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What languge will we be speaking in 1000 years.


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None, we'll (humans) all be dead by then -- extinct. And unfortunately, we'll take a lot of other species with us as we go.

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Given the strength of the wave of the BLM movement, we will all be jive talking! ????


If we look back into the dim and distant far reaches of time, it also begs the question as to what language was used when God spoke to Adam? It surely wasn't Hebrew, so what was it?  We need to figure it out, because God might visit us again one day and he sure won't be speaking English.  Naturally, if Jesus returns, he will be speaking Amharic, so we need to start brushing up for this eventuality!

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Considering that an English person today wouldn't be able to understand the English of chaucer in the 1300's you wouldn't be speaking the same English as you do today (innit). I dare say that an English language of a sort will still be spoken, it's the nearest that 7 billion people have to an international language.

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On 6/18/2020 at 2:11 PM, nausea said:

Yeah, but it continued to be the lingua franca for a lot longer than that. Oops, I've destroyed my own argument, so let's say 2000 years from now.

With the way things are going there is a very good chance that there won't be a human population in 2,000 years.

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It's maybe a pitty, they never did something with Esperanto.

It should be a global language, invented in the 70-ties , i believe.

But thousand years, probably then we are Borg, we will assimilate you, resistance is futile.

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On 6/18/2020 at 3:09 AM, ThaidDown said:

1000 years is a long time, but as a guess the only two languages being spoken would be

'tree' and 'cockroach'

Humans and other animal species would be long gone.

    Well... if Elon Musk and others have their way, our descendants will be migrating to other star systems within 1000 years.

    Languages change. Even the Chinese of today would have a difficult time understanding the Chinese spoken 1000 years ago. You would have great difficulty understanding the English spoken in Henry VIII’s time. It would sound almost totally like a different language. You would need to learn much of your “English” all over again.

     Latin itself changed over the centuries. Latin spoken in Rome in 550 B.C. would hardly be understood, if at all, in Rome of Marcus Aurelius’s time around 180 A.D. 

    And again the Ecclesiastical Latin of the Catholic Church before Vatican II Council is different from the Classical Latin spoken during the time of Julius Caesar and Marcus Tullius Cicero. 

So it doesn’t make any difference what language is spoken 1000 years in the future. Nobody speaking any language today would understand it at first, due to fact that all languages change and evolve over time until they sound as if they are another language altogether.  

    Linguistics is a very interesting subject. 

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14 minutes ago, sevenhills said:

The way it's going there won't be anyone around by then.

Oh... there will be people around. But probably a lot less. Population controls will be in effect. 

    And there will also be lots of “re-education and extermination camps” for those committing “thought crimes” and trying to revolt against the new socialist/communist party and state. 

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16 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

People will no longer speak to each other , they will just send written messages to each other (like I'm doing now ?

1000 years from now, we will all have quantum crystal brain implants that allow us to simply communicate by thought to whoever we direct our thoughts to. 

   Astronomy and Physics will have discovered all the secrets of reality by then.

        The quantum crystals will also allow us to access whatever knowledge we need from the great central knowledge archives database in the world super-computer matrix... simply by thought demand. All the acquired knowledge of all humanity and the universe past and present time will be open and available simply by thinking it. 

  Eventually this will have the effect of all human beings becoming a singe super consciousness. At that point we begin creating more universes. 

    It’ll be interesting...to say the least. 55555????????

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8 minutes ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

Useless question because we won't be around anymore.... ????????

How do you know? 1000 years ago you didn’t realize you would be here right now, did you? 

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Do you really think the human race is going to exist in 1,000 years? We're doing our very best to destroy ourselves and the planet now and will succeed long before that. I'd give us a couple of hundred years at best, maybe half that. It will only take one of the many potential flashpoints to set it off. Still, with such wise and stable leaders we have now we might be okay until the latest virus has blown through.

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I tend to agree with those that say mankind may have gone from the planet ,or at least will be very different from today ,i do believe that time is running out for us ,and if a pandemic doesnt get us a war will , such a shame ,but even now you can see how we are changing from the way we were .

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29 minutes ago, CM Dad said:

In one thousand years we will all be dead.

I doubt it, 1000 years is nothing in the big picture.  As long as we avoid nuclear wars and asteroids humans will still be around. 

And we will have colonized the moon and Mars by then.  

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