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Video: The Buddhist amulet in my wallet saved me, that's clear as day says immigration officer


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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes, crazy indeed. Though its the same for all religions not just in Thailand plenty of religious nuts in the US and even in my country. You even got people who believe in creation no matter how much evidence to the contrary. Religion is never logical. 

Then there are those who fantasize about the ramblings of a wheel chair bound computer voiced dribbler giving sermons on regurgitated theories of black holes, big bangs, aliens invasions and intergalactic trips to other planets to escape climate change.  

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Sorry for hurt the sensibility of the Buddhist, catholics, Induist, muslisms or whatever ideologies beliefs....But living in century XXI.. this is nothing more than pure FETICHISM.... Clear like a bright and sunny day.

Edited by Tarteso
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1 minute ago, smedly said:

There are people who still believe the earth is flat 


we are supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet


sometimes I wonder 

If only you could prove it wasn't flat without using someone else's data,  then i would join you in wonder regarding species and intelligence. 

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1 minute ago, Heppinger said:

If only you could prove it wasn't flat without using someone else's data,  then i would join you in wonder regarding species and intelligence. 

Plenty of experiments of way back prove it already. Why would I have to repeat those to show intelligence.  Pictures from outer space seem quite convincing too.



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Darn! The countries level of education flat lined, AGAIN!


40 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

I survived my motorbike accident, it was clearly the pack of cigarets in my front pocket that saved me.

Don´t you worry. Those evil bastards have it all going for them. They will just wait and take their toll later.

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Just now, robblok said:

You mean Stephen Hawkings ?


Not being religious means your at least one giant step ahead of religious people. Most religious people are hypocrites anyway. Just adhering to the teachings they feel are important and ignoring others. The world would be a far better place without religion. 

I think you will find that you adhere to the teachings of pseudo scientists that you feel are important and ignoring others.  The world would be a far better place without climate change.

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

Plenty of experiments of way back prove it already. Why would I have to repeat those to show intelligence.  Pictures from outer space seem quite convincing too.



Though you haven't poured over this data yourself?  Essentially you are taking the word of another human being to be true and taking a, dare i say it, leap of  "FAITH".

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1 minute ago, Heppinger said:

Though you haven't poured over this data yourself?  Essentially you are taking the word of another human being to be true in good, dare i say it, leap of  "FAITH".

Funny mate, i guess your a religious guy.


But there is such a thing as verified by other scientists. No faith needed confirmed by so many people. I have read through much of the experiments. 


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