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Police issue shoot to kill order in the search for thief who killed 3 in gold heist


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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

The man who committed that crime deserves to be shot, but giving police orders shoot to kill is wrong.

So any policeman who has a grievance against someone, shoots/ kills, then says ohh sorry i made a mistake, frightening thought.


The order was "shoot to kill if he resists arrest". Which, in the context of a robber who needlessly shot and killed people and a 2 year old, seems reasonable advice.

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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

The man who committed that crime deserves to be shot, but giving police orders shoot to kill is wrong.

So any policeman who has a grievance against someone, shoots/ kills, then says ohh sorry i made a mistake, frightening thought.

Unfortunately it just illustrates the Thai authorities tendency to over react when stories get this sort of media coverage and public response. 

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9 hours ago, mokwit said:

he has gunned down 5 people without a qualm including a 2 year old and a schoolgirl.

Why? Why kill such young children when he was there to rob the gold shop? Not necessary. Makes no sense. There is something very odd about this guys behaviour. Insane or on drugs?

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Goes without saying that the police aren't going to be taking any chances or giving him the benefit of the doubt if he presents the slightest threat. Suspect that the order 'to shoot to kill if resists arrest' was primarily issued to put pressure on suspect or anyone harboring him to turn himself or him in. Speculation that this will be used as an opportunity for the police to gun down anyone they're in the mood to kill, and get away with it by just saying whoops is being ridiculously unfair to the police.

Edited by Gecko123
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10 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Similarly I thought the announcement of the "dead or alive" reward was all wrong for exactly the same reason Colin described.

Anyone could end up seriously hurt or dead on a "suspicion" and that's wrong.


You forgot about the part that said 'if he resists arrest'.


The police have been ordered to track the robber down and to shoot to kill if he resists arrest,

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4 hours ago, tandor said:

...how about it was the media who misinterpret the instruction...if confronted the police will take the appropriate action as they always do...nothing special about that.

..i understand you being confused at how a foreign police force operates.

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16 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


You forgot about the part that said 'if he resists arrest'.


The police have been ordered to track the robber down and to shoot to kill if he resists arrest,

No i didnt, as in the article I read it made no such reference, and my comment is not based on the above OP media but another article referring to the reward.

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I am not sure how the police is going to identify him because he was covered up from head to toe. His motorbike could have been stolen or fitted with fake plate.


This is a difficult case to solve unless the police know a good psychic.

Edited by EricTh
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7 hours ago, JetSetFvr said:

Doubtful. You can get boots anywhere and military have more respect and discipline to do that. They wouldn't go from being the top of a caste system with respect to a low laying thug punk.


You are talking about officers of high rank.


I am talking NCO's and privates.

They get in the news from time to time in that area. There were a couple of reported robberies last year attributed to these bottom feeding military.

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2 hours ago, CharlieH said:
3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


You forgot about the part that said 'if he resists arrest'.


The police have been ordered to track the robber down and to shoot to kill if he resists arrest,

No i didnt, as in the article I read it made no such reference, and my comment is not based on the above OP media but another article referring to the reward.

 So you ignored the statement on this site as you didn't read it on another? Interesting logic.


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The kill order is not the right way to go about it. My idea would be catch him first find out if you got the right guy then get rid of him. The OMG he died of a heart attck while in custody works well. Who would care about an autopsy on him? Nobody They should of done that to Martin Bryant  in Australia when he shot dead all those people at Port Arthur. Now the guy is costing taxpayers money by staying alive when he does not deserve to be alive. He shot kids also

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20 minutes ago, ubon farang said:

They should of done that to Martin Bryant  in Australia when he shot dead all those people at Port Arthur. Now the guy is costing taxpayers money by staying alive when he does not deserve to be alive. He shot kids also

They can't off the scapegoat.

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20 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Well try not to get your entire world view from TV or movies then ????

In English it's called a silencer.


Now in American.....  well that's an entirely different language ????

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No Thai policeman should be given the "dead or alive" order as they will kill anything and cry "mistake"   I was once told that a cop chased and shot an unarmed kid in the Ban Kruat, Buriram area because he claimed that the kid was running drugs. He was not !

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On 1/11/2020 at 7:35 AM, CharlieH said:

Similarly I thought the announcement of the "dead or alive" reward was all wrong for exactly the same reason Colin described.

Anyone could end up seriously hurt or dead on a "suspicion" and that's wrong.

Not unlike the "war on drugs" all above board and sanctioned. 

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I am shocked by some of the comments made. Please can we just think what just happened. Our sincere condolences to the families that lost loved ones and for the injured that are still in hospital and will have a horrendous time in the coming months. The dear mother that lost her child. This is so horrific and the my prayers are with the little boys parents, as this is so sad that all were innocent, but the little boy hit by a bullet and dies. Slaughter of the innocence and as the parents said he is now an angel and free from pain. Let the police do their job and stop criticising the police by mentioning previous unrelated incidents. Let’s focus on catching this evil scum bag and ensuring that justice follows through. Who ever he is, he must be confronted with the consequences of his evil and unacceptable actions that resulted in such loss of life and those injured physically and mentally. There should be a hotline for donations to the reward, as I would like to add my cash to the reward to assist catching this evil scum bag as soon as possible. Let’s let the Royal Thai Police do their job and stop criticising from the comfort of your home, remember those that lost their lives and the Injured, and stop and thank god for everything you have, as look at those souls that went to work as normal, and due to the evil deeds of an unknown person, some will not be going to work again, and the angel had his life/childhood taken, leaving his parents and other family members that must be numb and trying to come to terms with what happened and how their dear child was slaughtered in a shopping mall. Just think how lucky we all were, this could have been any of us, as he picked that shopping mall, but could have picked another which we


This evil scum bag will not be taken without a fight and he will empty every bullet he can into others without a care or remorse. So it’s correct to tell the police to shoot to kill if he refuses to be arrested and starts shooting randomly at police or innocent bystanders. 

I give the police all my full support to apprehend the evil scumbag dead or alive. The police have a difficult job to do, and it’s easy to sit in criticise when you are far from the action, and it’s the police that puts their lives on the line, and the moaning minnies should stop their nonsense and actually show some respect for those that protect us each and everyday. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families and friends that lost loved ones or those that were injured in this horrific incident. 

Orora has said it will compensate the families of those that died or were injured, which I think it’s a wonderful gesture, yet the Robinson, and their owners Central Group remain silent and have their hands on their pockets.  Central Group should have the decency to compensate all those affected, and not to remain silent knowing the billions they earn each year from Thais spending throughout the Central Group. 


A memorial should be organised to have those that list their lives for all to know about the day an evil scum bag did such evil deeds to the innocent, as his greed to obtain gold objects resulted in the tragic loss of lives and injuring others and others being scarred mentally for life. 


I will finish off by reminding us all to think of each day as your last and to do all you can to help your family, friends and neighbours to appreciate all the good in our lives and to help those where we can.  May God guide us and protect us from the evil ways of others. 

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6 minutes ago, bbabythai said:

What’s their to find out? Watch the video for the real story duh

whos behind it then? This guy acting alone? Just kill him and ignore that, right?



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