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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Where do they grow the little oranges Bannork? I'm sure they originate from Thailand. The are great eaters. Eat half-a-dozen for dinner sometimes.



I thought they were Satsumas, originally from Japan I think ????



Maybe clementines or mandarins from China

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18 hours ago, sotonowl said:

I have a freedom of information request. 

Just what is happening with the hat lady?

And, did Mildred suss out the conundrum I sent her for further use?

Great to get a post from a fellow Owl.


Last time I saw Ting (hat lady), she twisted my arm to buy one of her hats. Physical contact; very nice too. I picked out a nice white one. She placed it, adjusted it, and said I was most hansum man with the hat on. More physical contact. Mrs Owl accidentally tore it, putting it into the wash. Not to worry though. Soon fixed it up as good as new. Ting had a bright orange one at the shop last time. Might get it if it's still there on Monday when I go to Ban Dung. Also bought some strips of reishi.


Yes, the conundrum, I'll ask her about that. She has - with my help - been busy working on ways to determine square roots. We have two new solutions. One utilises Pi. The other a quadratic. Very interesting. Not seen either solution on the www.


Owls v Tractor boys tonight. Rooting for the Owls.

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The intrepid explorer/ toddler, my grandson, Mawin, coerced for a photo-op by relatives and neighbours. 

He loves everything mechanical, turns wheels, open taps, tries to turn on the gas! 

If Owl hears of a house explosion in the Ban Dung, he knows who to contact.


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9 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Great to get a post from a fellow Owl.


Last time I saw Ting (hat lady), she twisted my arm to buy one of her hats. Physical contact; very nice too. I picked out a nice white one. She placed it, adjusted it, and said I was most hansum man with the hat on. More physical contact. Mrs Owl accidentally tore it, putting it into the wash. Not to worry though. Soon fixed it up as good as new. Ting had a bright orange one at the shop last time. Might get it if it's still there on Monday when I go to Ban Dung. Also bought some strips of reishi.


Yes, the conundrum, I'll ask her about that. She has - with my help - been busy working on ways to determine square roots. We have two new solutions. One utilises Pi. The other a quadratic. Very interesting. Not seen either solution on the www.


Owls v Tractor boys tonight. Rooting for the Owls.

Owls 1-0 Tractor Boys.


Quick match report. They had plenty of the ball but never really threatened. I missed our goal due to the stream playing up, I must really get the Firestick up and running prior to the game and not at the last minute.. Wonder if that would work in Thailand or not, the stream that is. We had quite a few chances but just couldn't get the second. We have managed to get 2 decent centre backs in during the window so it's happy days from here on in. Just noticed there's been no PL games today, why would that be? African Cup is it?

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5 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Love how the mangoes develop from the flowers, this tree just starting out to show signs of fruit.


The other variety are ready for eating, gotta get them quickly before the turtles !!



Love that pic.

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Ash Barty, you silly English Farang !

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie…!

And I watched your chick cricketers almost choke this arvo, hanging on for a draw with numbers 10 & 11 saving your bacon for you.

It was a cracking final 15 overs (that’s all I saw of the entire match ????)

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6 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Owl Log - 30-01-2022 - Sunday afternoon


Is it good news or is it bad? Mildred tells me that she is back to school this week. Tuesday is the day. But she has to go in on Monday (tomorrow) for a school mass covid test. Now I'm thinking that if just one of these tests go positive - whether the person has the dreaded lurgy or not - then the whole school is off for another week or so. I'd rather she forgave school for this school year and start at the new school in April. Report on the school progress or otherwise later this week.


There is work in Ban Dung down the road parallel to the main drag. I've a feeling that they (don't know who 'they' are though) are going to relieve some of the traffic congestion.




Had to take the Ma-in-law to the hospital in Udon in the week. Got there for eight. It turned out to be very easy. While she was in the hospital with Mrs Owl looking after her, I took the opportunity to do what all red-blooded farang do when set loose; went shopping. Not for silly stuff like food and clothes. No! PVC pipes and tools. First stop; Do Home. Big rubber hammer and a few PVC parts. Didn't think their hose-pipes were cheap enough, so it was on to Home Hub. They are just along the N2 road. What a difference between the two stores. Do Home had maybe fifty customers, although the place is so big there could have been many more lurking somewhere. Home hub had just me and just one other; that I could see. Bought a 100m roll of 1 inch clear water pipe. They make such a fuss of you in there. Pretty girls come from everywhere to give a wai and greeting in English. Then on to VP. Cheapest place in town. Dozens of customers. Bought two chairs for 100 baht each.


Shopping completed, I was free to pursue that other thing that we like to do. Taking pics of things of interest. Only managed one pic before the mobile rang to say the ladies were ready to be picked up. Everything OK. Back at the village before twelve.




Unusual for a Thailand city. Quiet and clean.


Sorted out both sets of pipe back at the farm. Two inch PVC for pumping water into Mildred's sorry pond, and the hose-pipe for the Mrs to do her watering.




The new pipe has doubled the flow rate.




She was wearing my hat. Is she secretly saying something to me?




Go away from me farang, unless you want to get soaked.


The fittings from Do home were used fixing up the big pipe. Me and Mildred soon had it sorted.




Water in; and not before time.




The shallow end was so low.




Mildred put a stick in the mud to measure progress.




There were three tiny drops of rain  a week or so ago. Together would not have measured half a millimetre. So today is 100 days since a decent bit.





Mildred caught a beautiful common carp.




Put it in her pond. Only just enough water for it to swim away.




Wouldn't be a proper Owl Log without a lovely tree pic.




This one is just 30 metres from number three farm.




Sent away for some oil sticks for Mildred's art.






At the village, there must be plans to do work on the building, that will eventually be over the pond.




They pumped the water into the ponds next door. Never seen them so full.




The leaning tree is actually a Tamarind. Collected some fruit in the week.




Saying they are bitter is an understatement. Horrible!


Sunset over the palms.




Palm oil nuts are ten baht a kilo at the mo'.


Mildred loves animals. Especially Poo.




Since the last Owl Log the avocados outside have gone crazy.




Have five trees now. There are more seeds in the pot too. Everyone stops to admire them.


Guy has done great with the build on our land. Although he hasn't parted with any dosh as yet. Soon though!? As soon as the dosh starts rolling in from the shop. I'll do a special log on the build soon.


Why was the footy - well only the EPL - postponed this week. Absolutely outrageous.


So it's Nadal and Medvedev in the tennis today. All seems a waste of time now. Who won the ladies? Can't even be bothered to look.


After all my sorry head-phone episodes, where they were all breaking, I found a new supplier. the 20 baht shop. Yes! I jest you not fellow farangsters. Twenty baht for a super set. I've got them on now listening to some Russian Military marching music as I type. Anyway I'm off to ban Dung tomorrow, and I'll get a few sets as spares. If they have any left!


Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.

Another spot on post OWL.

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10 hours ago, sotonowl said:

All this talk of water pipes reminds me Owl, how is the prototype homemade sump pump coming along? Seems to have gone all quiet on that front.????


It is on the back burner for now. But good you ask.


Looked as though we had it cracked and then a small problem or two emerged. First was a small air leak. When it was running a tiny whistling sound could be heard. I patched that up with a dollop of mastic. That done, we ran it again, but this time the holding tank buckled.


I am looking for a container that will not capsize in on itself. And it would also have to be able to have pipes fitted onto it. I'll have it sorted soon, but for now, what with all the other things going on, it'll have to wait.


Owls for promotion? What you think Owl?


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15 hours ago, owl sees all said:

It is on the back burner for now. But good you ask.


Looked as though we had it cracked and then a small problem or two emerged. First was a small air leak. When it was running a tiny whistling sound could be heard. I patched that up with a dollop of mastic. That done, we ran it again, but this time the holding tank buckled.


I am looking for a container that will not capsize in on itself. And it would also have to be able to have pipes fitted onto it. I'll have it sorted soon, but for now, what with all the other things going on, it'll have to wait.


Owls for promotion? What you think Owl?


It's not totally out of the question mate, I'm hoping we're about to go on a decent run.

We've had bad luck with injuries to central defenders with long term lay offs. We have managed to get Harlee Dean and Jordan Storey in on loan now so anything could happen. Autos are gone I think but top 6 is doable, got to get moving though. 

In others news, I had Luke List at 80/1 over the weekends golf, shows a small profit and long may it last.????

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On 1/31/2022 at 5:49 PM, sotonowl said:

It's not totally out of the question mate, I'm hoping we're about to go on a decent run.

We've had bad luck with injuries to central defenders with long term lay offs. We have managed to get Harlee Dean and Jordan Storey in on loan now so anything could happen. Autos are gone I think but top 6 is doable, got to get moving though. 

In others news, I had Luke List at 80/1 over the weekends golf, shows a small profit and long may it last.????

And then we played Tuesday night and everything went to pot. Nice 2-0 win but 3 key injuries to Dean (on loan central defender and only played once) Bashiru (Key midfielder) Windass (Key striker). One more key player lost and that's us done for this season.

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On 11/19/2019 at 8:06 AM, EVENKEEL said:

My first time in Isaan I thought it was great, did the farang dance with land and house. I was still working so only stayed for 2 mos at a time. As time went by realized I wouldn't make this my retirement home, my reasoning was that I've worked too hard all my life to settle for this.....this being living in a rice paddie. Don't get me wrong, a lot of good hard working people. I didn't have to move to Thailand to live in the country, I grew up in the country, I have property in the country in the US. I would like to be nearer things that interest me, going to see a movie in English if I choose plus I love living near the sea.


Anyway, school for our daughter was becoming a topic of concern. Long story short we moved south to a little fishing village close to a nice beach, good schools, the move was for me as much as it was for our daughter. Plus, I'm a good 11 hrs by car away from THE family.

Makes sense. In Phuket Home since March 2020. Love it here by the beach & sea,  high on the hill with large swimming pool . Realized I’m not yet ready for retirement though.

That Isaan life doesn’t quite have the drama of “Yellowstone” does it ? even with all that killing, death and potential feuding ????. So is Owl perhaps feuding with the guy who killed his dog? Owl account reads like the old “Emmerdale Farm” UK TV series.Or BBC “ Countryfile”…. Not for me but see the gentle lifestyle attraction. 

If stuck up there on some rice / buffalo farm, I would be like that guy in “Airplane”, unable to escape the sad life story of fellow passenger and about to set himself alight having poured gasoline over his clothes  ….???????? Normally these guys are complaining that the nearest intl. hospital or mall is a four hour drive away …..

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As an addition to the Last Owl Log, these are the beautiful trees that have been cut down.






Looks terrible. What's up with these people?



Edited by owl sees all
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26 minutes ago, HighPriority said:

I believe the bureaucratic term is “progress”

Often I wonder…

I agree HP.


Cutting down trees because guys get fuelled up on Lao khow and drive motor bikes carelessly is not my idea of progress.

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48 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

My neighbour used to take me to craven cottage when I was a young lad late sixties

Been there many times. Is the cottage still in the corner?


Johnny Haynes! One of the true greats of English footy.

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7 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Been there many times. Is the cottage still in the corner?


Johnny Haynes! One of the true greats of English footy.

Like you I've not been to Craven Cottage since the mid 60's but I think the Cottage is still there, a bit difficult to visit when you live miles away, serve in Germany or Northern Ireland, and now of course a few thousand miles away, mind you, we got stuffed by Man City yesterday not a good omen for our possible promotion next season ????

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50 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Like you I've not been to Craven Cottage since the mid 60's but I think the Cottage is still there, a bit difficult to visit when you live miles away, serve in Germany or Northern Ireland, and now of course a few thousand miles away, mind you, we got stuffed by Man City yesterday not a good omen for our possible promotion next season ????

Who lives in the cottage? I'm sure it must belong to the club. If it's still there now it will be there forever I reckon.


Fulham are not interested in the FA Cup. Just an inconvenience getting in the way of their promotion drive.

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