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Beard Growing -


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My Mrs got me to grow my beard, she loves it, although I do trim it weekly, so it's not a bushy beard, when I trim it, I also shave any of the hair under my chin so I don't get itchy.


Maybe grow it on the sides with the goaty but keep it trimmed and running in line with the sideburns so to speak, e.g. not wide and keep under the chin clean and see how she likes that.


I do have my moments and shave it off occasionally to which she complains, must have something to do with going south ? ????


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I've had a beard for forty years, no one's ever complained or suggested I look shifty. I keep it trimmed and shave the area below the chin, so it's neat and tidy. If I don't keep it trimmed I start to look a bit too Father Christmasy.

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Personally, I've always found the long, bushy, mountain man/biker beards were a dirty, unhygienic smelly looking mess (even if shampoo'd regularly), still looks a weeks worth of food bits & crumbs are floating around in there....

The last half of my life I've been with asian women, and they don't like hairy men.....

I did wear a closely trimmed beard since I grew one when young to look older (was supervising people over twice my age) - until it turned gray in my 50's and my daughter told me it aged me.....

It's morphed into a goatee  now that's closely trimmed.....If I can pull it with my finger tips, it's time to shave....Electric trimmer on 2....Usually every 4 days.....

I also mow/shave the body hair which asian ladies prefer.... 

Car full of family driving to the beach , maybe 10? people.....A body hairy, sweating man walked by & the whole car full spontaneously burst out in raucous laughter.....A bad look....


While posting this comment, found my beard doesn't pass the fingertip test = time to trim.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Never had a beard in Asia as I am pretty sure the ladies don't like them in general. My wife would not be happy if I had a beard. We have a neighbour who she calls 'Choan", as someone mentioned, tend to get called a criminal ????


Had one in the 70's until they issued a photofit of the wanted serial killer, the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, on TV.


My friends and family all with glee told me they were going to dob me in.


No more beard since then.




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3 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Growing another designer beard, a goaty this time.

Haven't you noticed that the bad guys in movies often have a goatee, not a full beard.


Had a beard for over 20 years when younger but when it started to have 4 different colours it was time to shave it off. The wife hates it whenever I go 2 days without a shave but I have to agree with her as designer stubble in grey does not quite cut it.

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Some guys can pull off the full blown beard.


I personally when I get to that stage simply look like a homeless person who should be sleeping under a freeway overpass!


Mrs G likes me to have the neatly trimmed, just past the stubble stage, but way before I get to the ZZ Top.


I would agree that on Thai TV, the baddies too often sport some kind of facial hair, well the Luk Keungs at least. There is one guy, who's name I forget, he's always the mafia guy brandishing (pixelated of course) a gun

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39 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

I will try to phrase this delicately.  I am also told that, apparently, a nicely trimmed beard can greatly enhance oral pleasure for the lady, so long as it's long enough (the beard that is ) so that it doesn't tickle. Of course, in certain cases it can act like velcro, nasty . 

how does she say? "Chep" or something similar. I don't speak Thai 555

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Yes after the staging of 9/11 beards have become less fashionable.  The decade long hate campaign against Arabs now means if you grow a beard you are a bad person.


So if you want to be followed by security everywhere you should grow a beard.

Edited by johnray
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21 minutes ago, johnray said:

Yes after the staging of 9/11 beards have become less fashionable.  The decade long hate campaign against Arabs now means if you grow a beard you are a bad person.


So if you want to be followed by security everywhere you should grow a beard.

What drivel, beards seem to be far too trendy, so much so I've at times thought I might shave mine off.

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As I was re-reading this thread, I realized one thing Mrs G seems to like.


My hair isn't gray, but my beard is really salt and pepper. 


Mrs G has increasingly liked when I do go hairy, since she says that salt n pepper thing in a mans beard is kinda sexy

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29 minutes ago, time2093 said:

 Thai men are jealous as they cant grow a beard as has anyone ever seen a Thai guy with a beard or any facial hair?

I get quite a few compliments from Thai guys for the beard (edit: it's a nicely trimmed, neat on the sides with trimmer and cleaned up with scissors) - I guess it depends on the type of guy and his level of insecurity; certainly an issue in this country.

I also get the other type of Thai guy who makes back-handed complaints to staff at the gym about "lack of cleanliness" after I rearrange all the plates to the correct stands, wipe down everything including the plates with huge amounts of alcohol spray, and make sure to reset the machines - probably upset they can't do a 3 plate squat.

Edited by DaftToPutRealName
assuring i'm not a homeless bum
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