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Bailing Out / Jumpin Ship

Gonzo the Face

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5 minutes ago, jonwilly said:

I dine at mainly 2 places with a 3rd occasionally.

At the 2 regular places, I know the owners well, I have been told that one has lost 15 regular customers and the other estimates 12.

Now these are married men with frang wives so that's 54 gone and most have stated Visa problems. The place I use say twice a week just says numbers of frangs are down.

Thai Immigration matters have been badly handled by the authorities.

A proper Full Statement of intentions would have not have caused so many folk to leave.

Thailand s lost id someone else's gain, most where pensioners brining in regular foreign exchange to Thai Economy.



"A proper Full Statement of intentions would have not have caused so many folk to leave".


They gave one, in the Cabinet minutes, they charged the Immigration Dept to modify the visa regulations concerning ALL visitors to Thailand and expats, to ensure the Ministry of Health didn't suffer further losses from unpaid hospital bills (not an exact quote but the intent is 100% the same). I was gobsmacked that was written down and even more so that it was made public. The initial intent was to levy an insurance charge on all incoming tourists but that was postponed for fear of scaring tourists away at a time when the numbers were falling. The fall back plan was to enforce health insurance on O-A visa retirees, that's stage I of the process.


As for the rest of the tightening, what statement of intent would you like, perhaps that we're now going to enforce the law!

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2 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

After 13 years I to want to move on my problem is that first I have to get a buyer for my beach front property so I am giving myself two more years otherwise I will hand it over to a rental management company . Sadly I have fallen out of love with Thailand to many regulations for my liking . ☹️

Got some information on your beach front property? You're a poor salesman. 

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2 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

After 13 years I to want to move on my problem is that first I have to get a buyer for my beach front property so I am giving myself two more years otherwise I will hand it over to a rental management company . Sadly I have fallen out of love with Thailand to many regulations for my liking . ☹️

Perhaps this should be posted in the thread about buying property in Thailand.

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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Every time I read these kinds of smart alecky comments in threads on Thai Immigration tightening the screws, I can't help but thinking about the German clergyman Martin Niemoller's famous and oft repeated words...


I imagine many who sat there snickering as they typed "just get the proper visa" from the supposed safety of their retirement extension are on the way out.

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1 hour ago, Langsuan Man said:

Since the government has never provided any realistic figures on numbers of "long stay" type of visas that are issued there is no way to answer the OP original question on whether or not many are "bailing"


Unfortunately we are stuck with only anecdotal information


So everyone has to make their own decision on whether or not it is worth the effort to stay in a country that has proved over and over again that expats are not wanted, only short time tourists  

They do actually,

The retirement visa extensions are going up each year from europe and the US, i think to remember Norway was the only country that was down in actual numbers.




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3 minutes ago, berrec said:

Apologies folks but a few hundred thousand Farangs living in thailand compared to some 39 million tourists (and growing each year) is a drop in the ocean.


According to figures in the 2019 Thailand Migration Report(reference) there are just 150,707 expats residing in Thailand, of those 72,969 are retirees.Jul 28, 2019


Thailand set to welcome 39 million ‘tourists’ (reference).


So our social and financial contribution (myself included) is a drop in the ocean compared to the 2019 tourist generated  2.16-2.20 trillion Baht! forecast (reference). 


We all may think we are an important asset to the Thai society and it's economy but we are not and just a pain in the backside for Thai Immigration to deal with. 


So IMHO suck it up, like it or lump it, no whining about it on TV is going to change anything in Thailand that we have any control over; except vacating the place!


As an Aussie like many of you I am finding it financially more difficult each year and more bureaucratic each year to live in Thailand.  


But when the time comes and the pendulum has swung to far to the negative side for me, I will just vacate Thailand quietly with my tail between my legs. 


Merry christmas and a Happy New Year to all TV readers (whatever country you are living in or plan to live in)!


God Bless



You also need to rethink that:



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