle such things. Sitting in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic is for sure not one of them. 

Correct in theory. But in practice not so much. So perhaps blocking traffic and making a noise will help the theory be put into practice. If he had not made such a public spectecal of the issue, it would not be getting so much attention would it. And attention will spur the authorities to take action. 

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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Well, it was on the tv news, so hopefully a few people might reconsider their driving style.

Not saying i would do the same though.

As you can well. See in the video, the only thing his television experience achieved is to paint him as angry and unreasonable. 

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2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


So, you are fine with accusing someone else of having a mental disorder, but take insult when that same claim is made against you.... What is that saying about 'throwing stones in glass houses' ?


I have not written that his behavior is not normal. However, I would agree with the injured party, victim (or whatever we choose to call him) that his protest is just. 


Does he have the right to block the road? of course not, but this is a consequence of the imperfect world we live in. Someone has to take a stand and I applaud this guy for doing so. 


Crossing the road is an extremely dangerous activity in Thailand, there is no reason for crossing the road to be as dangerous as it is, people are careless, enforcement of laws dangerously lax - the more attention this issue gets the better it is for all of us. 


But if you think that those who don't stop at pedestrian crossings here in Thailand are in the right then you have 'gone a little too native' if that insults your sensitivities then that confirms you may have 'gone a little too native' and can't handle criticism. 


The fact that a guy was hit on a pedestrian crossing should be the main issue here, not his protest. 



If you read my post #27 then you can see that I am well aware of the problem. But I wouldn't sit like an angry child in the middle of the road and block the traffic. The police is there already and he still doesn't want to leave. 

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3 minutes ago, Beggar said:

For you a guy sitting in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic is normal? The lady made a mistake and the police is there already and he still behaves like an angry child? And this is normal for you and justified? Your thinking is very strange... 

Well, technically, if the guy had been sat there more than a few minutes (barring injury) then he could we'll have been charged with obstruction !!! 

Imagine that headline, hit on the crossing but no action, and fined for staying there ! 55555

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5 minutes ago, Beggar said:

For you a guy sitting in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic is normal? The lady made a mistake and the police is there already and he still behaves like an angry child? And this is normal for you and justified? Your thinking is very strange... 

Apparently the traffic policeman and the lady in the video have a more understanding attitude than you.

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54 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

It´s simply a place where people are advised to cross the road. You ever seen a jaywalking sign?

He could have been forgiven, if he had been taking the explaination and advice. Hell, the Thai female drvier even wai to him. As he act showing his extreme mentality, he can not be forgiven. His face should up on posters in shame.

No, they are not. Most drivers does not ignore them. Some, even many, do and thats the ones we see and recognize. After that it´s easy to judge a total population based on that, which is totally unfair.

They are by law not required to do anything. Pedestrians are the ones that should use the crossings. That because it´s safer as many of them also have traffic lights, as well as they will not risk beeing fined for jay walking.

I guess, you are new to Thailand...or a Thai...?!

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