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Pubs and bars to open? They will hear their fate on Friday but PM favors later in July


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As others have said, 90% of the entertainment industry caters to Thais. The sooner they can reopen the sooner people employed in that industry can earn some money. It will take a while, but the customers will be back soon enough. 

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8 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

1st of August - that is when I get my first salary for five months, schools having been closed since March and no pay! I can't afford to go for a beer until then!


Wow,you are in the same situation as those working in bars.

No pay for 5 months is very cruel.

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It seems to me that many, many, bars have simply opened again.  Some have purchased restaurant licences, but that is a pretense and they don't really serve food.  I've said all along, that when they allowed restaurants to serve alcohol again, they would simply take the <deleted> and become bars, serving alcohol to punters, with no obligation to purchasing food at all.  The authorities do nothing, so what's the point in maintaining the charade?  Just officially let everyone open, don't make those bars that can't or won't open, because they don't know the right people and are scared of financial repercussions and possible closure, suffer further financial hardship.  Level the playing field for all.  Or is that too much to ask?  Probably! But is they did so, maybe then we can all get back to a life which is as normal as possible and if there aren't any customers, so be it, but at least give everyone an equal opportunity.

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4 minutes ago, mikosan said:

It seems to me that many, many, bars have simply opened again.  Some have purchased restaurant licences, but that is a pretense and they don't really serve food.  I've said all along, that when they allowed restaurants to serve alcohol again, they would simply take the <deleted> and become bars, serving alcohol to punters, with no obligation to purchasing food at all.  The authorities do nothing, so what's the point in maintaining the charade?  Just officially let everyone open, don't make those bars that can't or won't open, because they don't know the right people and are scared of financial repercussions and possible closure, suffer further financial hardship.  Level the playing field for all.  Or is that too much to ask?  Probably! But is they did so, maybe then we can all get back to a life which is as normal as possible and if there aren't any customers, so be it, but at least give everyone an equal opportunity.

I think the correct and lawful way would be to close all these bars that represent fake restaurants. If some people for instance drive without valid license it would not improve the situation to allow everyone to drive without one. There are reasons for laws and regulations and they need to be enforced. Otherwise they are completely useless. 

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2 minutes ago, Oldie said:

I think the correct and lawful way would be to close all these bars that represent fake restaurants. If some people for instance drive without valid license it would not improve the situation to allow everyone to drive without one. There are reasons for laws and regulations and they need to be enforced. Otherwise they are completely useless. 

Hear. hear, I could not agree with you more.

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what covid 19.  are you guys so naive?  there is no such a thing... it is because of people like you that his world is going down the drain.  instead of watching TV, you need to do some research and start thinking for yourself. even a sheep can learn

Edited by Krisanadi
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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Mostly the opening of the industry would depend on whether the emergency decree is extended or not. 

Then it might not be before August 1st, or after 2nd wave...????

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10 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

1st of August - that is when I get my first salary for five months, schools having been closed since March and no pay! I can't afford to go for a beer until then!


I would be looking for a career change!!

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Re: lock down

Bill gates was arrested, tried and convicted for crimes against humanity. Life in gitmo. He flipped and provided testimony in exchange fo a reduced sentence.

Fauchi was also arrested, tried and convicted of crimes against humanity.

life sentence in gitmo. Same , flipped, Was released as part of his deal to in assist POTUS in undoing his work in exchange for a lighter sentence. 
Covid-19 is an ineffective generic type.  It was limited. 
Covid -17 is much more potent. All the adrenachrome was coming from Wuhan. China agreed to spike the adrenachrome with the potent 17. This is a chemical tag that will be used in future trials. It only went to the elite, etc. many of them have been taken out.  Anyone presenting the 17 protein will be executed for killing children.
the lock down was a cover to keep people from fleeing.

Nancy Pelosi escaped, and is in exile in China ????????. We are seeing clones.

Sources say.

i should make movies with an imagination like this.

Oh anyone know anything about the status of the queen of England?

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10 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Then the reopening should be in July, since afaik the orders come from the top

i bet around the 12\15 of the next month can be ok


the problem is still the same for the bars in the tourist areas like Pattaya

with no customers (Or very few) is it good to open knowing as soon as you open again

the landlord charge you full rent (50% actualy for a lot of the closed bars) plus you have

to pay for salaries, electric and water bill and so on ? 


A lot of bar owners have already given the answer

they just call it a day and pack their stuff. they leave

everyday in Pattaya i see more and more bars becoming an

empty place with a big sign ''for sale'' or ''for rent''

I am sure that a lot of these bars are already having to pay rents and such.  Landlords have to pay mortgages and god for bid they pay it out of their own funds.


As to owners leaving that is a good thing actually (yes I understand that people are losing their jobs)  Most of them were operating just on a daily budget and barely getting by also there were too many.  With the downturn that they had already starting in lack of customers many would have slowly gone down anyway.  Covid might have saved them the long torture of deciding if they could hold on for another day.   It will be interesting to see what patpong looks like when all is said and done and things are back to full operation.


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3 hours ago, sambum said:

prime minister Prayut Chan-ocha favors all businesses reopening sometime in July

The sooner the Chang and Singha families can commit to providing their fiscal assistance to the future of Thailand and its dire social obligations, in these trying times, the sooner he can see to reopening the flow of their beer to the fine purveyors of such, I'm sure.

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28 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

The sooner the Chang and Singha families can commit to providing their fiscal assistance to the future of Thailand and its dire social obligations, in these trying times, the sooner he can see to reopening the flow of their beer to the fine purveyors of such, I'm sure.

Why on earth should they? They are commercial enterprises, its not their job to underwrite all of Thailand’s social obligations. For what? To make an incompetent military dictatorship look better?

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11 hours ago, JonnyF said:

With no tourists, and a lot of the staff now living upcountry it's going to very difficult to re-open for a lot of the bars that were just about breaking even before C19.


Difficult to sell as well. Who wants to buy a business with extortionate rent, key money etc. when you will be the first to be shut down again at the first ripple of a second wave.


Good to see the "restaurants" on Sukhumvit opening up again though. I love restaurants with a large selection of draught beer, multiple bigscreen TV's and Irish pub names ????.


      Irish stew , served in good Irish restaurants ,,

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1 hour ago, Jimbo53 said:

I would be looking for a career change!!

I'm 62, teach part time as the only NES teacher in a private RC school, which is not particularly well funded. I teach there because: 1) I enjoy it, and find it very rewarding; 2) many of the children are from poor families (hill tribes) and would otherwise receive no NES teaching; 3) I personally believe a RC education is a good thing.


I have a couple of other sources of income, so whilst not working and being paid for the last months has been difficult, it has not been disastrous.


If I was 20 years younger, yes I would be looking elsewhere. 

Edited by herfiehandbag
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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I don't understand why so many are complaining and want the bars open.  Seriuosly, anyone ever hear a positive report on a bar?  

The beer is too expensive.

The beer is not cold.

The beer bottle condom is dirty.

The mixed drinks are weak and too expensive.

The staff is rude.

The service is lousy.

The bargirls are ugly.

The place is too hot.

The place is too loud.

I am sure I can go on and on.

My favorite is "they steal and cheat you on the bill".  With the brillant comebacks:  When I pay with 1000 b, I raise the 1000 in the air and say loudly 2 times 1000!  This way everyone knows how I paid and they cannot cheat me.

Wow, great.  All sounds like such a fun blast of a time.


The one thing I do miss is cruising past on my motorbike at 11am and seeing the unkempt, mentally ill looking Singha tank wearing guys nursing a beer.  Drive past again at 4pm and there they still are.

Looking dazed and confused starring blindly out into nothingness.

What a life. 


Sorry but you are talking absolute garbage. 

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4 hours ago, Oldie said:

I think the correct and lawful way would be to close all these bars that represent fake restaurants. If some people for instance drive without valid license it would not improve the situation to allow everyone to drive without one. There are reasons for laws and regulations and they need to be enforced. Otherwise they are completely useless. 

Sorry but you are wrong


in Thailand the laws are made only to be bypassed

and the rare enforcements have for only goal to generate

a decent revenue for the local police force










nb Take it with a pinch of salt 

Edited by kingofthemountain
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After all the chat here the government will get it translated and tell you what they are going to to do, I hope you all get that because without your input ..................................

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6 hours ago, sambum said:

Substitute "it's obvious" for "it seems"!


But that is the Thai way as I see it. A friend of mine had a bar and the landlord tried to increase his rent from 10k a month to 15k a month because he happened to call in on a busy day. My friend tried to explain that it wasn't as busy all the time, but to no avail - the landlord was adamant that he wanted 15k. So my friend found another bar, his original bar fell into disrepair, and has now been demolished. Will the landlord have learned from his mistake? I doubt it very much - it's all about wanting Thai baht NOW!

Sounds like an amazing place!  Which village was it in?


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14 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

the problem is still the same for the bars in the tourist areas like Pattaya

with no customers (Or very few) is it good to open knowing as soon as you open again

the landlord charge you full rent (50% actualy for a lot of the closed bars) plus you have

to pay for salaries, electric and water bill and so on ? 

Exactly what I have been saying for a while now.

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