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Anybody else don't care about COVID and ignores it?

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18 minutes ago, Taco said:

Yes I am business as usual on my end, no fear no paranoia.  This whole thing is overdone to create fear, the governments around the world are going to take advantage of this to track you and reduce your liberties from here on out.  Herders are getting their sheep in order, What flock are you going to be in?

With most people in the world losing their jobs, and countries printing money to feed them, are you not worried that you might wake up tomorrow and find your money and investments have become worthless.


Hyperinflation is the biggest danger right now. Here's a recent example of what could happen:






In April 2019, the International Monetary Fund estimated that inflation would reach 10,000,000% by the end of 2019.[78]


In May 2019, the Central Bank of Venezuela released economic data for the first time since 2015. According to this release, the inflation of Venezuela was 274% in 2016, 863% in 2017 and 130,060% in 2018.[79] 


The annualised inflation rate as of April 2019 was estimated to be 282,972.8% as of April 2019, and cumulative inflation from 2016 to April 2019 was estimated at 53,798,500%.[80]




You'd need a backpack full of cash to buy food. Governments can't just keep printing money. It will eventually become worthless.


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11 minutes ago, rwill said:

I live my life as normal as possible.  Some places you can't get into without a facemask on.  And I will wear one in public just to make others feel better.

That's not what I would call 'living life as normal'.


My life is only normal within the confines of my property...as soon as I go outside, I feel impending panic, not due to a virus, but due to a realization that I have lost most of my civil rights and liberties.

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you don't tell us what means 'normal life' to you. Possible you are one of them: waking up around 09.00, starting by drinking a big Leo or Chang, keeping on drinking till you fall a sleep after noontime. At 17.00 start drinking again till you fall a sleep again.... when having no beer anymore sending your wife to the shop to buy new. At night, in case you wake up, some Hong Tong bring the sleep back.......

In this case you don't have to change your life at all, Corona will not kill you and you have a very little chance to be infected. Something else will kill you.........after your normal life

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14 minutes ago, Kurtf said:

Only the really stupid people are ignoring the pandemic.

It is not possible to ignore it and live a "normal" life right now... so no one is really stupid LOL


Putting on a brave face is about the best people can do and what many members on here are doing. Perhaps some prefer to drink themselves to death. It's a rollercoaster that is impossible to get off.

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Its crazy but best to all do our part and do whats necessary only.

i live on a big property and hate the neighbours so social distancing is easy for us. Got a motocross track, bunch of bikes, full machine shop, netflix, youtube, gym, unlimited internet, etc.. Wifey is going out to stock the grog because what we thought would last a month lasted just 48hours so apart from that its life as usual here apart from stocking more food than normal just incase...

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On 3/28/2020 at 1:41 PM, CharlieH said:

No real changes in my day to day as such, my local Cafe for coffee and lunch etc now does take -out so no biggie really, its just the lack of facilities now due to closures if I need to go into town.

I have plenty of wood in stock if I want to play in the workshop.???? bought some pallets to rip apart and reclaim the timber on too.


I have plenty of "wood" to play with as well and plenty chance to let it be played with ???? now that the wife and I are home all day 

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On 3/28/2020 at 3:44 PM, Sujo said:

You dont have any friends to go out to meet?

This is the only part of my life that has changed, because of social distancing my friends and i are not stupid enough to meet up, have or give dinner invites, most of us are staying home except for shopping as little as possible, AS WE SHOULD.  only problem is most of my friends wife's work.

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On 3/28/2020 at 6:33 AM, AndyAndyAndy said:

Is there anybody left who is not having a complete mental breakdown because of corona? Who is like me going about his normal everyday life?


Without making any changes at all? Anybody left?

There are a few, but as they will likely be joining the like minded others in the cemetery soon, not as many as before.

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On 3/28/2020 at 1:05 PM, Crossy said:


It was heartening to note that, whilst there wasn't an egg in sight, our local Tesco had over-stocked the booze aisle.


Meanwhile, the only major change we have (I'm not a great one for out and about socialising) is that DIY activities are curtailed. I can still get steel, concrete etc. but things like Conwood tend only to be in stock at the big places and they're shut, at least in greater BKK.

I was an alcoholic pre-covid lol ???? 

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On 3/28/2020 at 6:46 AM, Berkshire said:

Lucky you.  Chiang Mai is in partial lockdown, so almost everything closed.  I hear BKK, KK, and various other cities are the same.

Correct, I left BKK on Friday for the UK, virtually everything closed in BKK.

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On 3/28/2020 at 1:43 PM, AndyAndyAndy said:

I'm in big village/small city in North-east Thailand.


Changes: about 10% of people are wearing a mask. Tesco checks your temperature. 7/11 employees are wearing masks&gloves. That's it!


All shops are open. All business are open. Everything is open. People are going about their normal everyday life. Streets are full. It's only when I check ThaiVisa people are barricading themselves in the houses, raiding food stores and preparing for the end of the world. ????????????

I’m in Isaan big town Korat , 3 - 7/11’s no gel for customers or cashiers NO sign of them wearing gloves 

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20 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Correct, I left BKK on Friday for the UK, virtually everything closed in BKK.

Everything?  I live in the centre of Bangkok and much is still open - the BTS, MRT, ARL, buses, parks, offices & banks, convenience stores, most restaurants (for takeaway) - I'm still going to work every day. 

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3 hours ago, Taco said:

Yes I am business as usual on my end, no fear no paranoia.  This whole thing is overdone to create fear, the governments around the world are going to take advantage of this to track you and reduce your liberties from here on out.  Herders are getting their sheep in order, What flock are you going to be in?


You're very lucky. Many of us can't continue because we require the infrastructure that is now shut down and unavailable. I don't care about political philosophy at the moment. Liberty is only something that concerns people once their basic needs are met. If this continues I am going to be homeless. There is nothing I could do even if I wanted to, because all the borders are shut and no planes are flying. Until that changes, all I can do is watch my life and my business destroyed.


I am in the flock that is going to take pitchforks to the wealthy bankers if they try and take my home because of this.



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On 3/28/2020 at 12:51 PM, pgrahmm said:

No - we're sheltering.....

I ride my bike for exercise when the air readings are semi-ok & the temp has dropped in the evenings.....

There's one house with a sala close to the road....The last few days it's had a group (10-12) of Thais eating together fairly loud with cars, motorcys parked around (not neighbors) - last night passing by there was a gal there walking around with her blouse wide open down the front & a nicely packed & very well endowed red bra in full display..... Possibly swapping......I'm guessing they're going about their lives without any social distancing too.....

The kids are all out playing together in my Moobahn, from a few different households many of whom's mothers are out buying stuff in bulk to sell locally - so they'll be working well to catch some virus and bring it home to us.

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Don't you think the governments are going at this the wrong way, none of this happened during previous pandemics, for a fraction of the cost currently being doled out the elderly and vulnerable should be looked after and the rest get on with work and life and let the virus take it's course, for those people there is little risk and medically manageable.

The current course is taking us on a course of years of battling this virus and decades of debt recovery, a very different world from the one we left just a few short weeks ago.

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11 minutes ago, johno49 said:

Don't you think the governments are going at this the wrong way, none of this happened during previous pandemics, for a fraction of the cost currently being doled out the elderly and vulnerable should be looked after and the rest get on with work and life and let the virus take it's course, for those people there is little risk and medically manageable.


The current course is taking us on a course of years of battling this virus and decades of debt recovery, a very different world from the one we left just a few short weeks ago.


No. I think the South Korean model is the one that works for this virus. Massive, massive testing, contact tracing, quarantine of all infected, and then rather quickly get thing back up with a minimum of needless deaths. Writing off millions of elders thinking you will save money is a false choice. Of course it's too late in Thailand to have maximum benefits from the Korean model, but better late than never.

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On 3/28/2020 at 1:43 PM, AndyAndyAndy said:

I'm in big village/small city in North-east Thailand.


Changes: about 10% of people are wearing a mask. Tesco checks your temperature. 7/11 employees are wearing masks&gloves. That's it!


All shops are open. All business are open. Everything is open. People are going about their normal everyday life. Streets are full. It's only when I check ThaiVisa people are barricading themselves in the houses, raiding food stores and preparing for the end of the world. ????????????

Keep the virus with you, we don't care if you have it , but don't bring it to the others, it's very  selfish

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8 hours ago, johno49 said:

when i go out to the shops i am the only one without a mask and everyone give me the look like he is going to give everyone the virus and kill us all.

Right ........ and how do you know that you're not carrying this virus and passing it on to innocent people?

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This is a multiple choice question:


Why do some people think that the request to avoid contact others  and to stay at home unless absolutely necessary doesn't apply to them?


1.  They are sociopaths.


2.  They are brain dead.


3.  They are just plain stupid.


Choose all three and you are in for a draw for a bottle of hand sanitiser and a bar of soap... conditions apply..

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19 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Everything?  I live in the centre of Bangkok and much is still open - the BTS, MRT, ARL, buses, parks, offices & banks, convenience stores, most restaurants (for takeaway) - I'm still going to work every day. 

I mean bars, restaurants, and lots of other businesses. I lived in Bangkok for 20 years but never worked in Thailand.

Supermarkets still open, but bars & restaurants are a big thing for me when I'm in Thailand. For the first time ever leaving Thailand wasn't really a big deal.

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Some people stay at home, get on with life and can ignore it.

Others go out and mix with many other people in ignorance of the dangers to themselves and others.

Those who have Covid 19 but no obvious symptoms are perhaps unwittingly the most dangerous to those people they meet who are older or not in good health.

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On 3/29/2020 at 12:29 AM, Jozel said:

I'm in Sukhumvit. Home quarantine doesn't mean my routines will stop too. I still do my yoga in the morning and run at night. I go out for groceries and that's it. I'm working from home for 2 weeks now. So far, I'm still sane. ???????? 

Yoga in the morning, waste of time if your food intake is OK...The natural one is 'orrible......????

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