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How Many Times do you Shower per Week? Do you just mindlessly STAND there below the showerhead….? Or, do you DO something Useful with these moments?

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In Thailand, I would be embarrassed and chagrined if I were to ever state to friends that I do not bathe more than 14 times every week. And, I do not lie to my friends unless it might be to save a life or prevent tragedy.

For years, I just stood there waiting for the water to stop, so many wasted minutes, hours and months. I have now lost that time forever, simply because it never occurred to me that I could put shower time to better use.

Recently, I have noticed that my mind is slowing down, and I am becoming less intellectually agile than I once was after first arriving in Chiang Mai.

For one thing, every time I convert Celsius to Fahrenheit it is a real mental workout, and I break a sweat trying to recall what day it might be today. These are all signs of too much showering without anything to do while doing so.

I recall that in my youth I was able to shower all day, and still my mind was sharp, but not now.

It was about a year ago that I began engaging in mental exercises while showering, such as remembering what my girlfriends’ parents were like when I was 17 and 18, or trying to recall my first kiss, or trying to remember how I got home the first time I got drunk at age 13 in the middle of the day. But such recollections turned out to be of minimal help to me.

These days while taking a shower, I do multiplication tables up to 17, or I memorize new Thai vocabulary words after writing them on the tile walls with a special waterproof pen, just before I turn the water on.

Yesterday, for example, I started searching the web to buy some sort of waterproof wireless earbuds that will connect to my 1 Gbps home network. This way, I can listen to JS Bach while memorizing the Thai vocabulary terms written on the wall.

There are literally almost a million ways we can discover to spend more fruitful time in the shower. And while in the shower, I try to think of even more.

This lock-down has been great for me. I seem to be much more creative and productive than I was back in February, and my shower time is no exception.

I know of many articles written over the years telling us to not waste shower time. But back then, when I read these stories, I didn’t care.

You might think it too hot during the day to take a long hot shower, yet I prefer the Hot Season for showering. What I do is to turn up the AC full blast while wearing nothing but shorts until it’s about 21 degrees in my room. Then, when I'm feeling really cold, I have my shower, usually for about 30 minutes. I like it when my room feels like winter just before getting into a soothing, long hot shower.

And then, I begin my Thai language study for the day. And, when I get my buds, I can just waste time listening to JS Bach, which really is never a waste of time.

There is so little time left.

We should not waste time, even while we shower.

I hope to install a special microphone in my bathroom so that I can talk to Google in there.


By the way, my water heater uses only about Bt.20.00 per hour.

Much cheaper than a Thai massage, and showering is more private and relaxing.

Edited by JohnBarleycorn
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18 minutes ago, impulse said:

Good God, man...  Don't you know Thailand's in a drought? 


Hundreds of posts from old crotchety old (and young) guys who would deny the kiddies their Songkran fun on account of the drought...  An entire neighborhood of the little tykes could have a whole day of watery fun with the water from a half hour shower.


This is an interesting observation which most people do not fully understand.

In fact, domestic water use accounts for a very small fraction of water-supply usage.

25 percent of water loss is attributable to evaporation. I would rather use the water than see it evaporate out of artificial lakes and dams.

I have not researched the exact ratios of water use for Chiang Mai, broken down and classified according to agricultural, municipal and industrial usage.

However, I assume that about 70 percent goes to agricultural production, and about 20 percent to industrial use.

Municipal use, which includes the water I use for my showers at least twice per day, is only about 10 percent.


But, I agree with you that it is always correct to save water.  We could save a lot just by redesigning agro technologies, and far more water would be saved than if I gave up showering, altogether.  And if I did that, then I would need to spend more money on perfume, which would increase industrial water usage.


So maybe, later today, during one of my several showers, I will think of good ways to save water.

Maybe I will begin showering in recycled water, for example, using what we call greywater.


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I keep a strip of bacon in the refrigerator.I use it to tease the dog when he refuses to come to me for the bacon I know it’s time one time the mongrel made me shower twice in the same week.But the minute or so I spend in the shower I think about all the good things I have done in life.

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I shower for about three minutes every day, using lukewarm water, then switch to cold. Hot water dries the skin out.

As a responsible water user, I shower with my GF. I like to make sure she is properly soaped before rinsing.

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I find it a bit strange to think that showering makes you dumb. I would say its just you getting older and has nothing to do with showering. I am not sure how long you shower but i doubt its the best place to do mental things. I for one am busy soaping myself in. Sure I can multitask but may i suggest other times to do mental exercises.


I shower around 14 times per week or more depending on when i workout. 

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I shower in the morning and evening before sleeping if there is any activity  ( of the sexual nature ) on offer then that usually means another shower , 5 minutes after the previous ????

Often , if i am working in the garden, I will shower again.

6 days a week we go exercise at a local park and shower before and after.


Sooo, my daily showers range from 2 to 6 but always quick, maybe 3 or 4 minutes, no water heater required, e water temp is always luke warm.

I do my daydreaming at other times.

Edited by Andrew Dwyer
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I shower at least twice a day (both warm and cold) and depending on how many times I spill some sauce, juice over parts of my body - or when I engage in sweat producing activities - even more. I like to take showers - for they serve not only as a means to clean myself but as well provide relaxation. And some of the best ideas of the day might occur while I am showering - so no need to rush either. We do have a jacuzzi as well. And I will occasionally enjoy a hot tub bath. And swimming in our large swimming pool. Looks like the bathing culture of Japan has had a lasting influence on me. The only thing I am missing is a real nice clean natural sandy beach like those I remember from 35 years ago in the Philippines and Thailand with an unobstructed view of several meters from the water surface.

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I never shower , but i do love my hot bath at night ,i can lay there and let the cares of the world fade away , there is nothing like a nice soak in a hot bath .

and no i dont care what my wife ,my son ,my daughter ,or any of my family here and in the UK think or say????

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

but i doubt its the best place to do mental things.

I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Nice warm water, no distractions. It is almost like meditation.

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1 minute ago, VocalNeal said:

I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Nice warm water, no distractions. It is almost like meditation.

Im too busy washing myself, i dont really idle under the shower. 

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:

Im too busy washing myself, i dont really idle under the shower. 

Well you see that is the problem. I don't look on showering as getting clean. I'm not really that dirty. Yes it is refreshing but it is also relaxing.

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2-3 times a day....If working out or bike ride usually just shed sweaty clothes & shower.....As a family, if we go out around other people we shower & toss our clothes in the laundry bin.....

Usually, my wife & I shower together = my hands find ways to stay busy.....

No reciting multiplication tables, but, sometimes will sing or whistle a tune.....

One of our cats likes to jump up onto the thin rim of the shower enclosure to watch us posed like the Cheshire cat with 4 feet down balancing on her body - that brings drama.....

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