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Thailand reports 106 new coronavirus cases and 3 deaths


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5 hours ago, EricTh said:

People here are getting paranoid over 2 deaths when other countries are reporting hundreds of deaths.


Anyway, he is 70 years old and had TB so it's understandable that he won't survive.


Thailand is still considered safe for now. Not sure about the future.


Indonesia has reported 49 deaths, Malaysia 14 deaths. Philippines 33 deaths.

EricTh, TB is survivable with medication.  Unfortunately I have had it twice when I was younger, once at 35 and then again at 42.  Job related picked up from people we had taken into custody and had to transport to the jail facility.  Unbeknownst to my partner and myself we both came down with it.  Had to take some heavy meds for awhile as well as stay away from my children, but it is survivable with the right treatment.  Now add on Viral Pneumonia which is a component of the COVID-19, and it will and can shut down your breathing and you can possibly die because of the underlying medical condition.  Just because you stub your big toe does not mean your going to die, but if you do it could be from psychogenic shock......so please learn and live, do not believe what you read.  

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I just got this from the United States Embassy for current updates.

According to the United States Embassy message: “The Travel Advisory does not constitute a “recall” of all U.S. citizens to the United States.”














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8 minutes ago, JimLuce said:

I just got this from the United States Embassy for current updates.

According to the United States Embassy message: “The Travel Advisory does not constitute a “recall” of all U.S. citizens to the United States.”














Why would they recall expats who want to be here in the first place?

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6 hours ago, glennb6 said:

In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

Same over the entire world. Earth population 7.7 billion. Cases worldwide 383,900. Deaths worldwide 16,586. Effect on the population, jobs and economy - Priceless.

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6 hours ago, glennb6 said:

glad you asked. Italy pop 60,000,000

average age of those who died from CV in Italy was 79.5

99% of those people who died who had one or more pre-existing conditions

the avg life expectancy in Italy is 83.4 yrs



sourced from;



Unfortunately it is unhealthy old people at or over their life expectancy who died from WuFlu in Italy.

Oh well, that’s ok then. Any thoughts on those who died, but might have been saved, had the health system not been overwhelmed?


or if it had been one or both of your parents in one of those hospitals?

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8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Three Covid-19 patients die while 106 new cases confirmed





Three Covid-19 patients died on Monday while 106 new cases were confirmed, taking Thailand's total cases past 800, Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Public Health Ministry, said on Tuesday (March 24).


The cases over a 24-hour period can be divided into three groups.


The first group of 25 are connected to cluster cases -- five people had attended a boxing event in a stadium, six had been to entertainment venues, two had attended religious ceremonies and 12 had had close contact with others previously confirmed as infected.


The second group comprised 34 people of whom 20 had just returned from overseas (8 Thais and 12 foreigners), 10 were working in crowded areas or close to foreigners, and four are medical staff in Yala, Phuket, Buri Ram, and Nakhon Pathom provinces. Taweesin added that all the medical personnel got infected because patients lied or did not reveal their travel history.


The last group of 47 are being investigated on the source of the infection.


Meanwhile, five people have fully recovered and returned home.


The total number of deaths from Covid-19 increased to four, three fatalities being reported on Tuesday. A 70-year-old male patient who also carried tuberculosis(the first critical symptom patient in Thailand), died on Monday. Another 79-year-old man, whose infection was related to a boxing stadium cluster, carried multiple chronic diseases and succumbed, while a 45-year-old man also suffered from diabetes and obesity.


As of March 24, the total number of confirmed cases in the country stands at 827 -- 766 are under treatment, 57 have recovered and been discharged, and there have been four deaths.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30384724



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-03-24

there is a fourth group ........... those that were never tested and never added to the list and those who died in that group

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6 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Face - believing that the actions they are taking equate to a modern educated, experienced government. Which it isn't, or anything like it.

The very reason the third world remains The Third World!

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7 hours ago, glennb6 said:

In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

You haven’t really grasped the concept of ‘exponential increase' have you,nor noticed how it manifested itself in Italy and other European countries?

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I understand that there is confusing information out there about covid19 cases but I have some points on this.

1. How many foreigners know of other foreigners who are corona virus positive?

2. How many know of a death suspected of being related to covid19?

3. Those of you married or living with Thai don't you think that if they suspect a related death it would fly around by social media so quickly the whole of Thailand would know.

4. I went to my local pharmacy in Chiang Mai on Saturday & during my purchase I was telling him that we were undecided whether we stay or return UK. He seemed a bit bemused when my reason for leaving was that I didn't think that we had the full information here in Thailand. He didn't say anything but the look on his face was as if to say "Why Not".


Just a few points to consider if we are accusing the agencies for false information.

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48 minutes ago, JimLuce said:

I just got this from the United States Embassy for current updates.

According to the United States Embassy message: “The Travel Advisory does not constitute a “recall” of all U.S. citizens to the United States.”














well isn't that nice to know we are not chattel property that can be 'recalled' at the whim of a bureaucrat


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Swift said:

If anyone gets sick of wading through the waist deep mud of misinformation in this topic, and hearing the ignorant fearmongering blowhards' proclamations of doom, here is the latest from the WHO, no surprise to see it predicted that we will get through this and come out basically OK, just as we have with all of the other "plagues" some of which were a lot worse - polio, H1N1, swine flu, sars, mers, etc. 




I'm not sure I take much solace from his comments, including the following:



When you look around the world in Europe, North America, the Middle East, you can see that we’re really at the period of exponential growth, we’re still seeing the virus going up very, very rapidly, even in hard hit places like Italy, for example. These countries still have months of this challenge in front of them.


And meanwhile, the WHO director general has popped up again with the following:



Coronavirus pandemic is accelerating as cases eclipse 350,000, WHO says

The coronavirus pandemic that’s spread to nearly every country in the world is picking up pace, the World Health Organization said Monday, as global cases eclipsed 350,000 and deaths soared past 15,000.

“The pandemic is accelerating,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press briefing from the organization’s Geneva headquarters. “It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach 100,000 cases, 11 days for second 100,000 cases, and just four days for the third 100,000 cases.”





That's a trendline thats' not good news for anyone in those regions.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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The three deaths were patients who had other health complications, including a 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis, a 45-year-old man who had diabetes and a 79-year-old man who had health problems, Taweesin Wisanuyothin, a Public Health Ministry spokesman, said.


Really? They died of the Coronavirus? I think not! They died of their diseases and complications thereof. This is all about more and more and more additions to the statistics so that the authorities that should-not-be have an excuse to crush us all into the ground with totalitarian control. This is happening all over the world and if you bother to look into who, how, and when of statistics, you will find that the majority were people with existing health problems as well as the elderly. - look into the Italian statistics for instance because they have been more honest on the subject.


Can you not understand where all this is going? There are official and de-classified documents that speak about the intentions of all these carry-ons. Do you not remember nine-eleven and all the lies that led to people's freedom being taken away from them and how more and more laws were passed to crush us all that little bit more? The cliff edge is close so jump off if you want to believe all the nonsense.

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7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

You may be right, but what possible advantage would come from downplaying the figures, tourism is already shut down, the country is already in semi lockdown. I cant see what could be gained by not doing correct numbers.


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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

So the health ministry said a second person has die from the virus.

Anybody who believes its only 2 is deluding themselves.

Who is the health minister..................... Anutin, he could not even lie straight in bed.

hi how you? you spelt his name wrong it is spelt Anus he must have had an English father lol

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7 hours ago, glennb6 said:

In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

And we're still doing sixty a day on the roads from Monday to Thursday and not counting the deaths from Friday over the weekend or what crokes not on the road.......  Hasn't someone twigged on yet how stupidly hysterical this is getting ?.........  Malaria, Dengue, TB, Aids, cancer ????....... This Corona cra& isn't on the first rung of the ladder of nastiness....... And everyone's kacking themselves...... 

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3 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:


Coronavirus can survive on a surface for 17 days, says the CDC after traces were found in cabins on infected cruise ship Diamond Princess more than two weeks after passengers left

Now that is a game changer if correct.............

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8 hours ago, glennb6 said:

In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

You didn't get the real things yet, mate? What a lot of BS are you posting...

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19 minutes ago, connda said:

In other news, based on averages there has probably been 3500+ traffic fatalities on the roads.  Time to shut down driving and stay at home.

To put this in perspective it's only 3500 on a 69,000,000 population. Roads are perfectly safe! 

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I am ok with the gvt downplaying the figures. I am more worried about panic, infrastructure collapse, social breakdown, etc. than I am about coming down with the virus. If broadcasting only 4 deaths a day though there might be 400 can keep hotels and grocery stores open and prevent Thai Society from running amok I'm ok with that.

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