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No confirmation on when international tourists can return to Thailand: PM


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20 hours ago, Swimfan said:

They are scared. They know that the Thai health system would not even be able to cope with a moderate outbreak, let alone a large outbreak like in European Countries. Most western countries have used the lockdown to fortify their health systems for a potential second wave or large outbreak as we have been doing here. I haven't seen any news of that happening in Thailand and the Government has already stated i can not afford widespread testing. If Thailand was to get a large outbreak it would likely be a disaster.

It already is a disaster, especially for millions of Thai people who have lost their livelyhoods.

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15 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

What about people who actually live in Thailand and have families here who go visit people in their birth countries?

Will they be allowed back before tourists?

Yes, I have a new granddaughter in CA I would like to see in person, but I'm here in Thailand on a retirement visa. But videos are ok for now. A more interesting question is, what if I suddenly die here, without wife or relatives only friends, could my son even fly in from CA to manage my remains?

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30 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

What about people who actually live in Thailand and have families here who go visit people in their birth countries?

Will they be allowed back before tourists?

Thai nationals and taxpayers with work permit are allowed back.


Those that are here temporarily for purposes other than tourism, i.e. education visa, retirement visa, marriage visa etc. will be allowed back eventually.


You will note that there are thousands of Thais needing to be repatriated, and there's a limit of 500 per day.


The Thai govt. have correctly prioritised who can enter and if you don't qualify at the moment you will just need to be patient and wait your turn.

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17 hours ago, Hardy99 said:

Yeah the right Thing.. let millions suffer of unemployment and no food or shelter .. you must be over 70 to agree, but better woiuld be let all the Young out and old guys stay home! (Would include many of those make the current rules as well …) 

Yes, great idea, let the younger barflies whose bodies are full of drink and smoke, some who are grossly overweight be allowed out to continue their lifestyle while older guys who don't smoke, drink moderately or not at all, and get regular exercise be confined to their homes.

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16 hours ago, umlungu2012 said:

What, with all the entertainment going on there at present? If you're bored, do a bit of looting, burn a few cars, get arrested, do a teary CNN interview. Hey, that'll keep you busy for a week at least.

OR just tear gas and beat American citizens for expressing their 1st amendment rights, all because ppl

online made fun of you hiding in a bunker, which one was clearly just "inspecting" ..during a riot..at 11pm

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16 hours ago, umlungu2012 said:

What, with all the entertainment going on there at present? If you're bored, do a bit of looting, burn a few cars, get arrested, do a teary CNN interview. Hey, that'll keep you busy for a week at least.

Yawn.  Been there done that got the 4K TV set and Ps4

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1 hour ago, superal said:

Yours were extenuating circumstances and there should be consideration or concessions  for special cases . For what its worth you are not alone as many folks have been unable to say goodbye to loved ones in their final moments of life  even when being in the same country or town .

However as you say , why put yourself at risk of catching the virus ? I have a friend who is in the same predicament with a close relative in her 80's in the i.c.u. with the virus . No visitors allowed .  

Tough times for many and sorry to hear of your plight . 


Thanks for the above comment. FWIW, my father just passed away from old age, not from the CV...


However, I did learn a bit thru the process.  For the entire week he was in the hospital in California prior to his death, the hospital by policy, because of the CV, was not allowing any visitors, even blood relatives, for any patients. What they were doing instead was allowing-assisting video chats.


However, in the end, when it became apparent death was at hand, they did allow only a blood relative to enter the hospital and be with the patient in person for their final moments. That was for a patient who did NOT have the CV... I'm not sure/didn't ask whether they would have allowed that for a patient who did have CV.

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17 hours ago, NB1986 said:

Did you ever visited government funded hospitals? Its a big difference between private and government hospitals, if you just go to few of them you will see that queues were FULL even before Covid-19 i really dont want to imagine what would happen if bigger outbreak would happen. So yeah somehow i understand Thai Government that they will not allow tourists come back is it the right way? Who knows... 

It is far more important to let expats in who have wives and families than tourists, but I would bet that the Thai government will not agree. It is well known what their feelings are for expats.

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6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I think I'm getting the most exercise in my life at the moment.

12 laps of the Moobaan on my bicycle every morning and evening (= 20Km/day) since CoVID.


But I still want to drink, smoke, take drugs and chase women of uncertain moral virtue every day.

It’s not a bad combination to be fair. 

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1 hour ago, cerox said:

I would say for the government there is no difference - either you have permanent residency / work permit - so they basically need you, or you are a "tourist".


I am out of Thailand too, stuck as many of you. But still I have to smile about all the discussions I read in the forum in the last few months that Elite, marriage, retirement etc. etc. visa is so much better. We can see know that people with a long-term visa have no rights - they are treated the same way as tourists.



Some people now getting a wake up call as to their actual status in Thailand.

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20 hours ago, Caldera said:

Thailand and Cambodia, that would make a nice bubble - both haven't had local virus transmission lately.


Cambodians, Laos and Myanmar are very poor people. They come to Thailand to earn a living (take away money) and not to become tourists.


I doubt a travel bubble between these countries would help the economy in Thailand.


Vietnam is richer than these other 3 countries but Vietnam is also competing for tourists.


A travel bubble with Vietnam, Thailand and China would certainly boost trade.


Edited by EricTh
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On 6/3/2020 at 4:26 AM, ryane66 said:

Agreed. Not trying to minimize the severity of Covid-19 but media and social media have struck fear in the hearts of many and caused many to over react. Previous pandemics were far worse. Hong Kong flu of 1968 caused more than 1 million deaths. The Asian flu of 1956 to 1958 caused more than 2 million deaths. Then there was the swine flu and SARS. With the Asian Flu and Hong Kong flu there wasn't mass fear created and sustained by media and governments. Point of interest is where these recent pandemics originated.


Yes because there were no lockdowns in 1968. Assume for a minute that no country imposed a lockdown for Covid. We could be on a million or more deaths already. Swine Flu and SARS were contained relatively quickly so the damage was limited Unfortunately China held back far too long before telling the world of Covid.


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5 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Did I read that Vietnam will soon be opening up with no restrictions, guess what Thailand. My dollar is good in Vietnam maybe even Philippines. Go pound tar

I am in Thailand, I want to go to Philippines but they are not going to open up any soon.

They keep having a lot of new cases even with a very strict lockdown and draconian measures.

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Good news for many people. In January and February this year I have been traveling in north Vietnam. I drove motorbike 4200km in 2'months time. hanoi is no place for retirement. 

Halon bay yes!!!! Only one problem Vietnam more cheap than thailand around 30 procent. But nice and New apartment/villa/houses in halon bay near the sea. Start price 15.000.000 Thai baht.

That I can not afford. Have options stay in mountain people I and share house with cows. But not many people want it

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1 hour ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Did I read that Vietnam will soon be opening up with no restrictions, guess what Thailand. My dollar is good in Vietnam maybe even Philippines. Go pound tar

Not if your dollar is American according to that list.


Tar pounding might have to wait.

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11 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Not if your dollar is American according to that list.


Tar pounding might have to wait.

Didn't Vietnam stop issuing long term visas unless you're married to a vietnamese woman?

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2 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Why dont we all just cower in fear and do nothing the rest of our miserable lives. Dont drive, walk, have sex, absolutely nothing because something could happen. this is pathetic

So many people are willing to give up their freedom over a false sense of security.

What a pathetic life.

Edited by Anton9
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When a border from Vietnam to Thailand will get open I guess many tourist will go there. Amnesty more like will get suspended by them. Anyway people can stay in vietnam and enjoy.

Look yourself guys seven communistic government can be more generous and fare. Maybe not to their own people but foreigners.

I do not speak about politics in vietnam and you will have good quality I f life as a foreigner.


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7 minutes ago, Trolleen said:

[Vietnam] Long term visa was only granted to American citizens. Never European. Nothing change much

Nothing changed much??

Duration of stay reduced to 1 month for all (Except people with WP and a few other non-tourist cases). Need to renew every month (rather than every 3 or 12 months). Very bad (and expensive) for those who want to stay long-term (retirees...)

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