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US Stock market, the elephant in the room

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49 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

you passed the first test.  lol.   exactly, don't listen to anything I say.  You can read it, but think for yourself.


yesterday i made over 148,823,239 baht selling the market and you can too if you buy my book!!!  5 easy payments of 5000 each.  Do you want to be rich and live the life you've always imagined!!


oh, i just made another billion baht.   subscribe to my newsletter!!! please!!! ah, i don't need money, but.....ah....


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4 hours ago, Zillod said:

COV19 is a pandemic of stupidity and fear mongering.  USA has zero death and 100% survival.  Statistically you cannot improve on that, no matter how much you spend!.  Trump said that 60,000 people died in the USA of normal boring flu.  That's an average of 5000 per month.  But that should be overlaid by a winter bell curve. so may-be nearer to 10,000 in the winter months.  I would be far more worried about being one of the 10,000 dead victims of boring flu than one of the 100% COV19 survivors.  Flu is less prevalent and has milder symptoms in the warmer months.  The treatment for COV19 is to interlock your fingers and rotate your thumbs for 30 days.  The only real downside is how much Judge Judy you get to watch.  As I understand it, nobody dies of COV19 they die of complications such as Pneumonia.  But only a few COV19 infected develop those symptoms.  One of the big problems is the web sites show alarmist information sch as the number of COV19 infected since Jesus.  This figure will never diminish.  We need to know currently infected, dead and recovered.  The underlying problem is too many people have watched Zombie apocalypse movies.  People think pandemics cause the dead to walk.  They want to know if the dead were head shot with a silver bullet or decapitated by a katana.  Its the bloody FLU!

Me thinks you watch too much fox news...

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If you ever had the flu it will be termed a pre-existing condition and you will not be covered for treatment or vaccines for C-virus. Millions of elderly will die, Trump will declare victory in saving Medicare and Social Security, Wall Street will pop the corks in celebration. In other words, the markets will rebound but it will take time and you may not be around to enjoy it.

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