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CONFIRMED: Alcohol sales banned until further notice, some businesses allowed to reopen


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This is getting like living in the Middle East. In the Emirates selling alcoholic drink to the locals is banned. Expats working there have to apply for a licence and the amount of booze they can take from the the liquor store once a month is dependent on their income. Any local caught with alcohol is in for a few dozen lashes. It could work here. 

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Why do the Thai people continue to let other people tell them how to live their lives?

I was told this was a free country. I was told Thailand meant "Free Country".

People in the USA are standing up for their rights. I guess it's too much for Thai people to even think about.

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2 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Another cynical opinion from a cynical farang. Actually this crisis has been dealt with in a proffesional way here in Thailand. A PM making decisiions backed by science and facts, and a united population that understood and acted resposible.

Now compare that with the "Greatest Country on Earth" where its Supreme Leader suggests injecting bleach might work against covid, and a deeply divided population with bizarre complot theories.


Thanks- I needed the laugh!

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5 minutes ago, John Loftus said:

Why do the Thai people continue to let other people tell them how to live their lives?

I was told this was a free country. I was told Thailand meant "Free Country".

People in the USA are standing up for their rights. I guess it's too much for Thai people to even think about.

You can't be serious.  Most of America is still under lockdown and the only people protesting are right-wing nutters.  But at least in America, they don't have a ban on alcohol.

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13 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

The average local male can still gets it booze underground though, I just found out 3 houses in my village are selling as of today.
Me thinks the locals start to had enough and start doing what they want themselves, ignore central government more and more.

Don't know of anywhere round here unfortunately.

You're probably right on the second point - I just hope we don't hear of mass methanol poisonings. The ya-ba dealers must be having a right old time.

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3 hours ago, TheDark said:

We'll be healthier than before, once alcohol ban is lifted. 


Not a bad time to stop drinking altogether and spend the time and money to something else?


Some say that it takes 3 weeks to change habits, good or bad. Now we have ample of time to do just that.


Yeah, you must be a lot of fun at parties!

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4 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Alcohol isn't necessary whereas buying fresh food at market is necessary.


I haven't drunk any alcohol for more than a decade. Try healthier drinks like fruit juice and green tea instead.


Exactly, i believe that right now, heath is the number one concern

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3 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

This one small issue (booze ban) demonstrates difference between western countries and basically Thai military state.

My country AU, the government would not have chance in hell of enforcing such a stupid rule. I'm sure most others US, UK etc etc would be same. 

Chaos for suppressive rules just for the sake of it.

In UK all bars and pubs are definitely closed everywhere but you can buy beer etc at the Supermarket or corner shop. You can drink at home. The issue in most countries is simple: in the interest of 'social distancing' no social drinking places open and no drinking in parks, beeches etc. At home you can drink as you are just with household and you are isolated from others. 


Thai authorities believe I guess that people will drink and forget about social distancing rules etc

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13 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Alcohol isn't necessary whereas buying fresh food at market is necessary.


I haven't drunk any alcohol for more than a decade. Try healthier drinks like fruit juice and green tea instead.


Green tea makes me think of Camberwell carrots for some reason. Must be the booze ban.. Anyone for crazy golf?

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So if I understand it correctly - as from next month, one will be able to sit in a restaurant and have coke, water, coffee, etc., with a meal - but not a beer . . . or have I just simply misunderstood ?


 I can only conclude that Thai scientists and doctors and other such experts have discovered that the consumption of alcohol with food encourages the spread of the virus whereas eating in a restaurant is safe provided you dont drink any alcohol with your meal AND that you sit a metre away from your wife, girlfriend, children or whomsoever you have been cooped up with at home for the last six weeks ?

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3 hours ago, 4737 Carlin said:

I bought for 10 days just before Songkhran. If I'd known they were going to just outright enforce prohibition indefinitely I'd have bought as much as I needed until I can get out of this totalitarian state. I don't drink much but won't live anywhere I'm told I can't enjoy a cold beer at home when I want one.

Totally agree with you sir. I'm done with Thailand after this b.s. Not even China is being heavy handed like this. 

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