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Coronavirus? You should be more worried about Thailand’s deadly roads - 1602 killed so far in 2020


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do not quite agree with this view about worrying about road deaths. yes that is important but with little known about the corona virus and its possible modes of transmission this is something to worry about. you do not know what an unknown enemy can do and corona virus, at this juncture, is an unknown enemy.

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14 hours ago, zydeco said:

There was an article yesterday from Dr. Turner, I believe, which explained that many/most Thai news outlets have completely outsourced their coverage of the virus to Xinhua. And this is part of China's news strategy. It aims to deflect coverage of the corona virus in China to questions about the regular flu in the US or, in this case, road accidents in Thailand. It's an MO to hide, deflect, and evade coverage of their immense blunder with this corona virus outbreak.

I tend to agree with your comment. China has stated they want the bad press to stop. Telling news services to focus on the good side of it. Rescues, cured, etc... Thailands news and other countries are trying to deflect the seriousness of this virus by comparing it to other things and stating it is inconsequential and not all that bad. Yet, if you compare it as this articles writer has chosen to do. Remember that we choose to drive and take a risk. The virus doesn't give us that choice. The fly may kill hundreds of thousands worldwide yearly. But we have not yet seen this viruses extend on a global scale yet. It could end up killing millions and infecting billions. I would much tather take my chances on a Thai road driving or walking, than risk walking around people who may have this virus. 

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15 hours ago, webfact said:

According to Daily News, a staggering 1,602 people have been killed on Thailand’s road so far in 2020.


Daily News reported that in January alone 1,385 people were killed after being involved in a road traffic accident in Thailand, while a further 217 have been killed in the first five days of February.  

These figures should not be used as a comparison as it only goes to show what a social problem has with the standard of road safety or should I say the lack of it, plus this only normally affects road users although some bystanders do occasionally get caught up in the mayhem. The Coronavirus on the other hand has the possibility to affect or infect everyone who comes to Thailand or other high risk country which is the main point....!!!

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"Those infected both in China and in Thailand have been elderly, had pre existing health conditions and weakened immune systems". ... BS.. so this applies to the young doctor who was one of the first to raise the alarm, the one who recently died. Whilst there are elements of hysteria, there is a lot of propaganda swilling around as well. If there really is no problem, the authorities in Thailand need to tell the Chinese leadership that they have it all wrong, and that they should close all the extra facilities for the sick people... because cars are more dangerous.. but hey, why expect anything different from the Thai authorities ???? Oh, and why worry about people being murdered in Thailand.. because a lot more get killed in cars... such is Thai logic..

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1 hour ago, sahibji said:

do not quite agree with this view about worrying about road deaths. yes that is important but with little known about the corona virus and its possible modes of transmission this is something to worry about. you do not know what an unknown enemy can do and corona virus, at this juncture, is an unknown enemy.

Do not worry, our leader has it 100% under his personal control along with everything else that ails thailand. 


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