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Pattaya: Cops involved in abduction and extortion of couple "will not be protected, face full consequences"


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17 minutes ago, webfact said:

General Chakthip said that six men will not be protected and will face "worse than normal" punishment. 

it's Monday, beginning of the week joke, they want us to laugh and divert away from the bad virus news

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5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

So looks like they will be barred from any road blocks,

or other forms of collecting corruption ,for 3 weeks,instead

of the normal 1 week/????

regards worgeordie

Moved to inactive posts, where they can get up to more mischief. 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

He promised no protection for the men who have sullied the name of the force and said that worse than normal punishment awaits them, according to the spokesman speaking at RTP HQ on Sunday.

Oh my God! Is he prosecuting the whole force?

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1 hour ago, KhunKenAP said:

As the economy continues to tank, this and other criminal activities will increase.

THAT is true. 

i heard an expert saying that if corona virus will cause

serious shortages in cash, food and other supplies, police and security forces

will start robbing people in the street, even from their food (globaly).

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

"Will not be protected"......"face full consequences", yet full face blurred?

Why not?  It's everyone's right not to be identified at this stage; remember, they've not been found guilty of anything, yet.


Anyway, whose faces were blurred?  You can't see them so they may not be the accused, victims have the right to anonymity also.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Five policemen have been arrested in connected with an abduction and extortion case in February. One is a police captain at Pattaya police station who is a deputy investigator.

Makes you feel real safe doesn't it!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

for the men who have sullied the name of the force and said that worse than normal punishment awaits them, according to the spokesman speaking at RTP HQ on Sunday. 


What's worse than Normal? As slap on the Wrist with No Pay + inactive Duty in the Sticks? I'll believe that when I See that.

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