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Thailand’s impressive battle against COVID-19 result of decades-long efforts


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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Not really, no way you can prepare a nation of 70 million people to a pandemic... is just that Thai people have taken this threat more seriously than most other countries around the world and acted accordingly, where in ma many countries people throw cation to the wind Thai people are still wearing masks and mindful of the virus coming back...

Correct! My wife and all her friends have been terrified to go out of the house, and only recently have they begun meeting again occasionally - hands sanitised and faces masked and for the most part observing "social distancing" (No hugs or kisses on cheeks for instance!)!


Credit where credit is due, but in a province where there have been no cases for more than 60 days, in a country which has no home grown cases - only Thais coming back home from other countries and bringing the virus with them, is it not time to ease the restrictions a bit more and discontinue this "State of Emergency" and allow more businesses to open?  (Open air bars for instance?) Or is it a case of No 1 Boss using his powers to say "I can stop you drinking and enjoying yourselves whenever I want, so just remember that when you are planning your next anti Government protests"?

Edited by sambum
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10 minutes ago, sapson said:


Another day, another release of utter boll@cks from another minister.


The copious verbal flatulence released daily by this non elected military group is tedious.

And an inability to understand doesn't help...

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Not really, no way you can prepare a nation of 70 million people to a pandemic... is just that Thai people have taken this threat more seriously than most other countries around the world and acted accordingly, where in ma many countries people throw cation to the wind Thai people are still wearing masks and mindful of the virus coming back...

Good post, but you are wrong to say that preparation cannot be made. The UK did a simulation in 2016 but ignored the findings.


Exercise Cygnus was a simulation exercise carried out by NHS England in October 2016 to estimate the impact of a hypothetical H2N2 influenza pandemic on the United Kingdom.[1][2][3] The exercise showed that the pandemic would cause the country's health system to collapse from a lack of resources,[2][4] with Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer at the time, stating that a lack of medical ventilators and the logistics of disposal of dead bodies were serious problems.[5][6] As of April 2020, the full results of the exercise remained classified.[7]


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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Thailand has many smart Scientists and Doctors.

Some of the best in the world.

Way to go.

Have you encountered any of them? At Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, I was being treated for a spinal injury. It took them 6 weeks to discover I had a broken pelvis. My Embassy told me to return home as soon as possible. 

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Thought folk were boxed up, cremated in very short order here.....????

Yes and No, They are embalmed and boxed as you say quite quickly, usually at 4pm on the day the body becomes available. Interment or cremation can be 3 to 7 days later depending on family circumstances.

Interment is very slow and I doubt if any temple would do more than 2 a day. Cremation is a bit quicker but wouldn't be very many a day.

Not long ago it was in the news that families in Wuhan were still queuing up for the urns.

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5 hours ago, Thailand said:

The years of subjugation by various military governments is more likely a big factor in ensuring that the various curfews, lockdowns and other rules were followed by the general populace.


Combine that with location and a huge dollop of luck.

Thailand for whatever reason dodged a cannon shell.

Well let’s also add that thailand dealt with both Bird flu and SARS. Both within recent memory. Do procedures more in place and expectations more in mind for more people.

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6 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Would be interesting to see some accurate stats on 'excess deaths ' (ie compared to the previous year) for the Dec-June period

I was looking at exactly those a few days back on another site and they are in line with what you'd expect. No massive blowout. 

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5 hours ago, scorecard said:

''...don't believe the numbers..."


A few days ago I was talking to 2 Thai uni professor buddies,  they raised this point and both said initially they didn't believe the case numbers, new infections, hospitalized, deaths, etc.


They both also mentioned that all of these numbers have remained without query for many weeks, and if they were untrue by now somebody would have discovered they were false and it would have reached the media quickly. 

I agree with the last statement. There is just no way to hide the sickness, and the death, if it was happening on a significant scale. Not in this day and age. Not with social media.


Thailand beat this thing, fair and square, and I give them alot of credit for that. Covid is gone from Thailand. As much as many panic mongers seemed to wish for it, the Zombie Apocalypse is NOT going to happen here. And I do agree Thailand has very good health care. I would MUCH rather be sick and in the hospital here, than in the hapless USA. Especially when cost is taken into account. I have seen and met alot of very good doctors here, and they give you five or ten minutes, not 80 seconds like in the US. I read one account of a guy in the US who was uninsured, in the hospital for a few weeks with Covid, and handed a bill for $411,000 when he left. 


If there is a second wave here, it is going to come from outside of the country. Let us hope and pray that does not happen. The people and the economy cannot afford a second economic shutdown. 

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6 hours ago, Thailand said:

The years of subjugation by various military governments is more likely a big factor in ensuring that the various curfews, lockdowns and other rules were followed by the general populace.


Combine that with location and a huge dollop of luck.

Thailand for whatever reason dodged a cannon shell.

Also the ability to mobilise surplus manpower of police and government workers who are usually sitting around doing nothing. This would be impossible in the UK as police, Healthcare, and public servant numbers have been stripped to the bone over the last 10 years by the 'Austerity' program of the current Conservative Govt.


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people keep complaining the numbers are not correct, I think you will find that problem in every country who has had a major out break. A few countries have stopped publishing the numbers because of what it tells the world about how poorly prepared that country was for this virus.

People have to remember that most of the asian countries have had a few outbreaks of various virus over the last 25 years, these outbreaks prepared them for this one. Someone came on here a while back and made the statement that Hong Kong had no shut down. But by doing a bit of research it turns out the people of Hong kong demanded a shut down because they remembered the havoc that sars had caused. Every country who jumped on this virus early and hard has had low numbers of virus infected citizens and low number of deaths. You have to give Thailand kudos for the way they controlled the virus and kept the numbers low. I know that is hard for some of the folks here who would have prefered to see Thailand fail

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31 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

About 1000-1500 excess per month since January, probably has been going on since October or so. The virus has been in Thailand long before it became a known issue. Chinese very likely knew of it's existence and covered it up, enabling Thailand as a major tourist hub to become one of the superspreaders.




Their source: Thailand Department of Provincial Administration. Unclear if that includes the Bangkok Metropolitan area or not.

There was even a thread here on TVF, that was started by somebody who inquired if Covid 19 was in Pattaya in November.

The question was asked, as around that time, there were so  many people who were sick with what now appears could ( repeat could ) have been symptoms of Covid19.

I myself, and my wife were very sick for about a Month in late October / Early November with these symptoms.

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6 hours ago, scorecard said:

Add, and in some countries their derelict idiot leaders strongly encouraged them to believe it was a hoax and to ignore the precautions. 

Dereliction and idiocy is more local, and leaders have no monopoly on those traits.

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