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Thousands rally at Kasetsart University against government, warn bigger protests coming to Bangkok


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20 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Good time it would appear to start preparing an exit plan if you live in the land of smiles.

Did it two years ago, i could read then what this Pongo was going to do........ They always end up doing the same......... Army= Barnardos home for bigger kids......

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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2 hours ago, manhood said:

Lucky to see the students at least stand up against this so called government. Just covered their ongoing junta actions against all people in the country as a legal government.  But all know they are more corrupt and leading into a grave!

So yes protest and i would follow them if i would be Thai. So good luck and sucess for them!!

No need to be Thai to protest. Go ahead and join them. Don't be like the keyboard generals  on this forum encouraging the young people to fight, and possibly die, on their behalf. Be a man and just do it!

I bet you don't!

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1 minute ago, Salerno said:

I don't see any keyboard warriors of any rank encouraging an uprising on "their" behalf. Care to point me to posts I have missed?



I have seen posts supporting citizens of a country looking to have a say in how it's run.

Reread the thread.

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This song from the musical Les Miserables is popular at the rallies:

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Many versions on youtube also sung in Thai
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33 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

No need to be Thai to protest. Go ahead and join them. Don't be like the keyboard generals  on this forum encouraging the young people to fight, and possibly die, on their behalf. Be a man and just do it!

I bet you don't!

I agree..as it would be like reducing your posts by 9/10ths and still leave enough room for the Encyclopedia Britannica in both its digital and printed form.


Meanwhile the Thai students are starting to have their say-and best of luck to them.

Edited by Odysseus123
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3 hours ago, Elzear said:

Let Les Misérable walk to the Palace .. 


The original Eureka flag (designed by a Canadian) has no such sentiments written upon it.


When Australia requires the thoughts of a slave owning,schizoid and marginally looney US president-a man who would not free his slaves nor the mother of his children even at death-we will,of course,ask for it..

Edited by Odysseus123
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5 hours ago, scorecard said:

But never forget the general waiting in the wings, who is the son of a ruthless general who was the main man in a coup when unarmed youngsters protested in Soi Aree, Bkk, his soldiers shot down and killed 200 young civilians, trucks took their dead bodies away quickly and those bodies have never been found. 


And don't forget the guy in the wings and the PM are not friendly, plus the army factions they come from severely dislike each other.


Wouldn't be surprised to see the general in the wings step in trying to make further rules about preventing the spread of the virus.


Combine all of that with growing student protests in regard to justice and democracy, wow...



If the protests continue..... They will unleash the beast. He is ever so wanting it to be!!!

Bullets will fly again in the name of National Security!!!

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26 minutes ago, Expat Brad said:

If the protests continue..... They will unleash the beast. He is ever so wanting it to be!!!

Bullets will fly again in the name of National Security!!!

No...bullets will fly in the name of the Great Panjandrum..


As it has always been.


But.....he is rather like the Snark and is nowhere to be found except in Allemagne.


No country can be run like this.

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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha dismissed the protests against his rule as a young generation driven by impulse. Other government backers are also toeing Prayut’s line, saying the students are probably manipulated by opposition politicians

He can dismiss them at his peril, they are the voice of the future. he silenced the party but he cannot silence voices.. if they decide to take to the streets to show decent then I wonder what he will do with them?

If he picks on any bunch the whole student movement will back them and take to the streets!

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6 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

I try to be subtle with my sarcasm.:wink: 

I've asked this before, but do these "heads" even understand our sarcasm?  


Oh, maybe just another pesky farang poking his nose into something he couldn't POSSIBLY understand!

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4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Shades of '73, '76 and, to some extent, '92. I fear, when it comes, the put-down will be brutal. This is nothing like the red shirt/yellow shirt confrontation. This is far more serious. 6 million plus young people have been disenfranchised. We can only hope that a peaceful solution can somehow be found.

The problem is that if it is put down hard with substantial student deaths - the generational schism that weakens the response to the government now will disappear... no one likes to see their kids killed in the streets - even if they don't agree necessarily with them. 

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1 hour ago, fakser said:

They must be insane to gather together in a crowd of thousands like there was no Coronavirus  infection risk.

Do you ever go shopping in a mall? Perhaps use the Skytrain, subway etc, take a taxi anywhere?

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Something lighthearted I penned many years ago.

Manning the Barricades
On this deceptively quiet Sunday afternoon in May, a small band of 3 committed and 1 pseudo revolutionaries departed the hot pleasure dome by the sea and ventured into the heart of the big mango to join thousands of compatriots. Disguised as two farang tourists with their young, innocent Thai friends from the plaza of sin, these brave men hired a taxi to carry them to the secluded meeting ground behind a particularly beautiful wat in Bangkok. The small band was lead by the nefarious Small Family Guy (SFG) from Sattahip and the world renowned Crazy Man (CM) from the foreign land of Elizabeth. A young handsome neophyte, to be henceforth known as Khun ItchyBum and his protector, the as yet uncommitted Duck, rounded out the team. This day, which started as a benign afterthought, was to prove a test to the endurance and fortitude of these men.


                   Crazy Man        Family Guy           ItchyBum

Arriving at the chosen wat, The Four join the constant flow of believers through the grounds of the beautiful temple and down a dusty road to the encampment. They stopped at the first tent to doff their disguises and purchase the blood shirts and clappers that would help them assimilate into the growing throng of similarly clad brethren although it was impossible for the two farangs truly hide. Nevertheless they were heartily welcomed on all sides; hailed by the men and offered wedlock by several the women. The Four easily passed through the check point and bag search. It was at this point the farangs paused to enjoy the sight of so many handsome men in uniform only to be warned by their young compatriots that these may not be friendlies and aggressive ogling should be discouraged.


A lush green plot not too close the stage was selected by Duck much to the disappointment of SFG who desired to sit as near as possible to the booming black boxes and his talking heroes. The group settled down on plastic sheets to bask in the sun, await the opening speeches, enjoy the music, acknowledge the many well-wishers and be surrounded by and ever swelling red multitude. They were so enchanted  that they failed to recognize the threat of gathering clouds, distant flashes of light and the many vendors suddenly hawking umbrellas.
Almost as if orchestrated by opposing political powers, as soon as the first orator began to rally the crowd, the sky began to relieve itself. ItchyBum tried to accuse the leaders of another colour of using royal technology in seeding the clouds. Umbrellas were purchased and The Four hunkered down to wait out the 15 minute shower as proclaimed by the ever-optimistic SFG. Fifteen minutes later the heavy rain was driven sideways by a howling gale. Lightening flashed all around and crashes of thunder jolted their very souls. They huddled together while the umbrellas and plastic proved useless against such power. All around their plot of green, the waters began to rise but the multitude continued to arrive. The field soon became a slough of mud 10cms deep. And still the dedicated trudged in to take up positions.

After 30 minutes the storm slackened to a gentle rain and The Four began to assess the situation. The stage was in taters. A large light standard had been blown over. No piece of clothing was dry and the stalwart CM began to declare his immense displeasure at soddened blue jeans and mud-caked shoes. He immediately began to demand where in this open field he could buy a pair of pants and some flip-flops but his whining was lost in the crowds tumultuous cheers as some brave dignitaries forsake their vehicles and strolled, unprotected, through the adoring masses to the stage. Both SFG and ItchyBum were inspired and nothing was going to move them from the spot. Duk took CM’s hand and began to lead him back through the throng on a desperate search for fresh clothes.

Back on the street there were no clothing shops to be seen but a small cafe was found that sold beer thus CM was calmed for the moment. While CM revived his courage, Duck continued the search down the soi which was packed with arriving vehicles. He managed to find a small shop where he was able to purchase flip-flops and a large pair of floral shorts. CM immediately discarded his ruined shoes but declined the gawdy shorts. Duck and CM bought some noodles and beer, waded back through the mud and rejoined the two young zealots. They sat on wet plastic under umbrellas eating their cold noodles, drinking beer listening to soaring speeches that neither farang understood. The crowd continued to grow.

All of a sudden SFG stood up and, with a manic look in his eye, declared we were to move closer to the stage as a special guest speaker was about to arrive.. Duck tried to protest but to no avail thus the small patch of green above the sea of mud was abandoned and The Four struck out into the unknown. This decision by SFG proved the last straw for Duck. After a few minutes of trudging along behind he came to a resolute stop with mud over-topping his shoes and he refused, child-like, to proceed any further. When the others came back to him, he had decided it was time for him to return to paradise by the sea and a warm shower. The others look shocked at this display of weakness as there was still 4 more hours of speeches to go. Duck invited the other to stay but he was determined to leave. After some discussion of possibilities the four musketeers decided it was one for all and all for one and they began the slow trek back against the still arriving masses to try and find a taxi in the jammed soi.

Amazingly in all these miserable conditions, the Thai people were up-beat and friendly. After seeing TV coverage of the reds, Duck had formed opinions that were certainly dispelled by the warmth of the people he met this day.

In the taxi The Four all laughed over the day’s experiences and were happy to have taken part. Halfway home ItchyBum declared his damp jeans were causing posterior discomfort that required aggressive scratching and thus ItchyBum received his nickname. Nearing home, SFG strongly suggested we change out of our red shirts as we could face hostilities from opposing forces.
Another unforgettable time in the Land of Smiles.



Edited by DukPattaya
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12 hours ago, bluesofa said:

That recent purchase of the Armoured Personnel Carriers will come in handy.

These military 'toys' weren't bought with the intention of defending the country, but for use in suppressing its own citizens.


They are working now on how to get the submarines up the klongs.

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Mass rallies in BKK > accusations of threats towards the Royal Institution > 1st Infantry Regiment will be deployed to deal with the protesters using minimal force (they aren’t dealing with hardened farmers from Isaan this time), ring leaders rounded up and charged, rest told go home now or else. 
It might play out like this.... just speculating.


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45 minutes ago, Nip said:

They are working now on how to get the submarines up the klongs.

Probably about the best use for them, completely useless anywhere else - - boys toys tied up along side the plane less aircraft carrier. 

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