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15 hours ago, finy said:

Everyone who was here before March 1st is probably immune by now.


What we really need are antibody test certificates and things might start to look a bit normal by end of April.


There are worse countries to be on lockdown.

Why do you say that? I have been self isolating for almost a month for work and have not been ill, so there’s plenty of people still vulnerable. 

22 minutes ago, TherealG said:

You need to read what he said. They are trying to curb group gatherings by making it automatic without the need to go to the office. Really need to stop assuming everything is bad

The majority of people who are currently causing these long queues have entered Thailand before March 1st, so they don't get an automatic extension and will keep queuing.

This new regulation (if it should be enacted in a senseful way) might cause the numbers to not rise further, but it won't reduce them.

Do you think the current number of people at immigration offices is ok and there is no need to reduce them?


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11 minutes ago, HuaHinHim said:

Why do you say that? I have been self isolating for almost a month for work and have not been ill, so there’s plenty of people still vulnerable. 

It's been reported that many can get infected and have no symptoms or illness and not know they have been infected.

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21 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

For sure those who have experienced the flexible and friendly welcoming attitude of IO when dealing with their applications for extension of stay, will be lining up to make use of such free offer.

They charged me overstay as my VISA expired on a Sunday, Monday they closed immigration at 9am as too many people so I went Tuesday... no flexibility then shouted at me when I questioned it 'you go away' etc --- horrible IO ---- trying to transfer from a WP to marrige VISA when this started -- after all these years its time to say get lost dirty Thailand, tired of the hate ..... I want to go home.... never ever want to see Thailand again... filthy toilet..

  • Like 1

I think the main problem is the general does not know what to do and is leaving the decisions up to Anus to make that would explain it

  • Haha 1
20 hours ago, johnny1966 said:

One year extension?

this is a marriage visa  and NOT a visit thai wife  correct  i think so because it has financial requirments  of 400 thb  

this should have been a quote of the picture of the visa requirments .. sorry my bad 


20 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

Even if the PM said that. Who guarantees every single IO in different immigration offices to follow it? And what is after those 30 day? The embassy s*** along with all requirements is still needed. 

This virus crisis WON`T BE OVER IN 30 DAYS! They even reconsider to prolong the state of emergency until June. Seriously <deleted>??!! They had the chance to think thoroughly over one week now. They saw how other countries dealt with it. And the result is what? Yeah..NOTHING! 

I've said before that one of the biggest problems with Immigration here is Immigration Officers following their own rules, and interpreting them the same way as the Immigration Office down the road. I was witness to a situation a few years ago when a particularly awkward I.O. said to someone who was wanting to apply for an extension a few days early, and there was nothing in the rules that said he couldn't, "Never mind the Rule Book (Instructions from the Head of Immigration!) I make the rules here! You come back next week!


Might be a good idea to ask the Thai authorities to read the forums here to get an understanding that their "help" isn't helping the right people, that retirees spend more money here than the average person and are valuable to their economy. I saw this coming years before I ever came here to visit,or live and get married. Behind the times for sure,but they borrow ideas from other countries for many years so why not borrow immigration ideas? Thais aren't treated this way in America by any means. A lock down isn't happening any time soon,and people are going to pay for it.Even in America,where it isn't as much ignorance as it is stubbornness,they haven't done it yet. For those that stay here,an automatic 90 day extension,paid online,would seem to be appropriate and might save lives.


What about those of us who arrived on Feb. 26 with a 2-month tourist visa that we obtained (and paid the fee) at the Thai consulate in Denver, Colorado, USA?  I suppose we still have to apply for an extension.  Our visas expire around April 27.


I arrived Feb. 13 on 60-day tourist visa; ready for lines at Immigration in a few days. That headline was like seeing water in the desert to me. Nope, just a mirage.

   My planned week in Cambodia before returning to Thailand at the end of those 30 days has already been foiled through flight cancellations (ditto a CM visit) and closed borders. Guess I will have to find a way back to USA in early May and face quarantine, probably in a cage in the Arizona desert.

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Its a sad indication of the extreme control they feel the need to exercise over western residents and tourists.


Clearly it needed to be an across the board at least 3 month extension for everyone, to keep people out of immigration offices and avoid travel which may soon become impossible anyway.


I just dont get it and the apparent obstructive difficult jump through hoops attitude reported in some cases why?  What do they gain?

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

And Non O Marriage? Who cares right? Pricks going to force me with an underlying condition to leave my family to travel to a hotspot be quarantined and go through hoops to return to see my family which is the only family i know (wife and children) thanks Thailand!! After all the lies ive told people in the past about how good this place is.....argh

Im told i can extend for 30days. For <deleted> i have decades of my life here. Built my own dam house with my own bare hands which is stupid i know now but come on... 

No way im getting a taxi so i guess i will leave my nice new car at the airport for how many months if not for ever.

Come on Prayut, stop being an idiot. Tourists are more important than those of us that have been living here. Doesnt make a lot of sense does it. If we had the noney my family wants out but thanks to living here and being scammed we cant do it so here we are...

I'd be much, much worries about the trip to and from the immigration, the death rate on the roads is 0.35% of the population, about 25,000 people per year.

So far about 10 dead here possibly if they weren't going to die of something else anyway, you really need to get a bit of perspective going or you will lose your mind.

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Do people seriously not read what they're commenting on? This measure isn't to help foreigners in Thailand, it's to prevent large numbers of people congregating at the immigration offices, many of which are tourists looking to extend their stay with 30 days.

  • Confused 1
  • Thanks 2

I just figured this could actually cause a long term problem. If everyone their visa is running out and everyone is waiting to obtain a new one.... 
Borders open up again same times, everyone will go around the same time for a new visa and even worse,
all extensions that follow a majority will be at the same time again.

This could cause long term issues with super busy immigration and endless queues at embassies.

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I entered Thailand on February 24th and extended recently at immigration for another 30 days. Does anybody know if I'm eligible for this?


We have been here since 6 November 2019.  Wife is dual citizenship (Thai and USA).  I am on a Multiple Entry


Tourist Visa which is good until 30 April.  I have been into Immigration and talked with them about our 


situation and here is what I was told.  If I have a letter from my Embassy they will extend my Visa for one


month, from the day I go in.  If I am married to a Thai and I have our marriage certificate (which we do) they


will give me a Extention for 2 months.  I realize this is not the same as someone who came in for 30 days bu


if there are others out there like us, this is what we were told by the Thai Immigration Office in Yasothon.

11 minutes ago, Helios said:

I entered Thailand on February 24th and extended recently at immigration for another 30 days. Does anybody know if I'm eligible for this?


I think though that it really means here in the country on March 1st not only those that entered after then.


Immigration spokesman Col. Phakkhaphong shot down news reports that the Cabinet has approved automatic visa extensions for foreign tourists. In fact, the matter “is still being deliberated,” the colonel said.????

  • Haha 1
23 hours ago, smedly said:

I wish every western tourist that ever visited Thailand was here right now to experience this - it would take a very long time to forget about the treatment they received - in fact it would leave such a sour taste I suspect they would never be back

I think you will find that the majority of genuine tourists who ever visited Thailand, certainly the many who have visited me over the years, have never had a problem.
Just as the majority of retirees who live here, including myself and many friends, never have a problem.

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, lovesthespicy said:

They should just set up a online system for now. They could even charge 2k and make a extra 100 a head. They make more and we still come out ahead do to transport costs being saved. Most importantly would be social distancing. They can shut the online system off once this crisis is over. 

Great idea problem?  they can't even make their 90 day report online consistent

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It seems like at the moment that stranded tourists and foreigners have the "same same" threat for Thailand like the virus. I can't explain why. Maybe they are afraid of loosing control but they should know they would gain a lot of respect if they would help us. 



1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

I think you will find that the majority of genuine tourists who ever visited Thailand, certainly the many who have visited me over the years, have never had a problem.
Just as the majority of retirees who live here, including myself and many friends, never have a problem.

Not even long-term tourists like myself ever have any problems. I find the visa rules in Thailand straightforward and easy to follow. I only had a 1 day overstay once because of typical newbie miscalculation and that was a long time ago. Also now while getting my extra covid extension the staff was very patient and helpful in explaining all necessary paperwork. I think the only real problem is that some foreigners simply can't bring up the patience or the willingness to figure it out. And some of them rather whine about it online than take an actual effort to sort out their krap. The many sour reactions on TV attest to that.


It's very simple really. Learn the frickin rules, inside and out. Learn to accept and cope with the bureaucracy. And if you still get annoyed from time to time (which is only human) just remind yourself of the alternative which is returning to a miserable existence in your (expensive and often cold) home country. Be happy you've made it here and just make the best out of it. Thailand is one of the best places to be right now. Europe and North America are a mess right now. And many other tropical destinations have far worse hospitals than Thailand. I lived in Indonesia for 6 years and I tell you we should all be glad we're here and not in that 3rd world country and its sorry excuse of a medical system.

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  • Confused 2
9 hours ago, warvet1970 said:


- Visa support letter from embassy (original and copy)

I believe you, but it defies logic that if your 400 miles from bangkok and get your letter from embassy by email pdf, then they expect you to make a trip to bangkok embassy for original?

does anyone expect that if you called your embassy, and could actually speak to that particular office that they'd say "right-o, we'll have that in the post forthright, no worry."

I got my letter both via email and EMS. The envelop with the original arrived a day after the email. I simply took an empty envelop with enough stamps for EMS service and addressed to myself and together with copies of my passport and my application I mailed the whole bunch to my embassy. They used the empty envelop to send back the letter. This whole process only took 3 days and didn't require a trip to Bangkok.

7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

An education visa requires you to study... where are you going to do that with all teaching facilities closed?

Don't think you'll be granted that one any time soon!

my school is doing online classes since the facilities were closed, i can assume other schools are doing the same. but that doesn't change the problem that you cannot apply to a ED visa in Thailand, you need to apply in a thai embassy abroad. I doubt any are receiving applicants for now and even if you did get your visa, foreigners aren't allowed back to thailand at the moment (and seems like they are gonna ban thais too for the next two weeks)

On 4/1/2020 at 2:32 PM, SpanishExpat said:

Even if the PM said that. Who guarantees every single IO in different immigration offices to follow it? And what is after those 30 day? The embassy s*** along with all requirements is still needed. 

This virus crisis WON`T BE OVER IN 30 DAYS! They even reconsider to prolong the state of emergency until June. Seriously <deleted>??!! They had the chance to think thoroughly over one week now. They saw how other countries dealt with it. And the result is what? Yeah..NOTHING! 

Yes, but other countries don’t speak Thai. 

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