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Social distancing? Forget it - BTS passengers packed in like sardines this morning


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46 minutes ago, actonion said:

Yes social distancing forget it.    ....its always been forgotten at the street markets in East Pattaya,  hundreds of people sholder to shoulder  many without masks ,....so why the ban on bars and restaurants??

Control !!!

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Inevitable. Once the country fully opens up there is no avoiding stuff like this on public transport. It was exactly the same right up until the moment they announced the lockdown. 


Let's hope masks really do stop the spread. 

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50 minutes ago, Makoshark said:

Let’s see how the government resolves this issue.  I’m sure the number of infections will rise and that is a HUGE issue


  =====>   The number of Covid-Cases will go up, the Government will blame the Workers/Unemployed sitting in groups supping alcohol, maintain the nighttime-curfew, and ban the sale of alcohol again.

Edited by andersonat
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It's plain to me that Thais are ill informed about the best anti-Covid measures. The great majority think that wearing a mask is the best thing and only thing to do. I see this every time I go out and it was especially evident at Fortune Town mall yesterday where nobody was keeping distant from anybody except where they had to when sitting at banks and True and AIS outlets.


The government is hugely failing on this matter.

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38 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

One has to write it.

No way to wait for the magic vaccination or the world will go down the drain.


Exactly, the vaccine might never be available, even it if it ever is, the logistics behind vaccinating people (even those who want it) are huge and extremely time consuming, time the world doesn't have, the poverty that is being created will make the virus look like a walk in the park.

All this lock down, wearing masks, ridiculous screens in restaurants, social distancing etc .etc. mean eff all in real world, people cannot abide and go to work, live etc. it is simply not possible, any pathetic attempts to do any of this is a total waste of time.

The so called killer virus originated with ONE person if the media is to be believed, which has since transmitted to millions, countries with severe lock downs have continued to see apparent infections and deaths for weeks and weeks after the lock down was enforced, simple logic says that is not possible, with an incubation period of 14 days then after 21 days of lock down should see the infection rate drop like a stone.

IMO it is all or nothing, so wear a mask properly, or don't bother, have a social distance of xx or don't bother and so on, you cannot have a halfway point.

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23 minutes ago, sprq said:

It's plain to me that Thais are ill informed about the best anti-Covid measures. The great majority think that wearing a mask is the best thing and only thing to do. I see this every time I go out and it was especially evident at Fortune Town mall yesterday where nobody was keeping distant from anybody except where they had to when sitting at banks and True and AIS outlets.


The government is hugely failing on this matter.

Some people think even having the mask hanging off their chin is offering them some protection.

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2 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

It would be a cruel irony if you contracted covid-19 from the taxi driver.

It absolutely would, but this taxi driver had His Taxi seat and where he was sitting totally isolated by a plastic sheet taped around the center console, back of his seat to the door frame and the roof frame.....I should have taken a photo...

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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

It absolutely would, but this taxi driver had His Taxi seat and where he was sitting totally isolated by a plastic sheet taped around the center console, back of his seat to the door frame and the roof frame.....I should have taken a photo...

That's not going to help much in the very confined space of a car. Droplets are going to circulate.

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7 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Exactly, the vaccine might never be available, even it if it ever is, the logistics behind vaccinating people (even those who want it) are huge and extremely time consuming, time the world doesn't have, the poverty that is being created will make the virus look like a walk in the park.

All this lock down, wearing masks, ridiculous screens in restaurants, social distancing etc .etc. mean eff all in real world, people cannot abide and go to work, live etc. it is simply not possible, any pathetic attempts to do any of this is a total waste of time.

The so called killer virus originated with ONE person if the media is to be believed, which has since transmitted to millions, countries with severe lock downs have continued to see apparent infections and deaths for weeks and weeks after the lock down was enforced, simple logic says that is not possible, with an incubation period of 14 days then after 21 days of lock down should see the infection rate drop like a stone.

IMO it is all or nothing, so wear a mask properly, or don't bother, have a social distance of xx or don't bother and so on, you cannot have a halfway point.

While your points about the effects of the lockdowns on business and incomes are valid, the point about the virus may not be.


The 'incubation period' is a range of when one acquires the virus and symptoms appear. Could be the next day one gets sick, could be a fortnight. The critical and unusual thing about CV-19 is that unlike SARS and MERS, and even Ebola, CV-19 can be spread even by those showing no symptoms. One person could be the transmission point, because that one person could be in contact with dozens of people, who could then contact dozens more, etc. Lunar New Year travel coincided with the outbreak, which kind of equates to a Perfect Storm.


As for deaths after the lockdowns were enforced, as any of these articles show, the lockdowns are often violated intentionally or through circumstances like commuting. There are also false negatives on tests, as well as faulty tests, so some infected people were able to move about, allowed to cross a border, etc.. Then there is the presence of the virus on inanimate surfaces, which can survive anywhere from a few days to as long as 17 days, depending on the surface material, ambient temperature and humidity, and the efficiency of cleaning.


Masks, too, are only partially effective, even N95 masks. The virus is tiny. Here's a comparison:  the size of the virus relative to a minivan is the same as the minivan relative to the entire planet Earth. Thus any mask one can breathe through, especially a surgical mask, is not going to stop something so small.

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Well, at least this pandemonium on the BTS will give the whole world a good indication of what happens when you abandon 'safe-distancing'.


Maybe nothing noteworthy will happen?


Bangkokians are the guinea-pigs in an epidemiological experiment.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

up until today the MRT was nearly empty, but this morning the MRT was very very similar to the posted photos in the op.  All the seats which were marked with the red x were all sat in the minute the doors opened up.  Thais do not seem to want to wait until the next train. They were all in a rush to get somewhere, not sure if it was work now that some businesses have opened.  On the platforms they social distanced, but as I said once the doors to the train opened it was a free for all to sit and stand.  Instead of riding the train I exited the platform and went outside and grabbed a taxi to where I was going for my haircut......

Seems like a big effort just to get your ears lowered?

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